The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 1049 Did You Buy Master 6’s Diaper

Chapter 1049 Did You Buy Master Liu’s Diaper (1)
After returning from the company at night, Bai Lingxuan learned that Mu Ziqing had been here today as soon as she stepped into the compound.

Hearing that name, no matter how much resentment she had in her heart, it was gradually wiped away by his persistence these days, but after experiencing the abandonment, she was a little afraid to face Mu Ziqing.

After staying outside for a long time, Bai Lingxuan was shivering from the cold before regaining her senses. Enduring her sadness and dragging her tired body, she walked in, as if Mu Ziqing's place in her heart no longer existed.

Bai Zhengyu's company is still in its infancy and requires a lot of manpower and financial resources. She has to do everything by herself. Before, she didn't think it was so difficult to earn money. Now she suddenly finds that strong women are good. , perhaps the best way to forget is to try to keep yourself busy.

Just a few steps into the yard, I heard the joyful laughter and the babbling of children.

Are there any guests at home this late?The crying of a child made Bai Lingxuan naturally think of the couple Lin Yifei and Cheng Peige.

"Be careful, what are you doing with so much strength for such a small child?" Bai Xiaoyou reprimanded dissatisfiedly, and vigorously slapped Mu Changxuan's hand away. The pampering and caressing of his daughter made Liu Ye black instantly.

As soon as his daughter was found, he became a transparent person. He tried to put his precious daughter to sleep several times, but the child seemed to be on a stimulant. Wah-wah barking without a hitch, does such a young child also know how to recognize relatives?

"Oh, don't forget that I rescued her from the mountain, and I carried her back myself. Be careful, I haven't mentioned you yet!"

Mu Changxuan gritted his teeth and said, his face sank, he no longer wanted to tease his daughter, and sat down on the sofa beside him, pursing his lips tightly, already extremely displeased.

This woman really knows how to push her nose and face. So many outsiders don't save him a little face here. Since he found his daughter, he has been holding her in her arms and never let go. Even if he wants to take her from her arms refused.

That's not to mention, he can understand the feeling of lost and found, the daughter is her life, the most unbearable thing for him is that every time she talks to this woman, she ignores him and leaves him alone , that feeling of being ignored is really fucking uncomfortable!

Don't mention how much this woman clings to him before.

If I knew this earlier, even if I killed him, I shouldn't have revealed this secret.

The nurse who followed couldn't help but secretly smiled. Is this the Liuye Mu who everyone said was vigorous and feared by everyone?The one who blows his beard and stares doesn't look like a cold-blooded person.

Mrs. Bai was in poor health. She went to rest after seeing the baby. The reason why she didn't sleep until so late was that the little guy was very excited today. He didn't look like a defective child at all. They couldn't bear to spoil the baby's interest. , I can only play with her.

The daughter was born extremely beautiful, not to mention her snow-white and delicate skin, especially her pair of jet-black eyes that were so vivid that it was hard to put it down in her arms.

Bai Xiaoyou knew that a certain boy was angry, so she hugged her daughter and glanced at the man sitting on the sofa reading the newspaper. Thinking about what happened today, she felt a little guilty towards Mu Changxuan, and then looked back at the few The snickering nurse wished she could find a hole in the ground and get in.

This man won't be angry with his child, will he?

Men sometimes need to be coaxed.

"Okay, it's all thanks to you." Bai Xiaoyou hugged her daughter and sat down beside Mu Changxuan, rubbing her daughter against his chest in a fawning manner.

(End of this chapter)

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