Chapter 444

Hao Ren was also watching Ultraman Dyna at home at this moment.

Although it was filmed by his own company, the stories in it were also produced by Hao Ren. Hao Ren knew the plot, but this did not prevent Hao Ren from continuing to watch it, just like in his previous life, he sometimes used his favorite works twice.

"Ah, Dyna has entered the finale..."

At the same time, Qian Tong sat in front of the TV and waited for the broadcast of Ultraman Dyna, and couldn't help feeling emotional in his heart.

To be honest, the performance of the protagonist Asuka in the early stage of TV really dissuaded many viewers.

They really couldn't figure out that a guy with a flawed personality like Asuka could be recognized by the light?Become Ultraman Dyna?

Why is he?
The early Asuka is not pleasing.

Although with the development of the story, Asuka gradually grew into a reliable Ultra fighter, which also completely changed the impression of many audiences.

Moreover, the plot of this work is rich and colorful, with passion, warmth, profundity, and reversals. People feel moved.

Although in Qian Tong's opinion, it is a little worse than the previous "Altman Tiga", but overall it is also a work above the passing line.

In particular, although this work is said to have inherited Tiga's worldview, it has created its own style as a whole.

To be honest, when I watched Ultraman Dyna at the beginning, there was actually a sense of humor, especially in the early and middle stages, the tone of the whole story is the same.

But as the plot plays out.

Qian Tong found that the tone of this work began to become more and more heavy.

Especially in the last plot, Qian Tong already felt a little bad.

I just don't know what's going to happen next.

At this moment, accompanied by the familiar OP, Dyna's finale began.

As an ending, this work certainly attracted many people.

The melody of the opening song "Ultraman Dyna" stops suddenly, and the main movie starts playing.

"I just want to protect you!"

"But I just want to be myself..."

The opening was a continuation of the previous battle. Asuka rescued Liang and hugged her in the cabin of Kullak's call sign.

This episode made many viewers who missed Asuka's growth couldn't help but rub their eyes and exclaim in disbelief.

This kid can actually hit a straight ball?
And, the surprises are much more than that.

When Sfia approached the sky above major cities and tried to assimilate humans, Asuka, who has always been ruthless, provided everyone with a way to defeat the enemy.


Asuka is thinking!

Seeing this scene, many viewers couldn't help pinching their own faces, suspecting that they were dreaming.

After all, in the work "Ultraman Dyna", Asuka gives people the feeling of a passionate idiot, the kind who rushes forward when encountering things.

But now he thought of a way?
"Attack Dyna with the New Max!" Asuka said.

The "Ultraman Dyna" in this world is actually somewhat different from the Dyna in the previous life.

For example, the so-called 31-episode true and false Dyna.

According to the normal plot of the previous life, this episode is actually placed in the part that is about to end.

It's just that Hao Ren felt that the ending of the Ultraman Dyna in the previous life was a bit tricky for the Dyna of this world.

In the previous life, TPC developed a cannon to destroy the ultimate killer of asteroids - New Max cannon!

Then cooperate with Dyna's Soljet light to defeat grandmother Sophia in one fell swoop, saving human beings and saving the solar system.

So far, the story has been pretty normal.

But after grandma Sophia was defeated, Dyna was sucked into it because of the huge gravitational force caused by the collapse of the black hole, causing Asuka to follow his father's old path, which was a bit deliberate.

Not that it's bad!
It is a very reasonable approach to sacrifice Dyna and mobilize the audience's emotions.But can Dyna's way of sacrificing not be so hasty?
And the reason why he did this in the previous life is probably because there are other stories about Dyna after this, which can make Dyna become an Ultraman who travels through time and space like Kamen Rider Wang Xiaoming.

But the IP of Ultraman in this world appeared for too short a time.

And Hao Ren made Ultraman by luck.

Afterwards, some of Dyna's cameo appearances in theatrical and TV versions that appeared in the previous life may not necessarily be produced in this world.

So in the plot of Hao Ren's Dyna.

TPC has developed the ultimate killer——

The data of this weapon is obtained from various giants.

Dyna's TPC in this world is incredible.

Ultraman Tiga, the three dark Ultramans, and the power of the other two giant stone statues when Tiga appeared were all sampled by TPC.

It's just that these Ultraman's powers are just some information obtained from scraps after all.

When Quan Teng made Ultraman before, it not only made stone statues, but also allowed people to obtain more data from Dyna.

Just like the night raid team in Nexus, they used the power of Brother Research Zhun to obtain some light power of Nexus.

So in Hao Ren's creation.

Take advantage of this vacuum period from episode 31 to the finale.

With these powers, people finally developed a new ultimate killer - New Max Cannon.

They hope to use this killer to attack that black hole.

However, Asuka felt that this trick might not work, so he told him how to use the New Max cannon to attack Dyna.

At first, the team members thought Asuka was crazy, otherwise why did they let them attack Dyna?
However, the captain believed him. In order to convince the other team members, he revealed the secret that Asuka was Dyna, which attracted countless audiences to complain.


"Why is it always the captain, the first to know the identity of the human body?"

Not to mention the audience's complaints about the old-fashioned plot of the captain seeing through the human body, the plot continues to develop.

The Super Victory Team adopted Asuka's enhanced Dyna battle plan and decided to launch a decisive battle against Sfia in the orbit of Mars.

The reason why Asuka had this idea.

It is because in the final chapter, Asuka met the former Dijia on Mars, that is, Dagu!

The two talked for a long time.

And Asuka is very interested in what happened when Dagu was Dijia.

So after hearing about the battle of Tiga against the final boss Gatanjae, when Tiga was about to lose, TPC had hoped to lose the light to Tiga in order to help him revive.

Although it is said that the final result is that people's light helped Tiga to resurrect.

But he remembered that his miraculous type had absorbed other energies, so he thought he could give it a try!
Once successful, then everything is easy to say!

He wants to fight in his own way!
(End of this chapter)

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