The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 136 Mu Changxuan, You Bastard

Chapter 136 Mu Changxuan, You Bastard (8)
Bai Xiaoyou was startled when he heard this, and stood at the door of the office, feeling more and more bitter in his heart.Before he could digest his last sentence, the next sentence struck like a thunderbolt.

"Give Ms. Du more sugar, she's afraid of suffering!" His voice was no longer as cold as before, and Bai Xiaoyou's ears were filled with infinite pampering, which was extremely piercing.

"Hehe, Xuan, you are so kind, let me just say, how could you forget me, you even remember my taste so clearly!"

"What's up?"

"Of course it's about getting married, what else can I do!"

Before closing the door, she heard so much, and the office hadn't been this relaxed for a long time.He is a person who takes his work very seriously, even if he talks about private matters with her in a place like the office, he doesn't seem to be so calm.But today, because of Du Yujin, he played with her for the first time.That feeling is like a thousand arrows piercing the heart!
How many people is he going to marry?Why can they all marry him, but she can only be his secret lover? Is she really unpopular?Or is it because she was born so humble that anyone would scruple?

The discomfort in her lower body at the moment prevented her from thinking about these things. When she ran to the bathroom, she found that her white underwear was stained with blood, and she couldn't help feeling even more nervous and flustered.

'Your condition is very dangerous, you must operate immediately! This sentence suddenly popped out of her mind, causing her tense heart to hang high, scaring her at a loss.

When Bai Xiaoyou came into the office with coffee, it was already 10 minutes later.

"Secretary Bai, your work efficiency is getting lower and lower!" Mu Changxuan looked at the steaming coffee on the table and complained dissatisfiedly.

He thought this little girl had forgotten, or did he not want to come in because he felt uncomfortable?
Bai Xiaoyou has kept her head down ever since she came in. When she heard his reprimand, she carefully apologized, "I'm sorry, something happened at the moment... I was delayed."

At this time, Du Yujin's harsh accusation came, and her beautiful face was full of disdain, "Hmph, excuse, how can your boss criticize you and still talk back?"

She just hates this woman, inexplicably disgusted...

"Ah..." A sudden exclamation, accompanied by the sound of glass falling to the ground, immediately made the already depressing atmosphere even weirder.

At this moment, the woman who was sitting quietly on the sofa reading a magazine suddenly jumped up from the sofa, glanced at the coffee-colored liquid on her clothes with disgust, and yelled at the woman in front of her, "Why did you do it on purpose? ,what?"

Bai Xiaoyou looked at the hairy woman in front of her, and the emotions she had been holding back for a long time almost exploded, but was shattered by Mu Changxuan's words.

"How is it, is it burning?" Mu Changxuan came to Du Yujin's side, bent down to check her carefully, and asked Du Yujin with concern, treating Bai Xiaoyou opposite him as a transparent person.

Du Yujin's heart is so sweet that she didn't take the coffee that Bai Xiaoyou handed over on purpose just now, just to teach her a little lesson, let her know who she can offend Yes, unexpectedly, there is an unexpected harvest, can you not make her happy?

Once people get excited, they get too excited. No, Du Yujin got carried away for a while, and said too much, "Xuan, your secretary did it on purpose. She just doesn't like me. I want you to fire her immediately!"

Mu Changxuan frowned impatiently, straightened up, and asked coldly, "Okay, stop making trouble, are you hurt?"

Du Yujin was about to answer coquettishly, but when she saw Bai Xiaoyou staring at her, she immediately felt dissatisfied. It can be said that she was mad with hatred, "What kind of eyes are you, almost scalding me, without even a word of apology Is it?"

(End of this chapter)

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