The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 163 A Blessing Against Your Heart

Chapter 163 A Blessing Against Your Heart (2)
Seeing the beauty suddenly appearing at the door, Mu Ziqing's gentle face showed a look of impatience, and his tone was quite bad, "What are you doing here?"

Bai Lingxuan's face changed slightly, she tried her best to maintain her demeanor in front of Mu Ziqing, and walked forward slowly, forming a stark contrast between her and Bai Xiaoyou at this moment.Bai Xiaoyou had just recovered from a serious illness. She looked pale and weak, and needed more protection from others. It was heartbreaking.And Bai Lingxuan's exaggerated attire is enough to show that she is here to show off. If Mu Ziqing hadn't been present, she might have said something vicious to attack Bai Xiaoyou at this time.

"My dearest sister is hospitalized. As a younger sister, I have never had time to visit her. I finally got some free time today. Of course I came to see her." Bai Lingxuan said it in a weird way, and anyone could hear the sarcasm in these words with provocation.

"Bai Lingxuan, just speak up if you have anything to say." Seeing this person, Bai Xiaoyou's already depressed mood became even more irritable.

Bai Lingxuan looked at the two holding hands, her beautiful face turned pale with anger, and she said very mean words, "The child is gone, do you think everything will be hidden?"

"What exactly are you trying to say?" Mu Ziqing's gentle face made a trace of anger appear, and he stared fiercely at the woman in front of him.

Unexpectedly, Bai Lingxuan didn't repent at all, and continued to complain, "Ziqing, don't be fooled by this woman's appearance, the child in her belly may not be..."

"Shut up, who allowed you to come in, and who told you to defile Xiaoyou? Don't I know if the child is mine? Get out!" Mu Ziqing let go of Bai Xiaoyou's hand, slender His body gradually approached Bai Lingxuan, staring at her ferociously, as if he wanted to swallow this nonsense woman alive.

"You...what I said is true." Bai Lingxuan thought that Mu Ziqing didn't know the truth, and seeing that he didn't believe her words, she felt a little angry and anxious.

She didn't have any definite evidence, and her words were unsubstantiated. Isn't she too impatient?

"Bai Xiaoyou, do you dare to swear that if the child in your womb is not Mu Ziqing's, you will lose the right to be a mother forever." Bai Lingxuan coldly curled her lips, and the words she said were extremely vicious.

Mu Ziqing finally couldn't take it anymore and roared, "Enough is enough, get out!"

With this roar, not only Bai Lingxuan, but even Bai Xiaoyou who was standing by the side was a little inconceivable, a man who was always gentle and refined had such a fiery side.If it wasn't for her, Mu Ziqing probably wouldn't lose her temper so much. She owes him too much, how can she pay it back?
When Bai Lingxuan left, her face was livid. She finally seized the opportunity to taunt Bai Xiaoyou, but she was scolded bloody by the man she loved. How could she swallow it?Hmph, she will definitely find evidence of Bai Xiaoyou's flirtatiousness, and then make her scandal public, and see how she can stay in City A by then!

"Xiaoyou, don't take it to heart. Everything is over. From now on you have me, and I won't let anyone bully you." After Bai Lingxuan left, Mu Ziqing returned to her former gentleness, as if everything just now was just illusion.

However, Bai Xiaoyou could no longer be as calm as water, and the pimples in her heart came out again, and she said nana, "But what she said is absolutely right, the child is not yours in the first place."

This is too unfair to Mu Ziqing, he has offended too many people for himself, is she really that good?He couldn't find what kind of woman he wanted with such conditions, so why did he fall in love with her?She felt worthless for him and sad for herself at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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