Chapter 1123 Surprise and fright (3)
Suddenly, Bai Xiaoyou's body was hit hard, and the cold and stinging sensation went through his vest, followed by Mu Changxuan's cold and heartless voice, "Bai Xiaoyou, we are divorced. Speaking of which, there is no relationship between us, so you are not qualified to die with me."

Bai Xiaoyou groaned in pain, ignoring her physical discomfort, her chapped lips moved, and she argued with him almost hoarsely, "We still have Xiao Qingqing, how can we say it doesn't matter?"

Recently, she has been particularly lethargic and easily tired. Even in such a harsh environment, she can't change her laziness. She always feels that his embrace is particularly warm, which makes her feel more at ease than sleeping on the bed.

What he said was just to get rid of her relationship, she would not be fooled, she would go crazy when alone, no matter what, she would not leave him and escape alone.

With such a push, there was a ray of light refracted through the crack of the door where she was, and her face was very white, the kind of white that lacks blood.

However, in order for the wedding to proceed smoothly, Mu Changxuan could only endure the pain in his heart, and continued, "I'm talking about us, and it has nothing to do with Xiao Qingqing."

Bai Xiaoyou's back was pressed against the cold wall, as if she didn't want to say too much, her heavy eyelids struggled a few times, but she didn't answer.

"Even if you die, you have to be qualified, don't you?" Mu Changxuan said while frowning and winking at the stupid big men in front of him.

These men are purely the type of 'well-developed limbs, simple mind', I really don't know how the old man picks people!
If you don't force her hard, he doesn't know how the wedding will end later!
The play must be played to the end.

"Ahem, cough, yes, since this is the case, Miss Bai is not qualified." Several men understood, and followed Mu Changxuan's wishes to attack the weak Bai Xiaoyou.

They didn't know where Mu Changxuan was going. Logically speaking, the temptation should be over at this point. Why didn't the old man let them go?

These words irritated Bai Xiaoyou, and his limp body was as excited as chicken blood. He tore off his heavy eyelids, and grabbed Mu Changxuan's skirt, with an extremely painful expression, "No, no, I can't go, Mu Changxuan, you can't drive me away."

Her aggressive behavior shocked everyone in the room, including Mu Changxuan.

This woman, whose body was obviously exhausted, actually made the last struggle in order to die with her lover. Rao, iron-blooded men like them were a little moved.

Almost, Mu Changxuan wanted to pick her up and leave. If it wasn't for her crying, Liu Ye would probably have done so.

Other people's ideas are nothing, but the answer is already very clear now, isn't it, how long is the damn old man going to play?
The reason why he did this was not to reassure the old man, but also to let Bai Xiaoyou get the affirmation of those old guys. This woman is worth what he paid.

Her face was too pale and abnormal. Didn't she take good care of herself during the few days she left?Or are you worrying about something you shouldn't be worrying about?

It doesn't matter whether you have a son or not, a daughter is enough!Even if he has no children, he will admit it!

In order to ensure Bai Xiaoyou's happy life in the future, at this moment, Mu Changxuan can only bear it. The old man said that as long as Bai Xiaoyou gets his affirmation, those old guys will not have any objections, no matter whether Bai Xiaoyou can live or not. Son, they are not qualified to question Mu Changxuan's decision in the future.

Mu Changxuan wasn't afraid of anyone, but he didn't want to cause trouble for their future lives, and also wanted to let Bai Xiaoyou follow him with peace of mind.

(End of this chapter)

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