The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 168 A Blessing Against Your Heart

Chapter 168 A Blessing Against Your Heart (7)
However, such a warm scene happened to fall into the eyes of Mu Changxuan and Ye Min who had just entered.Their positions are extremely conspicuous, as long as you walk into the restaurant, you can see the two of them.

Near the World Trade Center, this restaurant is a bit more upscale, so it is not surprising to meet each other.

Mu Changxuan stared intently at her smiling side face. The soft lights in the restaurant hit her face, making her look even more petite and charming, so lovable.But the smile on her face did not belong to him!
Sure enough, she loved Mu Ziqing, even if he asked her in such a low voice, her answer was still so firm, she didn't want to be with him?Ah!So it's so ridiculous, these days he can't sleep all night long, her beautiful face always flashes in his mind, those childish words and natural movements are deeply reflected in his mind and can't get rid of.

In order to forget her, he entangled with Ye Min all day long, but after all, he couldn't arouse the slightest interest in that cold heart, and he was only perfunctory towards Ye Min.

Seeing her and Mu Ziqing eating together in such a harmonious way now, an unspeakable jealousy arose in his heart, his hands were tightly pressed together, his deep eyes were slightly narrowed, his thin lips were tightly pressed together, and he said nothing. Fat standing in place.

"Secretary Bai, it's no wonder you rejected my invitation. It turns out there is an appointment." Compared to Ye Min, she acted much more excited, walked up to the two of them, and couldn't help teasing.

The warm atmosphere between the two was destroyed, and Mu Ziqing was a little irritable, but when he saw Ye Min, his eyes lit up.

Mu Ziqing got up, and at this time Mu Changxuan also came in front of the two of them. He naturally put his arms around Ye Min's waist. The two looked very affectionate, but this scene fell into Bai Xiaoyou's eyes. Something happened, she felt that her heart was riddled with holes, it hurts as soon as it hurts, and it hurts again and again, making her numb all over.

"Hehe, what a coincidence, Sixth Uncle, um, Sixth Aunt." Mu Ziqing greeted the two of them politely. Of course, he was happiest that Sixth Uncle and Ye Min were getting married soon, so his previous suspicions were no longer valid. up.

Ye Min didn't expect Mu Changxuan to be so proactive today, his heart was as sweet as honey, leaning on his body, he said to the two of them, "Do you mind being together?"

"Of course I don't mind, I can't wait for it!" After speaking, Mu Ziqing was about to get up and move to Bai Xiaoyou's side, so as to make room for the two of them.

Ye Min was about to sit down, but was hugged even tighter by the man beside him. His expression was complicated, his black eyes swept over Bai Xiaoyou inadvertently, and his thin lips parted slightly, "I don't mind, don't you want to be alone with me?" Cultivate a relationship?" His words were soft, but enough for the four of them to hear them clearly.

Bai Xiaoyou's heart quality has never been very good. Hearing such ambiguous words, her heart trembled violently, the tableware almost fell to the ground, and the blood in her whole body seemed to flow backwards at this moment, which made her feel so uncomfortable that she almost didn't remember it. past.

"Hey, it's rare for Uncle Six to be so provocative, so let's not bother." Mu Ziqing couldn't help teasing the two of them, and agreed with Uncle Six's suggestion, after all, he and Bai Xiaoyou rarely had such a tacit understanding.

Ye Min's heart, that was agitated, he smiled and told the two of them, "Then we're going, you guys have fun."

"I didn't expect Uncle Liu, who is always indifferent, to be so romantic. It seems that this time he is serious." Mu Ziqing sat back in his seat, expressing his emotion for what happened just now.

Bai Xiaoyou looked at him with a pale face, put down the tableware in her hand, and said nah, "Ziqing, can I go back if I want?" Even if she wanted to forget Mu Changxuan, but when she saw him treat others with her own eyes, She still can't help but feel distressed, she can't be calm, she really can't, so let's just keep out of sight!
Mu Ziqing frowned slightly, looked at her somewhat haggard face, and asked distressedly, "Are you full, but your complexion is still so bad, make up your body."

"Maybe there are a lot of things recently, so I'm tired."

"Leave me something, don't be too tired, let's go, I'll see you off!" Mu Ziqing will always only have her eyes on her, this is the difference between him and Mu Changxuan.

As soon as Mu Changxuan sat down with Ye Min, he saw Mu Ziqing hugging Bai Xiaoyou out of the restaurant, his face suddenly turned cold, and he stood up and gave instructions to the woman in front of him.

"My company still has something to do, you can use it slowly." After speaking, regardless of Ye Min's mood, he left the restaurant quickly.

Ye Min had just picked up the menu, but unexpectedly the man in front of her disappeared. Seeing his tall back quickly disappear, she couldn't help calling out, "Changxuan, oh..."

Although she has been with him these days, she can feel that he doesn't have himself in his heart at all. Just like just now, he took the initiative to hug her, but she didn't feel real. At such a close distance, she still Can't feel his heart beating.What kind of man is he, and what kind of woman is hiding in his heart?

"You, why are you here? Is there something wrong?" Bai Xiaoyou got off Mu Ziqing's car and walked into the community. She saw the figure that she had missed thousands of times in her dreams. Before, a little surprised.

Didn't he dine with Ye Min at the restaurant? How did he appear here?
The corners of Mu Changxuan's lips turned up slightly, but did not form a slight arc, "Don't look at me with that look, I'm not interested in you anymore."


Bai Xiaoyou looked at him speechlessly. He came here to tell himself that he was no longer interested in her?Are you sick?

"I'm going on a business trip to City C with me the day after tomorrow. I'm just here to inform you." After a long time, he suddenly said again, his tone cold.

Bai Xiaoyou lowered her head and replied professionally, "Oh, tell me what materials you need to prepare, and I will start preparing tomorrow."

"I'll send you the specific needs. Remember, you must not make mistakes this time." His tone was a little harsh, maybe because of what happened last time, he still had some doubts about her ability.

"Yes, President!" Bai Xiaoyou looked up, and found that he was staring at him, his eyes met each other, but some were just embarrassed.

In the end, Mu Changxuan withdrew his gaze, turned around and stopped looking at her. He didn't know what was wrong, but he couldn't help but want to come to her when there was nothing wrong. He thought of such an idea temporarily, but really What can he do when he sees her.Thinking of her firm words, he felt that he was very embarrassed at this moment!

Why is he so restless?It's only been a few days, and I've come to look for her, it's terrible!
"You are getting married, congratulations, she is really suitable for you." Suddenly, her soft voice came from behind.

Mu Changxuan's body stiffened for a while, and he stopped in place without turning his head. A bitter smile curled up on the corner of his mouth, and he replied coldly, "Really, I think so too!"

Then his tall and lonely figure quickly disappeared into the community, leaving only Bai Xiaoyou standing there alone in a daze.

She had thought that he would not respond to her blessings, but she never expected that he, who had always been self-righteous, would answer so naturally, as if he and Ye Min were really the best match.

Is that the way it is between them? !

(End of this chapter)

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