Chapter 158 This is the last time (5)
Mu Changxuan didn't pay attention at first, because he really didn't have much appetite these days, but now he really looked at it at first glance. These are all his favorite dishes when he was a child. Auntie, remember?
"Auntie is tired." He put down the tableware in his hand and said something calmly.

Even he himself didn't know whether this sentence was a courtesy or a thank you for her kindness in nurturing him for so many years!Once some things are changed, they can never be found again.

I still remember when my aunt brought him back from London. At that time, my grandfather had just passed away and my mother married another man.He is only five years old, and he has to bear such a great pressure. He just came to this strange place, and he can't sleep well every night, and he keeps having nightmares. It's my aunt who takes care of him all night. Can such feelings be faked?
If it wasn't for the incident between him and Jin'er three years ago, he and his aunt would not be unfamiliar.

"It's all a family, so you're welcome!" Su Qing smiled slightly, as if she had returned to many years ago, when the three children were under their knees, laughing and laughing constantly.

Today, the scene is still the same, but everything is silent, and there are only politeness and alienation.Could it be that she did something wrong back then, causing Mu Changxuan to have a grudge against her?

"Xuan, when do you think we're going to take wedding photos?" Du Yujin suddenly uttered such a sentence, which stunned everyone at the dinner table.

Du Sichen rested his hands on his forehead, peeking at Mu Changxuan's face, and saw that his already indifferent face was now gray, and his eyes were obscure, making it impossible to guess his emotions.

He never thought that his mother would give Du Yujin such a flirty idea, and the question was so direct that Mu Changxuan was caught off guard. It was indeed cruel!Would Mu Changxuan commit a crime because of the family relationship between them?

In fact, he is also very curious!It can be said that he is a bit gloating, he has never seen Mu Changxuan troubled by anything, but this matter is indeed a bit tricky.You can neither quarrel with Su Qing, nor accept your own sister. If you don't handle it properly, you will lose a lot of your original things.If he refused in person, the family relationship built up over the past ten years would probably disappear in smoke.

With a cold face, Mu Changxuan glanced at everyone at the dinner table, and the atmosphere became extremely cold.

"Jin'er, we..." He wanted to refuse, but it was difficult to say the following words, because everything here was too familiar, and he couldn't bear Du Yujin's begging eyes after all.

He still remembers that when he was a child, he just came here, this little girl was holding his hand, cousin, don't be afraid, my brother and I will take care of you from now on, we are all your relatives!The scenes of the past made it difficult for him to make a choice.

Su Qing suddenly broke the silence, "Go to France, it's the most romantic place, I'll pick a day to organize your marriage, Changxuan, my aunt is getting old, and some things are beyond my control, I just hope you can help I will take good care of Jin'er."

That's right, isn't he entrusting his precious daughter to Mu Changxuan!

"I'm sorry, auntie, I can't marry Jin'er!" Mu Changxuan's heart broke, he shook off his confused thoughts, and summoned up the courage to speak.There are some things that have to be faced, since we have talked about it, we can solve it at once.

Anyone can do it, but Jin'er can't. No matter what happens, once it's over, it can only become the past, and he will never look back.

As soon as these words came out, the faces of several people were different, shocked, doubtful, uncertain...

Did they watch Du Yujin and Mu Changxuan grow up together and make a private decision for life, but now they say they can't?Is it so easy to establish a childhood sweetheart? Du Yujin was ignorant at the beginning, but he can't be entangled in this matter for the rest of his life!
(End of this chapter)

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