The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 1092 Xiao Qingqing, This is Dad Rewarding You

Chapter 1092 Xiao Qingqing, This is Dad Rewarding You (1)
In the huge conference room, Mu Ziqing's gentle face was stained with anxiety, and countless emotions flashed in his black eyes, and the people in the audience began to discuss restlessly.

An hour and a half has passed, could it be that he got it wrong, Bai Lingxuan didn't want to say anything after hanging up the phone!

Why is he waiting here like an idiot?Everyone here dare not say anything on the surface, but behind the scenes, they may say why he did not keep his word. He looks like he is obviously waiting for someone.

Even the senior executives of the company cast suspicious glances at him, making Mu Ziqing feel uncomfortable, but such an occasion is a piece of cake for him, as long as he says a word, who dares to say anything?
The time was delayed by 10 minutes. Mu Ziqing frowned, with a little impatience on his face, and was about to announce the start of the final bidding, when the whispering below stopped abruptly with someone's sudden intrusion.

Mu Ziqing's gloomy face also lit up following the figure that suddenly appeared in his eyes. It turned out that he was looking forward to it so much!

Bai Lingxuan was wearing a very ordinary winter coat, her slightly messy hair was scattered down to cover her face, a small hand was hanging by her side tightly clenched together, she looked a little helpless, her panicked eyes swept over everyone present , with a look of apology.

He didn't even have time to change his clothes, so he came here in a hurry, and breathed out a word from his chapped lips, "Sorry, I'm late!"

Without the tricky and domineering way she was when I first met her, how could she actually know how to apologize? !

That panicked expression reminded Mu Ziqing that when he first met Bai Xiaoyou, he also acted so well-behaved, but in fact he was extremely nervous. For the first time, he thought Bai Xiaoyou was very interesting.

At this moment, he actually felt like a dream. Is it the moment when Bai Xiaoyou is his nostalgia, or is he unable to let it go with all his thoughts, or is it a kind of unwillingness?

"Let's get started!" While Mu Ziqing was looking at her, he also gave Bai Lingxuan time to adjust her emotions, and then gave the order after she returned to her seat.

The atmosphere in the conference room was tense.

Bai Lingxuan took a seat beside Bai Zhengyu, and casually cleaned up the dust and emotions on her body. She had already greeted Bai Zhengyu before coming over, so Gao Lan must have been sent away by him.

The two looked at each other and smiled as if encouraging, Bai Lingxuan's panicked eyes showed a trace of guilt, she was late and caused a big disaster, how could Bai Zhengyu still laugh at this time?
This time is the rush hour for work in the afternoon, and the streets are prone to traffic jams near the New Year's Eve, and the Mu's Group is located in a busy section of the road, if she hadn't got off the car halfway and ran all the way, it is estimated that she would not be able to reach it until now.

Fortunately, I finally caught up!Bai Lingxuan didn't expect that Mu Ziqing would delay the meeting because of her. The moment she stepped into the Mu's Group, she thought that the bidding had already started, and Mu Ziqing would at most let her be the last one on stage, which was considered a chance for her.

A touch of touch grew in her heart, she owed this kindness no matter what!
Mu Ziqing's common name of warm man is not false. The reason why he waited for Bai Lingxuan for so long was because he wanted her to be the first to give an explanation.

Doing this is nothing more than fear that she will be nervous when facing such competition for the first time, and even more afraid that she will lose confidence in herself after hearing other people's plans. The so-called comprehensiveness should be the reason.

Exactly when did he start, his mind has shifted, but he himself has ignored this intention.

Before Bai Lingxuan took the stage, Bai Zhengyu whispered a few words in her ear, it had nothing to do with the content of the proposal, but a sentence, "You don't look very good, are you sure?"

(End of this chapter)

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