Chapter 1061 The sixth master is innocent (3)
The man didn't let her go, stretched out his long arms, and her petite body quickly hit his strong chest, kissing her hair once and for all, and said very distressed, "Honey, it's so late in the future Don't wait for me, and don't make me some soup."

A duplicity man, in fact, he especially expects his woman to wait for him to fall asleep with him every night and leave him a light. At the same time, he is contradictory and entangled, just like just now, the first thing he thinks is that she is not in good health, He couldn't stay up late, so he suppressed his anger, and when he saw her little face excited about his return, his heart was touched again. This woman couldn't keep him from being moved.

Bai Xiaoyou didn't answer. In short, without him by her side, she couldn't sleep well no matter how tired she was. Maybe the past year was too sad, and she went back to him after going through all kinds of hardships. She was always careful, lest one day suddenly What happened, she was kidnapped again and left him!

In front of Mu Changxuan, this kind of words must never be uttered, otherwise this man might use some evil language to tease her, and every time he deliberately twisted her meaning, it made her wish to find a hole in the ground and burrow in.

Kissing her, feeling pity for her in his heart, hugging her thin body, Mu Changxuan only felt that he was not doing well enough.

"I still have to drink today's soup. I have stewed it for a long time, and I promise it will help your cough!" Bai Xiaoyou wanted to break free from his embrace and serve him the soup.

Mu Changxuan didn't take it seriously, and there was an intoxicating smile on the corners of his pretty lips, "Is my cough healed already, people like you think I'm really sick!"

Bai Xiaoyou wanted to refute, but he was short of words!

Then, I felt a familiar warm breath covering my ears, itching and disturbing.

"Actually, I'm not sick. I'm in good health. Do you want to try?" Mu Changxuan kissed her earlobe and asked her shamelessly.

The exhaustion just now has long been washed away by her emotions, and at this moment he just wants to love her well!
This man has started to be dishonest again, does she mean that?

He is in good health, this Bai Xiaoyou naturally knows, ever since Li Boran said that he stayed up all night in order to find himself, and did not go to see a doctor when he had a bad cough, Bai Xiaoyou had a heart disease, afraid of Mu Chang Xuan's illness was at the root of his illness, and he was usually busy with work. In addition, he had suffered gunshot wounds before, and even his iron body couldn't bear the repeated injuries. That's why she worked so hard to make tonic soup for him.

"I go……"

After uttering two words, a certain man no longer gave her a chance to speak, and immediately proved the truth of what he said earlier.

Whether his illness is cured, you will know if you try it?For her sake, he hasn't touched a woman for a year. He is indeed sick, but after she comes back, isn't his illness already cured?
Xiao Qingqing is being taken care of by nurses, they don't have to worry at all, going at this time will only add to the chaos, this woman really knows how to pick her time!

Bai Xiaoyou's delicate body calmed down, Xiao Qingqing did her best, and after a while the crying gradually weakened, and finally everything returned to tranquility.

(End of this chapter)

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