The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 1070 Uncle Lu did it on purpose

Chapter 1070 Uncle Six Did It On Purpose (5)
Don't think that he is a fool. Since someone likes to die, he is just in a bad mood, so why not just have fun!

He has never been a cruel person, and at first he wanted to give this woman a chance, but her behavior just now really made him angry, and it has touched his bottom line, how can he bear it?

In a word, Yu Jingjing was sentenced to death.

In Mu Ziqing's heart, regardless of whether the child in her stomach was her own or not, if the sixth uncle found out, the child could not be kept, so as not to cause trouble.

This child is definitely not his. If it turns out that it is really his child, it can only mean that this woman did something wrong. He was indeed a little drunk that night, but he was not sober.

Are there few women who dream of marrying into a wealthy family and becoming rich wives? What can't they do?

"This is your child!" Yu Jingjing's delicate face turned pale, and her voice trembled slightly.

It was really hard for her to imagine that a man as gentle as jade would say such a thing. The outside world is not a rumor. If you marry, you will marry Mu Ziqing. She looks comfortable and doesn't worry that he will get angry with his wife, because his gentle image is already on the scene. People took root in their hearts.

"Perhaps, there is no need for an appraisal. I can tell from your expression that you have my seed in your belly, but this is not something I voluntarily gave, so I won't admit it!"

Mu Ziqing smiled, a very cold smile, even when he said this, he seemed a little absent-minded, and the coldness in his eyes gradually dissipated when he looked in another direction.

It was the VIP ward where he was unconscious. Standing in the corridor, he could just see it through the glass window on the side. A strange feeling came to his heart, and there was a slight sadness in his heart.

Is it God's will that he can wake up?Occasionally dreaming at night, he always feels that someone is talking in his ear, but he can't understand, and he can't tell who it is.

But he can definitely be a woman, maybe Liu Qin!In this world, the so-called mother cared about him the most!

"It doesn't matter if you don't admit it. I think the outside world won't let our mother and child suffer, so they will seek some justice." Yu Jingjing is going all out, anyway, she has evidence in her hand.

After saying that, Mu Ziqing didn't look away, and said something that made Yu Jingjing puzzled, "It is rumored that the eldest grandson of the Mu family is gentle and gentle, what do you think?"


"You still think I'm easy to talk to?" He asked again, his voice already a little cold.

Is it because the outside world says that he is gentle and easy to get along with, that's why these women will plot against him unscrupulously, or do they think he is really a wimp?

Just because he doesn't like violence doesn't mean he won't!
"This is your child!" Yu Jingjing was suddenly frightened, and uttered a word with difficulty, but she still did not change her mind.

Mu Ziqing raised her eyebrows, turned around to look at the pale woman, her eyes were extremely dim, and she walked slowly towards her.

A thin layer of sweat broke out on Yu Jingjing's body. The gentle man in the eyes of the world actually looked at her with such cold eyes, which gave her the urge to run away.

The rumors are all false!

"As long as I say it's not him, it's not!" While she was panicking, Mu Ziqing had already pushed her back to the corner, warning her fiercely.

"Drag it on, get rid of it!" There was no room for negotiation in the order.

"I was wrong, no... I was wrong, I..." When Yu Jingjing heard this, her legs softened, and her body gradually slid down. She looked up at the man in front of her in disbelief, and knelt on the ground to pray.

"I know how you got here, kid!"

"Stealed my sperm while I was unconscious, right?" Mu Ziqing was still laughing, and couldn't tell what he was feeling, maybe it was a deep sense of sadness.

He had already guessed that this was the case, and he was sure of it when he said it.


Yu Jingjing's pale lips trembled, she was so terrified that she forgot to ask for help, and limp on the spot, letting two men drag her body to the operating room.

Just because this man saw too thoroughly, she was shocked by his words and stole the sperm, indeed!

She obviously slept with him. Isn't it normal to be pregnant? Why would he guess the reason?

There was no woman around Mu Ziqing. Yu Jingjing thought that Mu Ziqing chose her that night because he had a good impression of her. After all, it was her own wishful thinking, but she didn't know that it was because of her expression that Mu Ziqing had an illusion.

That was the feeling when I met Bai Xiaoyou for the first time. It was a natural encounter. Her eyes were very calm, and that night Yu Jingjing also acted very calm in order to act. It is probably this kind of illusion.
Yu Jingjing's long-planned dream was shattered. Although she was not the daughter of a wealthy family, her family background was not bad, and she was quite pretty.Her father always wanted her to marry into a rich family, so as soon as Mu Ziqing took over the position of president of the Mu Group, their family began to look for opportunities for her.

In this society, profit has always been a priority, and she is just a pawn in the hands of the family. In addition, she also likes Mu Ziqing, so she is tainted with greed!
(End of this chapter)

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