Chapter 100
"Flower peacock, let me die."

Nie Shengnan was annoyed, and punched Cheng Yi. Cheng Yi took the wine bottle and stopped, squinting at Nie Shengnan: "Who am I? , want to abandon those beauties of yours to chase us, Yunyun, let me tell you, Yunyun doesn't like you like this."

Nie Shengnan was even more annoyed when his past was exposed. These days, who has no past history? Cheng Yi's words were like stabbing Nie Shengnan with a knife.

"What's the matter, doesn't Second Young Master Cheng have any stories to tell? Tsk, don't tell me you're still a virgin." Nie Shengnan crossed his chest and looked Cheng Yi up and down: "I really can't tell."

Si Jingming looked at Li Ruyun with a resentful look on his face: "Yunyun, did you hear that, they all have criminal records, we can't..."

When Cheng Yi heard that it was okay, who came here to dig a corner, looked at Si Jingming, and had to feel that Cheng Yi's brother Cheng Zhou was still very capable, and the Cheng family's intelligence work was very good. Cheng Yike, who is a dignified person in Huadu, knows it. He also recognized Si Jingming at a glance, and even went through Si Jingming's information in his mind.

"Haha, Young Master Si, what's the matter, have you finally found the Cinderella who is not moved by money? Or... You have played the game of turning a prince into a frog for long enough, so it's time for some innovation." Cheng Yi When these words came out, Si Jingming blushed instantly, his eye circles were also red, and he shook Li Ruyun's hand: "Yunyun, I'm sorry, it's all my fault, I shouldn't lie to you, I..."

"What are you, you bloody monster, how dare you lie to our family, Ah Yun." Nie Shengnan fired indiscriminately, attacking indiscriminately.

Li Ruyun had a headache, so he simply pulled Kangle, who was blinking and didn't know what was going on, to the side, so as not to be affected.

Mr. Ye put one hand in his trouser pocket and stood beside Li Ruyun with a smile on his face to watch the excitement. He was also dressed in black today, but he was wearing a casual suit with the top two buttons of his black shirt undone, revealing a piece of pure white. The skin looks extremely alluring under the light. Seeing him, it is easy to believe that a man can also be charming.

"Yu Yun, I'm afraid Kangle is starving, why don't we find a place to eat first." Mr. Ye smiled as beautifully as a blooming poppy, and suggested to Li Ruyun in a low voice.

Li Ruyun looked up at Kang Le's troubled little face, and nodded: "Okay, keep quiet."

Mr. Ye smiled even more, took Li Ruyun's hand, and gestured to Kang Le. The three of them sneaked to Mr. Ye's car, carefully opened the door and got in.


"Hey, Yunyun, don't leave..." Si Jingming was the first to discover that Li Ruyun was robbed by Kang Le and Mr. Ye.

"It's too cunning." Nie Shengnan clenched his fists: "Don't let me see you again."

Cheng Yi drove directly to chase after him. Nie Shengnan quickly got on his motorcycle to chase after seeing him. Si Jingming was even more anxious and drove faster than anyone else.

However, the performance of Mr. Ye's car is not comparable to anyone's, and his driving skills are absolutely superb, and within a few strokes, these three people disappeared without a trace.

Mr. Ye stopped in front of a small restaurant and waited for Li Ruyun and Kangle to get off the car. He smiled and took the two of them in. As soon as he entered, he greeted the owner of the restaurant: "Uncle Xu, what's delicious today?"

The owner of the restaurant is a bald and fat man in his 50s. He has a pleasant smile and a simple and honest look. When he saw Mr. Ye coming in, the smile on his face became wider: "Yes, you have reserved all the private rooms. Let's go, Uncle Xu will take you there. I will order food for you myself."

Boss Xu led three people into the backyard. Li Ruyun found that there was something strange here. The whole yard was neatly arranged, surrounded by small houses, which should be the private rooms that Boss Xu mentioned.

The four of them entered a hut in the southeast corner. The lights inside were bright and the room was very simple. There was only a big round table, eight mahogany chairs, a set of tea sets on the table, and a small coffee table in the corner. .

Boss Xu asked the three of them to sit down, took the menu and ordered.

Mr. Ye ordered the dishes, touched Kang Le's head kindly, and smiled at Li Ruyun: "Uncle Xu's dishes are very good, very light, suitable for Kang Le, and you can try them later."

Li Ruyun nodded, feeling a strange disobedience in her heart, which was indescribably weird. She felt that the atmosphere looked like a couple bringing their children to dinner, and there was a feeling of a family of three being together happily.

Li Ruyun clenched his fists fiercely, what was he thinking.

Kang Le looked at Mr. Ye with doubts on his face: "Who are you? How do you know Lele?"

Kang Le is a sensitive child. Although he has intellectual problems, he has a pure heart like a child. He can feel who treats him well and who treats him badly. Lele felt malicious towards him from those people just now, but Lele didn't feel the slightest bit of resentment against this good-looking man. On the contrary, there was a very comfortable feeling about this man. Lele felt that this man should be sincere to him.

"Me!" Mr. Ye smiled: "I am Yunyun's friend, I wonder if I can be friends with Lele."

"Okay!" Lele nodded happily, and stretched out her hand: "Hello, we will be friends from now on."

Lele was so happy, Li Ruyun was also happy in his heart, he looked at Mr. Ye with a lot more kindness, thinking in his heart, although this person is very rich, he is not a person with evil thoughts.

Boss Xu brought people to bring up the dishes. Mr. Ye carefully helped Lele serve the porridge, and specially picked up some light and healthy dishes for Lele to eat. At the same time, he took care of Li Ruyun. The bowl of clear soup helped her blow it slowly, and when it cooled down, she handed it to Li Ruyun.

Mr. Ye's movements are skillful and fluent, like flowing clouds and flowing water, and the smile on his face is sincere and unfailing, which makes people feel at ease for a while. Li Ruyun's irritable mood just now calmed down, and he drank the soup, which tasted so delicious.

Lele squinted her eyes and drank the porridge. After drinking a bowl, she praised her again and again, filled another bowl, and ate a lot of food before she was full.

After Lele had finished eating, Mr. Ye smiled at Li Ruyun: "How do you plan to arrange recreation? You don't have any spare room at home, so it might not be good if you take him home. Besides, he has some mental abilities. I'm afraid you won't be able to take care of him. Why don't I take him back, we are both men, so it's easier to take care of him."


Li Ruyun hesitated, and she was worried about handing over Kangle to Mr. Ye.

"Why?" Mr. Ye raised his eyebrows: "You can't trust me?"

Li Ruyun nodded without hesitation: "Yes."

Mr. Ye smiled and patted Kang Le's head: "Lele, Yunyun's house has few rooms and there is no room for Lele. How about letting Yunyun and Lele go to my house? Then we three good friends can be together gone."

Kang Le looked at Li Ruyun, then at Mr. Ye, lowered his head, and carefully calculated, he couldn't bear Yun Yun, and he didn't want Yun Yun to be with others. Although Mr. Ye felt good, Ke Lele still didn't want Yun Yun How close I am to Mr. Ye, but I heard from my father that Yunyun's family conditions are not very good, there should be no spare room for Lele, and Lele is unwilling to be separated from Yunyun...

Finally, Lele nodded reluctantly: "Okay, but you are not allowed to get too close to Yunyun, and Yunyun wants to live next door to Lele."

Very possessive, Mr. Ye narrowed his eyes slightly, then smiled and agreed: "Okay."

"Pull hook!" Lele stretched out his hand, and Mr. Ye made a decision by hooking hands with him.

Li Ruyun stroked her forehead, these two people actually decided on her whereabouts without her consent, it is really owed.

It's just that, seeing Lele's grievance, Li Ruyun couldn't do anything about it. In the end, she had no choice but to call her family and tell her parents that she had something to live in at a friend's house. Head: "I'm worried about Lele, let's follow."

Mr. Ye pursed his lips, smiled dazzlingly, got up, and went home with Li Ruyun and Kangle after paying the bill.

Li Ruyun searched for the impression of Mr. Ye's residence through the memory of his original body. He remembered that Mr. Ye's manor was huge. It should be in the suburbs, covering a large area, and it was built with great care. Whether it was the appearance of the building or the Fengshui layout of the house, it was very important. A perfect combination has been achieved.

However, Li Ruyun looked at the direction the car was driving: "This place is wrong, where are you going?"

Mr. Ye drove the car into the parking lot of a newly developed community: "The house I just bought is not convenient to live in the suburbs, so I usually rest here."

Taking Li Ruyun and Kangle directly to the top floor, Mr. Ye opened the door, and Li Ruyun was a little dumbfounded when he entered the door. She thought that Mr. Ye's residence should be more luxurious and rich than the ancient palace, just like his appearance. However, the layout of this house It's really simple, the decoration is simple, and the furniture is extremely simple. Except for the necessary things, there are almost no long things.

Mr. Ye entered the room and took out two sets of pajamas, one for men and one for women, and he handed the women's to Li Ruyun: "You take a bath first, I'll talk to Lele for a while."

Li Ruyun took the pajamas and was stunned for a long while before carrying them into the bathroom. Unfolding the folded clothes, Li Ruyun made a gesture. The size of the pajamas was just right for her. How could Mr. Ye have her pajamas in his new home?She doesn't remember that the original body has been here?Could it be that this is Qingqing?
I don't understand, Li Ruyun didn't think about it any more, just took a bath with water, and after she was refreshed, she came out in cotton printed pajamas, and saw Mr. Ye changed into light-colored casual clothes, sitting on the sofa with Lele, Each person holds a remote controller, and the game is being played intensely.

"Don't fall, okay, jump over..." Lele kept yelling, her cheeks flushed with excitement.

With a faint smile on Mr. Ye's face, he lightly pressed the remote control with his fingers.

Li Ruyun looked at the time: "Lele, don't play anymore, take a shower and sleep."

Lele was a little reluctant, pouted: "Yunyun, let me play for a while, just for a while, 5 minutes."

"Okay, Lele, let's play tomorrow." Mr. Ye put down the remote control, reached out to touch Lele's head, and didn't know how he managed to subdue Lele in such a short period of time, even Li Ruyun I have to admire his scheming and city government.

Lele moaned and went to take a bath with his clothes in his hands. Mr. Ye followed him in, and whispered to Li Ruyun, "I'll go in and take care of him. Go to sleep first. The room with the viewing balcony on the left is Yours, I've already sorted it out."

After a long time, when Li Ruyun was about to fall asleep, she heard a knock on the door. She opened the door and saw Mr. Ye wearing a pure pajamas of the same color as hers. His hair was very wet and seemed to be dripping downwards. He rolled up high, looking like a family man.

"Lele is asleep." Mr. Ye deliberately lowered his voice: "I asked him. This time, Secretary Kang didn't take him with him when he returned to the capital. He was angry. I will persuade him tomorrow and send him back, otherwise Kang The secretary is absolutely worried."

Li Ruyun glanced at Mr. Ye, and felt that he was very abrupt now, as if he had been pulled down from the altar.

In the memory of the original body, Mr. Ye was indifferent and arrogant, looking down on everything like a high god's mansion, but now he bowed his head and lowered his body to please. It is impossible to guard against, and it can truly moisten things silently, so that you will open your heart to him unconsciously, just like now, Mr. Ye cares about him all the time, with such meticulous care, even an iron man, I am afraid that his heart will soften for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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