Chapter 139 The President Is Crazy (2)
At this time, she didn't dare to stay for too long. Mu Changxuan hated others to ignore his words. If he knew that she came to Bai Xiaoyou's trouble, she might be angry. She wasn't so stupid. It really pissed him off.

Three or 10 minutes later, a certain man finally couldn't bear it anymore. He connected to the internal phone and was about to scold him. He rang for a long time, but no one answered.

This woman, is she doing something else?He has always been rigorous about his work, and he has never been upset like this before. Just because of a woman, he felt that he was really crazy, and he couldn't do a calm job.

"Where are people going?" When Mu Changxuan came out of the CEO's office, he saw a very small number of people sitting at their workplaces talking a lot, his face sank, and his forbearance erupted immediately.

This roar made the few people who were having fun chatting tremble, it was the first time they saw Mu Changxuan get so angry.In their hearts, this man was indifferent and ruthless, and he never revealed his emotions easily. No matter who he was, even if he made a huge mistake, he had never seen him do this before.

Today, was it struck by lightning, or did you have a bad fight with Miss Du?
"President!" Xiao Ru came out of the office when she heard the roar, stood timidly in front of Mu Changxuan, folded her hands, and called out in a low voice.

Mu Changxuan had a cold face, his eyes gleamed coldly, and his cold lips issued the most ruthless order, "Chat during working hours, and their one-month bonus will be deducted."

As soon as these words came out, everyone couldn't help complaining to Bai Xiaoyou in their hearts. For her, it was not worthwhile to deduct a month's bonus!But these can only be complained in their hearts, they don't even have the courage to take a look at Mu Changxuan, let alone refute?Mu Changxuan hates looking for objective reasons after doing something wrong. Now let them explain the reason, they are afraid of dying even worse.

"President, that's because...Secretary Bai, she..." Xiaoru also felt worthless for the employees, and felt that the punishment seemed too severe, and the president didn't understand the actual situation, so she gritted her teeth and told her what she knew She said it, but Mu Changxuan's aura was too strong, making her stutter even in front of him.

Although she was talking nonsense, a certain man still heard Bai Xiaoyou's name, and he felt intense uneasiness in his heart. His cold eyes were fixed on her body, and he asked eagerly, "What's wrong with her?"

"She passed out in the tea room, shed a lot of blood..." Xiao Ru lowered her head and reported.

Seeing that she hadn't heard Mu Changxuan's voice for a long time, she continued to sigh, "It seems to have had a miscarriage, alas... Where is the president?" .

When Mu Changxuan heard Xiaoru's previous words, he seemed to be crazy, and rushed to the tea room under the surprised eyes of everyone. There were a few colleagues around the door discussing there, and he was not in the mood to reprimand him. Get into the pantry.

The blood on the ground was still wet, and the bright red blood was reflected on the white floor, making it even more dazzling and painful.Seeing this scene, Mu Changxuan's heart sank, and his brain was almost starved of oxygen.The heart ached and clenched into a ball, the unspeakable pain slowly spread to the whole body, painfully suppressed...

It stands to reason that he has often seen this bloody scene, and he has never felt afraid or dizzy, but at this moment, he was frightened and terrified. The blood on the ground seemed to flow from him, making his whole body Limp and weak as if he had lost too much blood.

"Where's Bai Xiaoyou, huh?" Suddenly, he turned around and yelled at Xiaoru at the door.

(End of this chapter)

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