The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 1100 Xiao Xu Xu Ri Beauty Daughter-in-Law, I'll Do Somersaults for You

Chapter 1100 Xiao Xu Xu Ri Beauty Daughter-in-Law, I'll Do Somersaults for You (4)
That cute and rogue look made Xiao Qingqing so angry that she even forgot to cry, and stared at him with her black eyes dotted with tears, her pink mouth tightly pursed, this time But she remembered it!
Do you think it's great to be handsome?

Xiao Xuxu didn't want his daughter-in-law to hate him like this, thinking it was just for somersaults, wouldn't he just let her do it?
Afterwards, under Liu Ye's cold eyes, a certain immature kid pulled up his family's sweetheart and teased Xiao Qingqing by somersaulting back and forth on the sofa.

This time he learned to be smart, but he didn't dare to run far away, he turned somersaults around Xiao Qingqing, and then somersaulted back again.

Xiao Xuxu, ahem, as long as the beautiful daughter-in-law doesn't hate herself, no matter how many somersaults she makes, it's worth it!
However, Xiao Xuxu is a child after all, and there are always times when he is frustrated. No, his head was a little dizzy after turning too many somersaults. The key point was that he failed to win the beauty's smile. Anxious.

Well, it seems that it is not enough to show your hand.

When he turned back, this somersault took all the strength of his whole body, one of them didn't pay attention, his body lost his balance, and he turned over with a somersault, which happened to hit Xiao Qingqing.

Mu Changxuan was shocked, and his face was a little cold. He strode over and pushed the person beside him to get in.

This matter can't be joked, the little baby has a heart disease, how can he resist Xiao Xuxu's fierce pressure!

But when he came to the two little guys, the scene in front of him could only show that he was too fussy, the coldness on his face gradually faded, and the smile on the corner of his mouth couldn't be hidden no matter what.

Sixth master, why don't you take your family Xiao Qingqing to bully Xiao Xuxu like this?
Look at Xiao Xuxu's immature and handsome face, it was ruined by your daughter, can you still laugh? !
Xiao Xuxu was very depressed. When Mu Changxuan came over, he had already got up from Xiao Qingqing, probably because he was afraid of crushing the little daughter-in-law, so he moved very quickly, but no matter how fast he was, it couldn't be as fast as Xiao Qingqing's special skill , the other side of Xiao Xuxu's face was stained again.

This time, Xiao Qingqing finally smiled, with tears in her eyes, her eyes were still rippling, like black gemstones dotted with crystal diamonds.

That kind of beauty is so intoxicating that it makes people's hearts melt. How can you blame her?

Xiao Xuxu and Xiao Qingqing are probably willing to be cheap, deliberately trying to please the daughter-in-law they believe, and proudly enjoying the benefits that someone gives them, and being tolerant.

Xiao Xuxu is really not simple, he is disfigured when he smiles for Bomei.

Cough cough, should I give some dried shrimp as a reward?

Uncle Mu?
The child looked at Mu Changxuan with his arms folded with innocent eyes, and it seemed that he was planning some wishful thinking.

Sixth Master cast a cold look at Xiao Xuxu in agreement.

Seeing that you worked so hard to make my baby happy today, Uncle Mu agrees with what you mean!

Our sixth master did this for a purpose.

After returning from Wu Xiaochun's place, Bai Xiaoyou's complexion was not very good, and she was not even in the mood to eat dinner.

"Honey, why did you just drop it? You were fine in the morning!" Bai Xiaoyou paced back and forth in the living room annoyed, her frown never loosened since she came back.

I went there all afternoon, if I didn't miss Xiao Qingqing, I guess she wouldn't come back tonight.

Losing the child meant that they failed to conceive, but after all, they helped them. Now that the child is gone, everyone is in a bad mood. With her personality, she will definitely stay with Wu Xiaochun.

The man sitting on the sofa reading the newspaper didn't change his expression, his deep eyes glanced at her with displeasure, and he seemed to have a big head.

The two little ones had been tossing him all afternoon, and now this little woman came to talk about the topic he hated the most, alas!Woman, what a grind!
As soon as she came back, she complained about the pregnancy. Could it be that she didn't think about him after going out all afternoon?
Liu Ye is so small-hearted, he is so fussy!
Seeing that it was getting dark, he deliberately took the two little ones to the nursery to play with them, just to have an independent space with her to be intimate, so that the two little ones would not have a lot of noise at night, and there was no room for him landed.

But what about this woman?
He didn't even look at him when he came back, which really made him angry!
In the evening, he promised Xiao Qingqing to take her to sleep on the big bed. It wasn't a big deal at first, but now he has added a small child, two children, he doesn't even have a chance to get involved!
Bai Xiaoyou doesn't know about this yet, so she will probably blame her baby again when she sees the wound on Xiao Xuxu's face.

Mu Changxuan was protecting his weaknesses. He would not tell Bai Xiaoyou about Xiao Xuxu staying overnight until he thought of a good way to exonerate the little baby.

This Lin Yifei is also true, if you want to kidnap his daughter as a wife, you don't need to do this, let your son sleep in his house with a shameless face?
Thinking of this, Liu Ye became even more irritable, two children?What should he do at night?

"Didn't the doctor say that pregnancy is easy to lose?" Mu Changxuan replied unhurriedly, he couldn't hear the joy, but his face was very smelly!

Bai Xiaoyou was only thinking about the failure of conception, and she was very flustered, and didn't pay much attention to the man beside her, so she kept muttering.

"Yes, but we obviously hired a good doctor for her, watching her all the time, how could there be such an accident?"

"Wu Xiaochun's body has been checked repeatedly and is very suitable for conception. Could it be that the doctor didn't take good care of it?"


Sixth Master's complexion was even worse. He wanted to get up and ignore her, but Lei was stunned by her next sentence!
"If I knew this earlier, I should have found more women to conceive!"

When Mu Changxuan heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched fiercely, and he stared speechlessly at the woman who kept dangling in front of his eyes.

"Yes, let's do it this way, find a few more women to get pregnant, I don't believe it, all of them fall off so easily!"

This time, a certain man who was sitting on the sofa reading the newspaper was completely stumped, and he almost recovered from his breath.

(End of this chapter)

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