The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 1077 Husband, You Killed Your Little Nephew

Chapter 1077 Husband, You Killed Your Little Nephew (2)
"Let Gao Lan go with you, I'm not feeling well for a while." After a long time, Bai Lingxuan breathed out a breath of hot air, which quickly spread out in the cold air. Her eyes were hurt by the cold wind, and she closed them after she finished speaking. , seems to have made the most painful decision.

"Well, then you have a good rest."

Bai Zhengyu didn't reprimand him too much, she could hear him sighing on the phone, maybe he was worried about her!The so-called half-brother has always valued family affection, so if he accepted her regardless of past suspicions, Bai Zhengyu would not let her be wronged.

Sorry!Thinking back to when she was a child, she once framed Bai Zhengyu for stealing grandma's jade bracelet, making that young boy responsible for the theft, but she still remembered clearly what happened many years ago.

At that time, Bai Zhengyu looked at her with terrifying eyes. He didn't feel the worry and fear after being framed. Instead, he comforted the frightened Bai Xiaoyou beside him, telling her not to be afraid.

At that time, Bai Lingxuan admitted that she was jealous, jealous of Bai Zhengyu's protection and caress for Bai Xiaoyou.

Come to think of it, she did a lot of stupid things!

The only thing that comforted Bai Lingxuan was that she didn't repent too late, otherwise what would she do alone?
After hanging up the phone, two lines of tears overflowed from the corners of her eyes at some point, and the cold touch was just like her state of mind at the moment.

Suddenly, she thought of Bai Yuchen, the man who never married for her.

Standing on the spot with numb legs, she didn't know where to go, eyes full of tears looked around in a trance, for a moment, she was so dizzy that she almost passed out.

She can't fall!

It was already afternoon when we arrived at the cemetery, and the temperature was getting colder and colder. The cold air was blowing on people's body with the biting cold wind, which made people shiver all over.

Bai Lingxuan didn't know when she came to her senses, she just said to go to the cemetery when she got in the car.I haven't seen Bai Yuchen for a long time, and that kind of miss was particularly strong at that time.

After all, she was still young, and she had been growing up under Bai Yuchen's protection before, so she had never been wronged like this, it's normal for her to feel aggrieved and want to find a place to vent.

The man in the black-and-white photo on the tombstone looked at him with a slight smile, and Bai Lingxuan also had an unnatural smile on his lips. Looking at the woman beside him, she also had the same smile.

She didn't realize it before, but now she felt that the two of them were a good match, and the faint smiles just coincided with each other.

She was wrong, wrong too much!
Dad loves Auntie, right? It's just that he has too much hatred in his heart. During his lifetime, there were too many misunderstandings between him and Chen Hui. It wasn't until the moment of his death that he suddenly realized how ridiculous his hatred was.

Death is the best ending for Bai Yuchen, but what about her?

Bai Lingxuan pursed her pale lips, and her red eyes overflowed with crystal tears. She couldn't help but sway a few times, and finally couldn't control it. There was a plop, the sound of her knees touching the ground, and she suddenly knelt down on the ground. In front of the tombstone, the tears seemed to break the embankment, supporting the tombstone with both hands, looking at the two people in the photo but couldn't say anything.

Crying is a kind of emotional release, in fact, she is not as strong as imagined!She has been loved and loved by Bai Yuchen since she was a child, and it hurts her heart. She is used to the feeling of being held in the hands of everyone. In addition, no matter where she goes, people always give her three points of courtesy.

Now, she is just a forgotten down-and-out daughter. With Mu Ziqing's abandonment, she has become the object of ridicule by everyone in City A. She is embarrassing Bai Yuchen!

Enough crying, she struggled to get up from the ground, stared at the man in the photo with red eyes, and then angrily reprimanded the man in the photo like crazy, "Bai Yuchen, I will never forgive you! "

(End of this chapter)

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