The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 1140 I’ll Tell You When I Call Aunt Lu

Chapter 1140 I’ll Tell You When I Call Aunt Six (2)
Choosing to leave is also a last resort.

Mu Ziqing looked as usual, scratched her head in embarrassment, coughed twice to cover up her embarrassment, "Well, I, I'm here to see you."

He has been refusing to admit his feelings for Bai Lingxuan for so long, maybe the previous relationship was too deep and overwhelmed his original meaning.

Bai Lingxuan had been away for four months, and during this period, she only made a few international calls with Bai Xiaoyou occasionally. In order to avoid people passing by and harassing her, Bai Lingxuan always used public phones, and the numbers displayed were blank, and there was no way to check them. What makes me angry is that I heard that she would change positions after only staying in each city for a week, and if I were to look for them, there was no way to start.

The family pushed Mu Ziqing very hard, especially that Miss Wang, who pestered him all day long. Who told Mu Ziqing to regard her as a candidate for his wife at the beginning, and even send her a wedding dress to try on? Isn't this self-inflicted?
Bai Xiaoyou pulled the quilt, it was somewhat inconvenient for a big man to come into her bedroom, if Mu Changxuan found out, maybe the uncle and nephew would fight again.

Fortunately, in this family, she can also do some things. The servants are not talkative about some things.

"Where's Sixth Uncle?" Mu Ziqing walked towards her slowly, and asked nonsensically.

This is asking knowingly, isn't it just because of this time period?

Bai Xiaoyou looked at Mu Ziqing without saying a word, and she didn't ask him to sit down. It was obvious that her attitude only wanted him to quickly finish asking the key topics and leave.

However, Mu Ziqing was not a polite person, and sat down on the edge of the bed like a master.

Bai Xiaoyou gave Bai Xiaoyou a cold look at this action, how easy it is to misunderstand in the eyes of outsiders, but Mu Ziqing didn't realize it at all, and asked her again, "Where is Xiao Qingqing?"

As soon as these words came out, Bai Xiaoyou wished she could slap him on the head to wake him up.

Mingming wanted to ask where Bai Lingxuan had gone, why couldn't she keep this face off?Well, she has plenty of time today, and Mu Changxuan won't be back for a while, it depends on who can afford it.

Silence, dead silence.

Bai Xiaoyou was just waiting to see how much nonsense he could say.

Unable to get someone's answer, Mu Ziqing coughed twice in embarrassment, and finally plucked up the courage to ask, "Well, has Xuanxuan contacted you recently?"

Bai Xiaoyou wanted to tease him, so she blinked and said with a smile, "Xuanxuan, didn't you come to see me, why did you ask her?"

Mu Ziqing kept silent, Wen Run's face slowly turned dark, and she didn't know how to refute Bai Xiaoyou's words.

Bai Xiaoyou waved his hand at him, with an impatient expression, "Okay, okay, I hate your attitude, you said you want to find someone to make do with, find someone else."

Mu Ziqing was so excited, stood up, and raised her voice a little, "Oh, Bai Xiaoyou, don't turn your back on others, I was the one who helped you when Xuanxuan bullied you, now When the two sisters are on good terms, forget about the matchmaker, right?"

As soon as these words came out, Bai Xiaoyou sneered, the wireman seemed to have used the wrong words.

This guy also said he didn't care, looking at him like that, his face was flushed with anxiety, he hadn't heard from him for four months, he seemed calm and composed, people who didn't know thought he already had a suitable candidate.

Only she and Mu Changxuan knew what kind of torment these four months had been for Mu Ziqing, but he didn't make a promise, and even threatened to make do with it, so how could she trust him with her sister? .

"I really want to find someone to live with, and you know that." Mu Ziqing's tone softened, with a hint of pleading, as Bai Xiaoyou knew his affairs best.

(End of this chapter)

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