Chapter 141 The President Is Crazy (4)
She had a miscarriage, and he didn't know anything, or Mu Ziqing sent her to the hospital, how did this make him feel better?Why didn't this silly woman tell him?

"It's very dangerous. If you're not sent to the hospital so soon, your life will be in danger." Mu Ziqing murmured softly, his gentle face suddenly darkened, and complex emotions intertwined in his eyes.

Mu Changxuan glanced at the red light outside the operating room, took a deep breath to calm himself down, and finally told Mu Ziqing, "Go back, I'm here." His voice was deep and hoarse, as if he had been disturbed. It was as exciting as anything, and those dark eyes were full of pain at the moment.


Mu Ziqing looked at the god-like man in front of him with a puzzled expression. Shocked, puzzled, and uneasy several emotions flooded into his brain, making him confused.Why does his sixth uncle care so much about Xiaoyou? Does he know the decision he made and came here to stop it?
"Uncle Liu, no matter what, I must be with Xiaoyou. I think with your ability, you must know that the child in Xiaoyou's belly is not mine. I beg you not to say it." His sixth uncle is different from other People, Mu Ziqing felt that he must know something, otherwise how could he appear in the hospital at this moment.

Mu Changxuan was speechless at his words. He never thought that his nephew would be so infatuated. The woman he loves is pregnant with someone else's child and wants to settle down?What made him even more troublesome was that this child belonged to him... It's messed up, really messed up!He felt it was time to announce their relationship, enough of it!

"Mu Ziqing, let me tell you, she..." Mu Changxuan's eyes twinkled slightly, his expression extremely serious, but before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by a panicked voice.

"Xiaoyou, where's Xiaoyou, what's going on?" I have to say that Chen Hui appeared at the right time, and our sixth master almost lost his composure.

Thinking about it now, Mu Changxuan also felt a little regretful, but fortunately the matter was not revealed.He had to make all preparations to ensure that this matter would not hurt her before he announced it.Otherwise, the public opinion of the society and the pressure of the family are not something she can face.Although he is not afraid of anything and doesn't care about anything, a person is used to being alone.However, at this moment, he didn't want to let him get hurt again, whether it was mentally or physically, he didn't want to.

"Auntie, don't worry, the doctor said it's okay." Mu Ziqing comforted Chen Hui who was in a panic.

If he knew this was the case, no matter how much Bai Xiaoyou called his mother, he shouldn't have called Chen Hui and asked her to come over.

"How did Xiaoyou faint?"

"It's an ectopic pregnancy."

"What, ectopic, how did this happen?"

"How can she be so confused, how can she?"

Hearing their conversation, Mu Changxuan's cold heart was touched again, confused, is being with him confused?It's him, everything is his fault!Perhaps in order not to make his heart hurt more, he didn't want to stay here and listen to them talk about the previous things.Before leaving, he looked at the operating room again, and the closed door made him feel flustered like never before.

At this moment, he felt that his heart seemed to be broken...

"The child is yours?" Although Li Boran asked, he used an affirmative tone.

Mu Changxuan's face was tense, a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes, and he asked hoarsely, "What's going on, why is it an ectopic pregnancy?"

Cough cough, sixth master, why don't I ask you this?Who cares about it after being happy?

Li Boran heard his thoughtless question, a look of disbelief flashed across his clean face.At that time, he felt that Mu Changxuan treated this woman differently, but he didn't expect that it would affect his originally indifferent temperament.The question is, why is it an ectopic pregnancy? Can he explain this?

(End of this chapter)

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