The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 146 How about we try to be together

Chapter 146 How about we try to be together (1)
Since Jiang Yiling came out of Mu's Group, she has applied for several companies.It stands to reason that with her outstanding looks and rich work experience, it is really not difficult to find a job with a good salary.But for some reason, for several days in a row, several companies that applied for the job did not give her any news.

What went wrong?Her conditions are based on one point alone. People from the Mu's Group have to be superior no matter where they go to find a job. Other companies are rushing to get them.But why no company is willing to hire her?Walking on the busy street, Jiang Yiling felt like a stray dog, homeless.She is a woman with a strong sense of career. Without her career, she feels like she has lost her soul, living like a walking dead, with no direction in her life.

Women must have a career in order to be favored by the opposite sex!She has always believed in this sentence.With an average family background, she worked hard to have such a status in the Mu Group, but she was ruined by that ruthless man with just one sentence.Are rich people like this, never see her efforts, let alone the pain behind people like them.

She hated, hated Mu Changxuan's ruthlessness, was jealous of Bai Xiaoyou, madly jealous!She had already heard that after she left, Bai Xiaoyou took her place.She was too stupid to find out that that bitch had an shady relationship with Mu Changxuan in the end. She should have learned to be smarter and not provoke Bai Xiaoyou if she knew that.But now that things have become like this, she only has hatred for Bai Xiaoyou.She wants to see how long Bai Xiaoyou can be proud of a woman who relies on her nepotism to get along with her in a superior position!
She won't stop, never!She will settle this account with Bai Xiaoyou slowly. Mu Changxuan has no choice but to deal with a little girl!
People are most afraid of opportunities when they are down and down, especially a woman like Jiang Yiling, as long as she is given a chance to display her space, she will definitely find her shining point. Look, the opportunity really came!

Jiang Yiling had just finished an interview. Originally, the interviewer was very satisfied with her information, but after seeing the end, she was rejected immediately, which was more ruthless than the previous companies.How could she, who had always shown her power in front of the employees, be able to swallow this breath?
Walking aimlessly on the street, she did not expect to reach the downstairs of Bai's Group. Looking at the towering building, Jiang Yiling saw a ray of hope in her gloomy life.

"It's me, how about going out for a cup of coffee?" She took out her mobile phone and dialed a number she hadn't contacted for a long time. She had already made up her mind, and her beautiful face looked even more dazzling under the sunlight.

"Well, I'll wait for you downstairs in your company!" Hearing the promise on the phone, she finally smiled, and the stone in her heart finally fell.

As long as Bai Lingxuan is willing to come to see her, she won't be afraid that she won't be able to deal with her!In her eyes, Bai Lingxuan is actually an idiot, a self-righteous woman. If it weren't for her rich family background, she might not be as good as herself!On the surface, she has always been respectful to Bai Lingxuan, but in her heart she strongly despises her.

A stupid woman who ruined her family for the sake of a man!This was Jiang Yiling's evaluation of Bai Lingxuan. She believed that as long as it had something to do with Mu Ziqing, this woman would definitely be hooked.

Bai Lingxuan never puts anyone in his eyes, not to mention the woman in front of her is asking for something from her, which makes her face look more arrogant at this moment, and said casually, "Miss Jiang asked me, what's the matter?" , I remember that you didn't do what I asked you to do!"

Last time, she asked Jiang Yiling to spread rumors about Bai Xiaoyou in Mu's. Although she followed suit, she didn't achieve the effect she wanted. Not to mention spending a lot of money, the most important thing is that she didn't let her She was angry.Can she still believe what this woman said now? Even if it is true, she has to be cautious!
(End of this chapter)

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