The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 1079 Husband, You Killed Your Little Nephew

Chapter 1079 Husband, You Killed Your Little Nephew (4)
She has changed, she no longer pesters him facelessly every day, and she no longer cares about when he will get married and who he will marry.If he had announced his marriage in front of the media before, with Bai Lingxuan's personality, he would definitely kill his company within an hour, and then question him regardless of the occasion.

It has been a week since he announced the news of his marriage. This matter has been widely spread in city A, but she has not made any moves. She is too calm and makes him unable to figure out Bai Lingxuan's thoughts.

Besides, he didn't have the heart to think about Bai Lingxuan at this time. That woman Yu Jingjing was really lucky. He planned to have her have an abortion that day, but he didn't expect Cheng Yaojin to kill his plan halfway. The woman's business is already a headache.

Do you just find someone to do it secretly or?
After thinking about it, Mu Ziqing lost his mind again. Bai Lingxuan's words poured into his brain like a spell, always reminding him inadvertently.

At this time, Mu Ziqing may not have realized that he has already paid attention to a certain woman, but because he had too much affection for Bai Xiaoyou before, he just hid this kind of psychology, which made him take a confused route, which also means that his future love The road must be bumpy.

If you can't see clearly at the critical moment, you have lost the best opportunity. If you want to save it, you will have to pay hundreds of times the effort and effort.


Bai Xiaoyou and Mu Changxuan came to the hospital the next day. When they passed the inpatient department, they happened to encounter a patient in the VIP ward deliberately making things difficult for the nurses. There were several female nurses standing side by side outside the corridor, all with their heads down, looking timid and timid. It makes passers-by in twos and threes curious, who is so difficult to serve?
Generally speaking, those who live in the VIP ward are of high status, so they naturally dare not offend them.

Mu Changxuan has never liked to watch the excitement, just like his personality, he is not interested in other people's affairs and has no time to be curious. His arrogance made everyone around him fearful, and the nurses standing aside saw Mu Changxuan automatically step aside.

When he felt the trembling of the woman in his arms, the man's face darkened, his cold eyes slightly swept towards the noisy ward, his expression was already angry.

"What's wrong?" Seeing him stop, Bai Xiaoyou raised her head and asked, all she saw was the man's perfect jaw.

"Don't you think it's noisy?" He answered patiently while covering her hair with his hands to show comfort.

He knew her timidity, and he just wanted to make the obstetrics and gynecology department quieter so as not to disturb Bai Xiaoyou's emotions.

They came to the hospital for artificial insemination, and they were not in a good mood. Such an environment would only make them more irritable. Besides, his woman trembled in his arms just now, obviously she was frightened.

Even if Bai Xiaoyou wanted to calm things down, he wouldn't just let the provocative woman inside go!
"Let's go, we have an appointment with the doctor." Bai Xiaoyou noticed that his expression was not right, so he hurriedly tried to comfort him.

It's her fault too, she was too worried just now, made Mu Changxuan angry, right?
For a year, Bai Xiaoyou was tortured and abused by Ye Shangwei. Seeing such a scene reminded Bai Xiaoyou of the past, and he couldn't help feeling flustered.

The year at Ye Shangwei's place was a nightmare, and it was not easy to see this scene without being too frightened.

Bai Xiaoyou didn't want Mu Changxuan to know about his torture, otherwise, with this man's personality, he might blame himself.Now that the matter is over and she has returned to him intact, thinking about the past will only cause pain to the two of them, it is better to let her bear it alone and gradually forget it.

(End of this chapter)

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