The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 1132 Master 6 said, why is it always me who suffers so much

Chapter 1132 Liu Ye said, why is it always me who suffers so much (1)
After the snow stopped, Mu Ziqing's wedding also arrived as scheduled.

For three days, he gave Bai Lingxuan three days to think about it. Seeing that the day after tomorrow's wedding was about to take place, but the bride did not give him an answer, even Mu Ziqing, who thought he didn't love Bai Lingxuan, became flustered.

The reason why he appeared so calm on the surface was not because he had made a perfect plan for the wedding the day after tomorrow, thinking that if Bai Lingxuan disagreed, then he would stop entanglement and just marry any woman.

It was indeed right to think this way, but he was a little unwilling, as if something important was about to be erased from his heart, which made him taste the taste of loss.

I don't know where this state of mind came from. I only know that he has been out of state since this morning. He stared at the phone in a daze even during the meeting, as if he was looking forward to something.

In the past, Mu Ziqing often used aggressive methods to force Bai Lingxuan to surrender, always thinking that this would stimulate her, and she would submit obediently, but this time it seemed to be different, no matter what methods he used, Bai Lingxuan acted so indifferently, It seemed that, as she said, she no longer loved him!

Such a result was not what he wanted. Time passed bit by bit. He had just returned from receiving customers, and seeing the sky getting dark, he finally couldn't help himself, and Mu Ziqing made a phone call.

Waiting with great expectations, when the soft voice "I'm sorry, the number you dialed has been turned off" came from the mobile phone, Mu Ziqing, who has always been gentle, turned completely dark.

With a bang sound, the phone unfortunately fell to the ground. It was the first time that Mu Ziqing made such a big fuss in the company.

shutdown?If you want to turn off the phone, just turn it off for me. If the phone is dropped, you can no longer contact her. Now it's all right. He doesn't have to worry about that woman who doesn't know what to do. He just finds a woman to marry the day after tomorrow.

At night, Mu Chenhao forced him to give an explanation, so that the members of the Mu family can feel at ease. After all, the wedding will be held in the morning the day after tomorrow, but the bride has not yet been decided, can they rest assured?

There was no other way, Mu Ziqing could only stop Bai Lingxuan at the Bai family compound at the end of the day. He swore that this was the last chance, if that woman refused again, he would marry another woman naively.

At this time, Mu Ziqing may not understand what the last chance means. He has told himself countless times in his heart to give Bai Lingxuan the last chance. In his heart, the last chance may be indefinite, and only those who care will enjoy it. What an honor!

Emotional matters are clear to the onlooker, this is absolutely true.

As for the person involved, Bai Lingxuan was currently teasing Xiao Qingqing at Bai Xiaoyou's apartment, and stopped by to say goodbye to Bai Xiaoyou. It seemed that she had already made her final decision.

It was on this day that Bai Xiaoyou learned of the fact that she was pregnant from Bai Lingxuan. Before leaving, Bai Lingxuan came to visit Bai Xiaoyou and Xiao Qingqing. I forgot what she said.

what else?In order not to be banned by Mu Changxuan, Bai Lingxuan had no choice but to quickly escape from this land before Mu Changxuan came over.

The consequences of Mr. Liu's choice to conceal it must be tragic. No matter how earnestly he explains, Xiao Youyou just won't open the door for him.

Bai Xiaoyou hadn't dealt with it yet, and the obstetrician and gynecologist there urged him to make a decision as soon as possible, saying that the damage to the mother's body would be even greater when he was older.

After Mu Changxuan answered the phone, he tried to knock on the door a few times, but there was still no movement. He went around and said a few words in a soft voice outside. When he heard no movement inside, he thought Bai Xiaoyou was asleep. After all, she Now I feel sleepy at every turn, I'd better discuss it with the doctors before coming over to coax her.

(End of this chapter)

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