The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 1130 Husband, you are not allowed to leave

Chapter 1130 Husband, you are not allowed to leave (2)
Sure enough, his trick was more effective. After hearing this, Bai Xiaoyou raised her little head from his arms, and looked out of the window with crystal clear eyes. The snowflakes that seemed to be unreal and real were flying all over the sky. The beauty was too ethereal and illusory, which made her Can't look away.

Finally, her eyes that had been enlarged due to fear gradually shrank, and slowly returned to normal in his soft voice, and her tense thoughts also relaxed.

Mu Changxuan has never been so eager for snow like today. It stands to reason that he hates snowy days very much, because the snowy night when he was a child left him with an indelible shadow. becomes extremely heavy.

Seeing her in his arms slowly stabilized by the snow, those eyes also began to show a strange look. He followed her eyes and looked out of the window. His thin lips curled up, thinking that snow is actually quite good of.

"Honey, are you okay? I saw a lot of snakes rushing towards you."

The first sentence she normally uttered was worried about his comfort, even though he was standing in front of her right now, Bai Xiaoyou was still a little worried, and looked at the man in front of her with half-believing eyes.

Mu Changxuan was dumbfounded by her appearance, he was moved by her occasional foolishness, and he was clearly worried about him even though he was terrified to death.

His woman is like this, even if Bai Xiaoyou wants him to dig out his heart and give it to her willingly.

"It's okay, we'll all be fine." As he spoke, he pressed her little head into his chest, lowered his head and kissed her forehead, which had a faint salty taste and was sticky, and his heart was full again. It hurts, and the kiss is even harder.

With him around, nothing will happen to her.

"Is there any other discomfort?" He patted her on the back and asked, trying to change the topic to other places.

Bai Xiaoyou didn't want to pursue the past, as long as he could stand in front of her well, and she was really frightened by the nightmare just now, she didn't want to add any more pressure to herself, leaning on him warm and spacious He fell asleep with his eyes slightly closed, and only hummed softly to his question, obviously too tired to answer.

Seeing her struggling so much, Mu Changxuan's heart throbbed, thinking that this child could not be kept, and she was willing to suffer to give birth to this child, he couldn't bear it!

Mu Changxuan didn't intend to tell Bai Xiaoyou about the pregnancy. After she fell asleep, he went out to find the doctor and ordered the child in her stomach to be killed.

"Pregnant women are just too tired. As long as you take good care of them and maintain a good attitude during pregnancy, it should not be life-threatening." The man's cold and terrifying face.

The doctor's words seemed to have no effect in Mu Changxuan's ears. His gloomy face did not ease in the slightest, his cold lips trembled, but he was still firm, "Hurry up and get rid of her while she is sleeping now."

"Oh... well, I'll go get ready."

No one dared to disobey Mu Changxuan's words, and the doctor could only persuasion up to this point, and promised in a low voice to go on and prepare.

Even though medicine is advanced now, it is not uncommon for children to have accidents. It is really hard for him to feel at ease with her body!He could only do it for her reluctantly, lest he live in fear every day. When the child was not born, he would have a heart attack from her fright.

Bai Xiaoyou had already taken a nap, and it was impossible to fall asleep completely again. She was just a little tired, so tired that she wanted to lie down. After Mu Changxuan went out, she knelt slightly and looked at the snowflakes outside the window. My thoughts drifted away, I don't know what I was thinking.

There was a faint pain in her lower abdomen, which was not obvious but enough to drain the strength in her body.

(End of this chapter)

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