Chapter 143 The President Is Crazy (6)
Chen Hui's mind went blank, and she couldn't sort out her thoughts at all.

Mu Changxuan, when Xiaoyou wakes up, he will ask her what she means. The relationship between them should be made clear.He hoped that Mu Ziqing would not only introduce him as his sixth uncle in front of others in the future, but also let him introduce Bai Xiaoyou, this is my sixth aunt!
While waiting silently, the closed operation door finally opened at this time. Chen Hui was the first to go up to her, and asked urgently, "Doctor, how is the situation?"

"The fallopian tube on the left side is ruptured. It needs to be cut as soon as possible, and the family members' signature is required." The doctor said very urgently, and it seemed that the situation was urgent.

The news struck the three people present like a thunderbolt.

Mu Changxuan's stern face became more and more gloomy, his thin lips were tightly pressed, and his black eyes were bottomless.No one knew how heartbroken he was when he heard the news, as if his heart was being pinched so hard that it was about to explode.

Chen Hui was agitated, and pulled the doctor's hand and begged, "Doctor, is there no other way, if the fallopian tubes are removed, won't it be difficult for my daughter to get pregnant in the future?"

"I'm sorry, we've tried our best, sign it as soon as possible!"

When Chen Hui heard it, her body softened, her brain seemed to be emptied, her heart beat uncontrollably, her eyes went dark, and she didn't know anything.

"Auntie, auntie..." Mu Ziqing called out anxiously as he helped Chen Hui's body that had almost collapsed.

But there was no movement after calling for a long time, so he could only ask Mu Changxuan for help, "Uncle Six, I will leave this to you, and I will take Auntie to find a doctor."

"No matter what, I want her to suffer less, as long as she is safe." Mu Changxuan nodded to him, took the document from the doctor, signed his name with trembling hands, and then looked at the doctor carefully. enjoin.

At this moment, as long as she is fine, it is better than anything else!
"Don't worry, we will." The doctor gave him a reassuring look and returned to the operating room to continue the operation.

The next day, the news of Bai Xiaoyou's ectopic pregnancy somehow reached the old man's ears. When he came to the hospital, Bai Xiaoyou was still awake, and Mu Ziqing was the only one in the ward.

"Grandpa, Xiaoyou's child is mine. I can't be irresponsible. I beg you to make it happen." Seeing the old man, Mu Ziqing suddenly knelt on the ground with a plop, and prayed.

Before the old man could catch his breath, a fierce voice spread throughout the ward, "Mu Ziqing, her fallopian tubes have been removed, do you want me to have no children, huh?" The vigorous son almost recited his words angrily.

Mu Ziqing felt a headache from Liu Qin's sudden appearance, and tried her best to explain, "Mom, Xiaoyou is pitiful enough, the doctor said it's not completely hopeless, but the chances are a little smaller."

"Anyway, I won't agree." Liu Qin's attitude is a firm fact, and nothing can change it.

Mr. Mu glanced at the woman lying on the bed, that bloodless face was indeed endearing.Mu Ziqing had already said that they became like this because of him, how could their Mu family stand by and watch.It would be too much to abandon her under such circumstances, but if she really lost her fertility in the future, he would absolutely not accept it.In their Mu family, Mu Haochen only has one son, Mu Ziqing, so how could they cut off their sons and grandchildren!
So, Mr. Mu was also very conflicted. This time, he didn't help Mu Ziqing up, but just stood there and sighed slightly.This is indeed a bit tricky.

Just when he was in a dilemma, a familiar and indifferent figure appeared in the ward. Seeing him, Mr. Mu was full of disbelief, "Changxuan, why are you here?"

(End of this chapter)

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