Chapter 84
"Who knows." Li Ruyun looked indifferent and took off a set of casual clothes: "Wrap this suit up."

"Bought for elder brother?" Cheng Yi saw that the style of the suit was good, and it should be bought for young people, so he asked casually. Li Ruyun didn't answer, and turned around and picked out a few sets of men's suits: "Take these suits as well." Put it on."

After swiping the card, the two came out of the shopping mall. Cheng Yi drove Li Ruyun back. When getting off the car, Li Ruyun put a set of clothes on the car: "This is for you. Thank you for shopping with me."

Seeing Li Ruyun carrying a lot of clothes and walking away without looking back, Cheng Yi smiled wryly: "Does it need to be so clear?"

Li Ruyun went up to the ninth floor, took out the key to open the door, opened the door, and saw that the whole family was there, although he was surprised, he didn't ask.

Seeing Li Ruyun carrying a lot of things in big and small bags, Li Ma hurried to pick them up: "What did you buy?"

"The clothes I bought." Li Ruyun smiled, took out a few bags and handed them to Mama Li: "Mom, this is for you."

Afterwards, he divided the remaining bags into three piles, and Dad Li and his two elder brothers piled up one by one: "Dad, elder brother, second elder brother, this belongs to you."

Li Ma has already taken out a set of clothes to show on her body. The white slim-fitting sweater is paired with a sapphire blue cardigan, and the lower body is black trousers. It is very suitable for women of Li Ma's age. The material and workmanship of the clothes are good at first glance. Li Although Mom didn't wear any good clothes, she had good eyesight: "The clothes cost a lot of money."

Li Ruyun sat on the sofa and drank the honey water poured by his second brother: "It didn't cost much, mom, you can try it on."

Now she is enjoying this kind of warm interaction between relatives more and more, and she has already planned in her heart how to prolong the life of her family and how to take her family to the heaven when she ascends.

Li's mother went to change clothes happily, while Li's father fumbled with a dark sweatshirt in a daze. A few days ago, he and Li Ruyun were wandering downstairs and saw a middle-aged man about his age wearing such a suit. After looking at it a few more times, Li Ruyun bought it back for him today. Thinking about how much his daughter attaches to him, Dad Li's eyes are red.

The two elder brothers of the Li family also went to change their clothes happily.

After a while, Li Ma put on that suit and came out. She pulled the front of the skirt in embarrassment, and stroked her hair again: "Xiaoyun, Mom, Mom has never worn such clothes."

Father Li was amazed by Mama Li's new image, and then glared at her: "You can wear the one my daughter bought for you, and wear it out in a big way, so what's the matter with you?"

"Hey!" Li Ma agreed, tugging at the top: "This material is really good, and it looks good, Xiaoyun has a good eye."

Li Ruyun rubbed his chin to look at Li Ma, then took out a silk scarf and handed it over: "Tie this on and have a look."

Li's mother took it and fastened it, and Li Ruyun snapped her fingers: "It's really good, it matches Mom, Mom, I will dress like this from now on."

Speaking of which, Li Ruyun also met a few people from the same community when she went shopping with her mother a few days ago. The community Li Ruyun lives in is considered a high-end community, and the residents are all wealthy and well-dressed. Mother Li even made a few sarcastic remarks, which Li Ruyun took to heart.

After that, she found many movies, TV series and books that fit the era and watched them for two days. She realized that the society she lives in respects clothes first and people second. Many ordinary people are vain, selfish, mean, and even more The eyes are higher than the top, and flattery for those who are worse than them is not as good as their ruthless stomping in the mud.

Knowing this, Li Ruyun also secretly blamed herself for her negligence. She arranged a place for her parents and gave them living expenses, but she didn't care enough about the details. Therefore, she paid attention when she went out today, and picked out a lot of high-end clothes for her. The family wears it, and she does everything possible to make her family's life better. At least, she doesn't have to be laughed at when she goes out, and she doesn't have to envy others for how good they are.

The two elder brothers came out after changing clothes, and their image also changed. The eldest brother was dressed in a casual suit, and he looked tall and mighty. The second brother also grew white a lot. Although he is not tall, he looks very handsome. He wears a white sweater and jeans. The combination made the second brother look younger by several years.

Mother Li didn't bother to try on clothes by herself anymore, and pulled her two sons to praise repeatedly: "Xiaoyun is still careful, it's not a big deal, both of you have reached the age of marrying a wife, it's time to dress up, rubbish If you go out in a collapsed manner, whose daughter will take a fancy to it."

The eldest brother smiled foolishly, scratched the back of his head: "Little sister, thank you."

The second elder brother also looked at Li Ruyun gratefully, and his eyes were red like Li's father: "My little sister is better, she is cute and sensible, and she even buys clothes for my brother..."

Li Ruyun covered her face, as for?
However, the performance of the two brothers made Li Ruyun feel emotional. It is really good to have such relatives. The original body does not hesitate to cherish family members. Faced with such a deep family relationship, she still pushes it away. Cheap.

Let the two older brothers try on a few sets of clothes. Seeing that the sky was getting dark, Li's mother took the second brother to the kitchen to cook, and the eldest brother went to the room to search for ways to get rich online. Bedroom: "Dad, there's something I want to talk to you about."

"What?" Li's father looked at Li Ruyun with concern: "Is there any difficulty? You and father have a good talk."

"Dad!" Li Ruyun called out sincerely: "Tomorrow I will take you to see the land I bought. Now the foundation has been laid, and the main body of the house is almost finished. If it can be done well, I thought, when it is done, the house will be recorded under the names of your two elders."

"No!" Father Li firmly disagreed, and rebuffed in a deep voice: "You earned money to build it, and it must be recorded in your name. We can live in it, but we absolutely cannot take it."

Li Ruyun was a little dumbfounded, and it took a while to continue to persuade Li's father: "Dad, I think so. You see, if I study well, I will definitely be able to get into a good university. In the future, it will not be a problem to work and earn money. It's just that my brothers will ...We also have to think about it for my brother. Put the house in your name. It will be easier for brothers to marry a wife in the future. Write it in my name. what."

"That's not going to work!" Li's father stood up awkwardly: "They can't marry a wife because they are worthless, how can you let them pay for their property, Xiaoyun, don't even think about this idea, I won't Agreed."

"Dad..." Li Ruyun bowed her head, feeling sour in her heart. People in the world value men, and Li Ruyun, who has experienced many things in the world, understands this very well. She proposed to put the house under the name of the two old people, but she wanted to make life better for the two old people. Furthermore, she really doesn't value these things, she wants to ascend, and if she leaves early, she will leave some escape for her family.

However, she never expected that Li's father didn't think about the two brothers at all, and only cared about her. Even such a real estate worth [-] million yuan could resolutely resist. It seems that this family's love for her is definitely more than her. Much deeper than imagined.

"Sister." I don't know when Brother Li opened the door and walked in: "Dad is right, your second brother and I have hands and feet, and we can support ourselves, so how can we want your real estate? Speaking of which, my sister wants to live in your house, can you not let it? It’s not the same under whose name it is recorded, as long as our family is happy and can’t afford disputes, it’s a good thing.”

"Alright then." Although Li Ruyun didn't bother to mention the real estate, she has made up her mind to settle the property for both elder brothers as soon as possible: "Dad, don't be angry if I didn't say anything. Go and have a look with me tomorrow, the place is nice, and the house is beautiful, I'm sure you'll fall in love with it immediately."

Father Li snorted, and the old man looked arrogant: "Can I not be angry, you stinking girl, where did you get those narrow-mindedness? I understand your thoughts, don't mention this matter in the future, it's fine , Hurry up and get out, your mother is going to yell later."

Li Ruyun didn't say anything more, the family had dinner at night, Li Ruyun went back to practice, Li's father and Li's mother entered the bedroom, and they lay on the bed, Li's father sighed: "Oh, why isn't Xiaoyun a son?"

Mama Li glared at him: "What are you talking about? Don't tell me she's a daughter, so you'll dislike her."

"That's not what I meant." Li's father quickly denied, "I love her from the bottom of my heart, but, after all, my son is the one who makes a living."

"Yeah!" Li's mother remembered something, and her face was a little sad: "If she is our own, I am so happy that she is a girl. Tell me, Xiaoyun looks so good, studies well, and has a good temper." , and so capable, I can wake up with a smile when I think about it, but she is not, such a big family, there is only such a little flesh and blood left, if she is really a kid, can be so good, can she pass on the line of incense? , might be able to regain the glory of the past, but it happens to be a daughter."

Li's mother's words made Li's father feel uncomfortable, and he turned over: "For so many years, we have been incognito and dare not come forward, let alone ask people to inquire, and we don't know what the situation in the capital is. Tell me, is there any one in that family? If there is a trace of blood left, Xiaoyun can be considered as a relative of flesh and blood, what are we, even though she calls us parents, we are not after all."

Li Ma has already started to cry: "Stop talking, I feel sore when you say it, I think back then... how big a family was, just disappeared like this."

Father Li sighed and didn't say anything else, but he couldn't calm down anymore.

Li Ma was also recalling the past, feeling more and more sad.

The two of them lay down for half the night before falling asleep,

But Li Ruyun didn't know what kind of problems she had in her background. She was now concentrating on cultivating and meditating all night. When the sun first rose, she let out a breath, opened her eyes and laughed. The four barrels of waste oil were not absorbed in vain. In three days, he has already broken through the sixth level of the Qi Refining Period. If he absorbs more, the Foundation Establishment is just around the corner.

At the foundation building stage, she will be able to think of ways to refine alchemy, and at that time, practice will be easier. It seems that she still has to urge those people to find more waste oil.

(End of this chapter)

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