super creative master

Chapter 55 Ye Xiaowan

Chapter 55 Ye Xiaowan

ps: Continue to ask for the support of everyone's recommendation tickets. Book friends who have no favorites, please log in and bookmark them, okay?Thank you Puton!

Afterwards, when the time moved toward a bit more, finally the weekly member click list and weekly recommendation list on the homepage re-displayed the data of this week, no surprises, after three powerful updates by Li Minghui and the enthusiastic votes of book friends. Next, in the member weekly click list and weekly recommendation list, Zhu Xian is undisputedly in the first place.

First in the double rankings, and first in the double rankings again. Seeing this result, Li Minghui smiled knowingly, and refreshed the background again. After looking at the ever-growing collection data, he turned off the computer and went to sleep with satisfaction.

Li Minghui, who basically didn't stay up all night, is already fighting with his eyelids, and he is used to getting up early, so the feeling of staying up late is really not good. I don't have any more hypocritical speeches to thank everyone for your support. It doesn't need it, Zhu Xian's Readers, don't be so hypocritical, all they need is Li Minghui's powerful update, and there is no need to say thank you.

Moreover, Li Minghui was really sleepy now, he didn't even wash his face at the moment, he just lay on the bed, turned off the light, and after a while Li Minghui sank into a dream.

Although he was staying up late, the habit he had developed over the years had become natural. At six o'clock, Li Minghui's biological clock automatically woke him up.

In a high-quality sleep state, although he only slept for less than five hours, it was enough. After waking up, he was full of energy and did not feel tired or drowsy at all. Right now, Li Minghui was humming a little song, with sufficient fighting spirit, and started a new day.

At nine o'clock, when he reappeared in the reading area of ​​the Huawen Bookstore, Li Minghui picked up a new book again and started to read it. With the creation software, Li Minghui, who is a monster-level novel genius, can read a book just like flipping through a book. Similarly, a [-]-word book was completely finished within half an hour, but this scene was seen in the eyes of a beautiful woman.

The woman frowned slightly, but she didn't say anything, but her affection for Li Minghui was once again shattered.

If Li Minghui found out, he would know that this woman was the one who paid attention to him yesterday, but Li Minghui in the morning naturally had his own plans, and he, who was immersed in reading, didn't notice the woman's attention at all.

Instead, he picked a book again, took it to the reading area, blew up an empty space, and flipped through it.

Seeing Li Minghui walking over with a book, this delicate-looking woman became curious again: "Could it be that he is picking out books instead of deliberately attracting my attention?"

To be honest, this beautiful woman is also a famous and talented woman.She is also a beautiful woman, her name is Ye Xiaowan, which is a very refreshing name.

Note that it has been a week since Li Minghui, Ye Xiaowan has gradually become interested in this young man who likes literary classics. You must know that in the current era, young people like literary classics, but there are fewer and fewer young people. Ye Xiaowan was naturally very interested in meeting a young man who had the same hobbies as her after finally meeting her.

After only one week, he had already noticed Li Minghui several times. He read in the morning, as if he was rushing. After half an hour, he turned over a book and left immediately without stopping at all. I read the book seriously.

And this morning, she observed it again, and it was true that she was flipping through the book instead of reading it. You must know that there are literary masterpieces, and they are still [-]-word books, which cannot be finished in half an hour anyway, so Ye Xiaowan decided to read them. But his expression turned cold, thinking that Li Minghui was another apprentice who wanted to attract her attention.

But today, Li Minghui took another book and went to the reading area to read, and it seemed that he was still reading it seriously, which made Ye Xiaowan feel that she was wrong.

It's just that she has always been an arrogant woman. Although her appearance is gentle and graceful, she is extremely proud in her heart. Besides, she didn't communicate with Li Minghui, and she didn't know her at all. Among them, Ye Xiaowan became curious about Li Minghui.

Of course, Li Minghui, who is currently immersed in reading, has no idea that he has attracted the attention of a beautiful and talented woman, but is still immersed in the world of famous books, desperately absorbing the essence.

He is just in an ordinary state, but he is not a genius anymore. Although he has read so many masterpieces, his literary accomplishment has improved a lot, but it is still very difficult for him in an ordinary state to understand a masterpiece thoroughly.

However, Li Minghui is not in a hurry. Now his belief points have been accumulated very quickly. This morning, he added the belief points that had been formed last night to the third way of increasing brainpower. His The brain power value has reached as much as 140 points, and the speed at which he can code every day is also rising.

And most importantly, he didn't feel much at first, but after his brain power increased to 140 points, he felt that his brain seemed to be much more flexible, but Li Minghui didn't seriously think about whether this was an illusion.

He was originally a person with extremely thick nerves, but he didn't pay too much attention to these things.

It's just that now he started to read literary classics, but he felt a little more relaxed. Of course, Li Minghui didn't think it was strange. You must know that he has read more than six great books now, which can be regarded as accumulating some literary knowledge. , Now the reading speed is a little faster, but I don't care.

Of course, this is only because of the small increase in speed, and Li Minghui didn't pay too much attention to it. Otherwise, even if his nerve lines are thick, he should be able to think of something.

Two hours passed just like that, but Li Minghui read more than 1 words in a book, and gained a preliminary understanding, which made him quite satisfied. Under normal conditions, with such a reading speed , this is much better than the beginning.

The atmosphere in the reading area was very good. Although Li Minghui wanted to stretch his waist, he was afraid of disturbing others. Therefore, he did not do so, but quietly closed the book, intending to return it.

But at this time, I heard a pleasant voice: "Wait, don't change it back, show me this book!"

Li Minghui followed the sound and saw that the sound was extremely small. If it wasn't for Li Minghui's good hearing and the quiet enough reading area, he might not have heard it.

But when he saw the owner of the voice, Li Minghui was secretly startled.

(End of this chapter)

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