Chapter 90
Li Ruyun quietly watched Cheng Yi playing tricks, and Cheng Yi's magnetic voice echoed in his ears, feeling that it would be a bit unbearable to cut off this head.

Counting her fingers, if Cheng Yi's head is really cut off, the punishment from heaven is definitely not something she can bear as a monk in the Qi refining period. It is a thousand times more troublesome.

Shaking my head, it's really not worth it.

"I don't want your head." Li Ruyun's voice was cold, and he reached out and touched Cheng Yi's head: "Stay on your neck well, if I don't take it off, no one will want to take it off."

Daringly, the empress already regards Cheng Yi's head as her own.

Cheng Yi didn't catch his breath and almost choked to death: "Then I really have to thank you, old man, for your mercy."

"You're welcome." Li Ruyun nodded in response.

Cheng Yi was so angry that he almost vomited blood, drove away quickly, took Li Ruyun into a coffee shop, found a secluded place blocked by green plants and sat down, Cheng Yi ordered two cups of coffee, while stirring the cups Drinking coffee while observing Li Ruyun.

Li Ruyun took a sip of coffee and frowned immediately: "It's really bad."

Cheng Yi snickered, added milk and sugar for Li Ruyun after laughing, and said softly, "Yunyun, I have something to tell you, don't be angry if you know."

"Speak!" Because of the bitter coffee, Li Ruyun was in a bad mood and spoke very concisely.

"I, I..." Cheng Yi hesitated, not as cheerful as before, and after a long while: "I'll tell you about my background."

Li Ruyun frowned and looked at the coffee in front of him, wandering between drinking or not.

"Well, yunyun, I'm actually, actually, my father is Cheng Zixiong, the boss of the underworld, yunyun, I didn't mean to hide it from you, I actually..." Cheng Yi Qiqi Ai Ai explained with difficulty, he was really afraid of his old man His identity frightened Li Ruyun, but he invited Li Ruyun to celebrate the old man's birthday. This matter will come up sooner or later, so it's better to get a vaccination first.


Li Ruyun frowned, thinking of some things told by the little immortals who ascended in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, he suddenly realized: "A green forest hero, I understand."

She looked at Cheng Yi puzzledly: "Aren't you just a green forest hero? Why are you acting like this?"

Cheng Yi crawled on the table, thumping his hands fiercely on the table: "I knew it, I didn't know it would happen!"

Li Ruyun stretched out his hand to support Cheng Yi: "Stop beating, whoever will pay if you break the table?"

Well, Cheng Yi wants to cry, wants to cry to death.

"I said Cheng Yi, what's the matter with you?" Li Ruyun still looked confused: "I know that your old man is a green forest hero, and I will prepare gifts according to his identity. Don't worry, I won't give it to you." You lose face."

I didn't mean that, okay? Cheng Yi looked at Li Ruyun's sad face.

Li Ruyun stretched out his hand and touched Cheng Yi's forehead: "Are you not sick? Does your head hurt? Or your eyes are cramp, why are you blinking?"

With a bang, Cheng Yi's head hit the table heavily.

Li Ruyun poked Cheng Yi: "Hey, are you dead? Didn't die."

"Squeak!" Cheng Yi yelled, raised his head, and stared at Li Ruyun: "Yunyun, read less idle books in the future, the college entrance examination is coming soon, it is more serious to do more test questions."

"I've learned it all." Li Ruyun looked indifferent. What she said was true. These mortal books are very simple. She has read all the books now, including the exam questions bought in the library over the years. She had finished all of them, and besides, she had learned all the languages ​​that Secretary Kang told her. Li Ruyun really felt that there was no need to learn any more.

"You can't relax, you can't be arrogant." Cheng Yi babbled a few words, and Li Ruyun listened carefully.

"Hey, your old man is a hero from the forest, why do you want to be an actor? Isn't the old man afraid of losing face?" Li Ruyun asked a question, really not understanding what these mortals think.

"I, I, I'm an actor?" Cheng Yi stretched out a trembling finger and pointed at himself, as if he wanted to cry but had no tears.

Li Ruyun nodded heavily: "What are you not an actor?"

Forget it, it's hard to explain this matter, actors are just actors, Cheng Yi scratched his neck: "What's wrong with being an actor?" He looked like I was an actor and I was honored.

Afterwards, Cheng Yi was suddenly discouraged, lying on the table and telling his bitter past sadly.

It turned out that Cheng Zixiong's father, Cheng Zixiong, was very forthright and well-known on the road. He was able to fight hard, and he took good care of his brothers. He had already become the invisible underground king of Huadu in his 30s. However, Cheng Zixiong had a problem. , is a playboy.

Cheng Yi's mother is Cheng Zixiong's wife, who was born in a scholarly family. During the most difficult years of Cheng Zixiong's hard work, he took a fancy to him and married him resolutely. At the beginning, Cheng Zixiong treated his wife very well. , It can be said to be obedient, but later the mistake of being a playboy, coupled with success and fame, and many temptations, he fell in love with a little movie star. After that movie star became pregnant and gave birth to a child, Cheng Zixiong made the mistress and the illegitimate child open and aboveboard. received home.

Cheng Yi's mother is a strong woman. Seeing this situation, she made a big fuss and began to live apart from Cheng Zixiong.

That mistress is very shrewd and good at coaxing people. Cheng Zixiong is very delusional, and he treats an illegitimate child who is about the same age as Cheng Yi a little better than he treats Cheng Yi.

Cheng Yi is not very close to his elder brother and Cheng Zixiong, and Cheng Yi has no intention of fighting fiercely. He is unwilling to inherit the old man's family property and status. The little king of music.

And Cheng Yi's eldest brother is ambitious and capable, he wants to inherit the gang's things, and even more wants to cleanse the gang, and lead the brothers to look like a person, but the old man values ​​Xiaosan's son more, and has always loved Cheng Yi's eldest brother I don't care, and Xiaosan and her son are not kind-hearted people. If Xiaosan's son is allowed to inherit the old man's position, Cheng Yi, mother and son will definitely not end well.

Cheng Yi has a headache because of this. Although Cheng Yi doesn't like these things, he has done a lot of things in order to get his elder brother to take over the position. Supporting his elder brother behind his back, this time, the old man's birthday, Cheng Yi also wanted to take this opportunity to make the old man happy, at least, he couldn't always see the two brothers as disliked, and in the end it made Xiao San's mother and son cheaper.

Cheng Yi wanted to shed bitter tears when he said it, and sighed: "Don't look at the old man who is a fool in the Tao. In fact, he admires scholars very much, and he prefers elegance. The old man likes piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. Now I have added One problem, arty, I collect some antiques and treasures all day long, the most collected are calligraphy works by famous masters, I really don't understand, my mother is elegant, beautiful and noble, why does the old man just like that mean and foxy Little San, you can't have a family now."

Li Ruyun looked Cheng Yi up and down, she said, why Cheng Yifei wanted to be an actor, it turned out that he was rejected by his aunt at home!
Tilting his head slightly, Li Ruyun seemed to understand: "I see, your mother, as a loser in the house fight, can only give way to my aunt, and you and your brother, the two legitimate sons, have suffered a great loss under the hands of the concubine."

"You're reading Zhai Dou Wen again." Cheng Yi said with certainty, powerlessly.

Li Ruyun folded his hands under his chin and blinked: "It's so pitiful."

Thinking about her life experience, she was also a loser who was kicked out of her homeland, but she and Cheng Yi were quite sympathetic.

"I'm sorry for the wool." Cheng Yi wiped his face: "I'm a big man, what a pity I am."

The dead duck's mouth was stiff, and Li Ruyun gave Cheng Yi a comment.

After a while, Cheng Yi coughed twice: "I came to you firstly to tell you about my life experience, and secondly, to tell you about the birthday party. My elder brother is very nice, although he is a little cold, but It really hurts me, if you go, my elder brother will definitely take care of you, but Xiaosan and Cheng Li may make it difficult for you, when the time comes, if anything happens, you can just blame it on me."

"Embarrassing?" Li Ruyun thought for a moment: "How can they be embarrassing? Make a mountain of knives or put me in the frying pan, or directly chop me with a knife, or let me die."

Cheng Yi was stunned, his mouth opened wide and he couldn't recover for a long time.

"No, it won't be like this. You think too much, at most you just say something mean, or find something you don't understand to embarrass you." Cheng Yi regained his senses and quickly explained.

"Is this also called embarrassment?" Li Ruyun waved his hand with a look of indifference: "It can make me lose a piece of meat or something, I'm afraid of a ball."

One sentence reminded Cheng Yi, yes, this girl Li Ruyun has changed a lot now, she has completely broken away from the low-level taste of the little white flower, and is completely evolving into a piranha. With the appearance of the little white flower of their mistress, let alone hurting Li Ruyun, it would be pretty good not to be so angry that Li Ruyun vomited blood.

Thinking of this, Cheng Yi was completely relieved.

"Aren't I afraid that you will lose money? Let me remind you first. Also, Cheng Li, Xiaosan's son, is a playboy. Don't be fooled by him. By the way, if he takes If money tempts you, don't bother, I'll give it to you when it's over." Cheng Yi spoke out his depression, and returned to his original cheerful and optimistic look, smiling and telling Li Ruyun.

"Understood." Li Ruyun agreed, looking at the coffee he had just taken a sip of: "It's really bitter, Cheng Yi, let's go to the ice cream shop next door, I want to eat ice cream."

Cheng Yi pulled on the brim of her hat, put on her sunglasses, called the waiter to check out, and then took Li Ruyun to the cold drink shop to buy two ice creams. The two walked out of the cold drink shop licking the ice cream.
Li Ruyun was licking the ice cream, his eyes were squinted by the sweet smile, he saw a dessert shop, and asked Cheng Yi to go in to buy something to eat, but the phone in his pocket was beeping crazily, Li Ruyun frowned, holding the ice cream in one hand , took out the phone with one hand, looked at the incoming call, it turned out to be a call from An Yi.

"Hello!" After connecting the phone, Li Ruyun asked vaguely, "An Yi, what's the matter?"

"Fairy, where are you now? I have something very important to ask you, I..."

(End of this chapter)

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