super creative master

Chapter 78 Interlude

Chapter 78 Interlude
ps: These two days can only be uploaded in other places. There is no internet at home, and the book friends who donate can’t thank you one by one, sorry!

Soon Li Minghui found a post in the book review area that was on the top and had a high popularity value. This post had reached more than 3000 floors, and the number of clicks exceeded 10. It was extremely terrifying.

"This post may be the reason, take a look!"

Li Minghui clicked in out of curiosity. Looking at the ID of the host, he was not any book fan he was familiar with. Lots of clicks and replies!

"Don't cheat and reply to the post!"

Li Minghui thought about it subconsciously, but after reading for a while, he realized that this was not the case, but the I am a book lover's support for the author.

"I didn't expect this reader to be really caring. He knew that he advised me to pay attention to my body. Not bad, not bad. This is the first time I've seen a book friend who supports the author not to blow up the book from the author's point of view!"

After reading the post, Li Minghui felt a slight rippling in his heart, and even felt that the surge in votes for the three strong books had something to do with this matter.

Therefore, he took the trouble, for the first time, he didn't go directly to study, but read the posts one by one, and as the floors increased, Li Minghui was also slightly moved.

In these replies, Li Minghui found that most of the readers supported the author with a friendly heart. Easy, it is their daily efforts that create a brilliant web culture.

And many people are more concerned about Li Minghui, persuading him not to be so explosive. For the sake of his health and everyone, only three changes a day are enough. They are willing to vote for Zhu Xian, and appeal to the majority of people who do not vote and only read books. Readers also voted for the author.

After all, free recommendation votes, as long as they are not pure newcomers, are available to everyone. One person's vote is nothing, but if every book friend actively votes, then it is a great support for the author. This kind of support is even more powerful than a reward!
The 3000-storey high-rise buildings, Li Minghui finished reading them one by one. Rao was just a quick glance, and only stayed for a while on some good replies. After reading this, it was after eleven o'clock, and the number of replies at this time had reached Nearly four thousand.

And after closing this post and refreshing the page, Li Minghui found that everyone was surprisingly angry when they saw that Zhu Xian was still updating a chapter every two hours. Everyone was cursing, saying that it was Li Minghui It is wrong to not pay attention to one's own body. Now the author is the common wealth of all the book lovers who love Zhu Xian. Li Minghui is not allowed to ruin it like this.

Seeing these posts, Li Minghui smiled wryly: "It's not that I don't want to update less, but that I have no choice but to force it. If it wasn't for the powerful updates, I'm afraid I would have been thrown away by the Hongguo master by now!"

However, when Li Minghui subconsciously looked at the recommendation vote again, he subconsciously opened his mouth wide and muttered to himself: "How is it possible, how is it possible, this number of votes is an illusion!"

Because now Zhu Xian's recommendation votes have reached nearly 60. After clicking on the work information immediately, seeing the weekly recommendation votes that have reached 20, Li Minghui's intuition is extremely terrifying!
And suddenly he also thought of something, and immediately entered the homepage of Singularity, looked at the weekly recommendation list, and the ranking of the list suddenly changed, Zhu Xian ranked first, Damotian ranked second, and Shenglong ranked second. Already in the third place, although the difference in votes between the three is not big, only Zhu Xian and Damotian have a difference of more than 2000 votes, and Damotian and Shenglong are only a few dozen votes behind, they must be on both sides The state of mutual **, but it is undeniable that this is a miracle!
Both Damotian and Zhuxian actually exploded the God of Hongguo. This is above the history of the main site, and it will definitely leave a good story. At the same time, Li Minghui also immediately clicked on the page of Damotian, and pulled down the book review area , that is, I saw the appeal of many fans of Damotian, calling on the author to stop making more updates. What they hope to see is a healthy and updated zero-on-top every day, not exhausted above zero.

"I didn't expect book friends to be so enthusiastic!"

Li Minghui also sighed secretly. I didn't know the cuteness of online document fans before, but now that I know it, I care about the author's health. I hope that the favorite author can write for readers in a healthy way every day, instead of squeezing life.

Click on Shenglong's book review area again, it is also very lively, but the readers of Shenglong, let God Hongguo pay attention to your body, and at the same time make up for the chapters that were lately updated or not updated, and owed, just Just let him go, two shifts a day will do.

Seeing this, Li Minghui burst into tears again: "Why, readers of Damotian and I only need to update three chapters, while fans of Hongguo Dashen only need two updates!"

Of course, what Li Minghui didn't know was that Hongguo Dashen's book fans had already done this kind of action, but he was afraid that Hongguo Dashen was just interested this time. update, then they will cry without tears.

Two chapters are updated every day, and they are enough to satisfy.

Of course, two or three updates every day is still not an easy task, because it is not easy to insist on updating every day. An online book is generally updated for almost a year, or even more than two years , such a long time, it is not easy to update every day.

As I said before, the author's inspiration is very important. Sometimes when the inspiration comes, it can be crackling, and tens of thousands of characters can be coded at a time without stopping. Sometimes when the inspiration is lost, it is undoubtedly a terrible thing. Things, because in that case, even for a few days, I can't even bring up the desire to code.

Therefore, if you insist on updating two or three chapters every day, you generally need to set aside one more chapter as a manuscript for future preparations. This is the most critical place.

But Hongguo Dashen's book fans know that although Hongguo Dashen is diligent, if it is not for a little pressure, then this update will make them unable to complain now, so it is not that they don't care about Hongguo Dashen's body, so they still maintain it now. This update speed is really moral.

Many book fans are already in tears!

Of course, whether it is Li Minghui, Zero Zero, or even Hongguo Dashen, they all know that this is just the kindness of book fans and their love for the author. It can only make fans reunite, but if you want to attract more readers , then the three of them still need to compete. Of course, the madness of the three people's competition will inevitably cool down. At least there will be no situation where the big devil will watch fifteen more times every day, but it will be controlled within a similar range.

And in this way, Li Minghui is also very happy, because not only the update task is not so heavy, but the most important thing is that the fans' cohesion effect has been achieved, even if he loses this time. It won't have much impact on him, and the fans will be more united.

And more importantly, it seems that the formation speed of belief points has almost accelerated to the point where one can be formed in less than two days...

(End of this chapter)

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