Chapter 176
Cheng Peige has not been in a good mood these two days. When she woke up yesterday morning, Lin Yifei's surprised expression and nonchalant words were deeply etched in her heart.

No, right now she was lost in memories again, she didn't even bother to take care of the work that Lin Yifei gave her, she felt that her emotions were controlled by that man.

"Hey, why are you here, you are taking advantage of me while I'm not paying attention!" Early in the morning, before she woke up from her sleep, she heard his sharp words coming from her ears.

Because Cheng Peige took care of him who was drunk, he didn't go to bed until very late, and he didn't sleep very comfortably on the sofa. He was woken up by him as soon as he fell asleep in the morning, and his harsh words made her sleepless.

She sat up from the sofa in a daze, and saw him standing in front of her soberly, with a look of grievance on his face, "That last were drunk, won't let me go, I have no choice but to stay down."

Hearing her stammering explanation, Lin Yifei looked terrified and terribly annoyed, a rare bruise appeared on his beautiful face, he put his hands on his forehead, looking helpless, and glanced lightly at the sofa The sleepy-eyed woman on the bed reprimanded helplessly, "What, you are a pig, if I tell you to stay, you will stay. I wonder if men are the most dangerous under such circumstances?" Afterwards, he He continued to complain, "Everything is voluntary, I didn't force you."

Was he so horny last night that he threw himself on a woman who wanted both tits and ass?Clear soup vermicelli is not his dish at all!The most terrible thing is that this woman was sent by his queen mother to watch him. Didn't he shoot himself in the foot when he messed up with her?With this relationship, she will have more reasons to follow her in the future.

The moment he found out that the woman beside him was her, he really had the urge to die!Now, I just hope that this woman can be smarter and forget about what happened last night, otherwise it will be difficult for them to maintain even the most basic working relationship.He has his own principles, no matter how hard he is, no matter how much he likes beautiful women, he will never provoke the female employees of his company.

Woman, once you go crazy, you will be like brown sugar, and you can't tear it off. He doesn't want to make mistakes at work because of his flirtatiousness.

Cheng Peige saw that he disliked him so much, and felt a chill in his heart. The tenderness last night was still vivid in his memory. Maybe he had forgotten it, but it was the first time for her, who was inexperienced, to see a man with such a warm and gentle expression. Looking at her, it was also the first time that she had such an intimate contact with a man, but waking up made her feel like a dream. This was indeed a blow to her who had never been in love.

She got up from the sofa, put on her shoes, and stood in front of Lin Yifei with her hands crossed, her voice was like a mosquito, "No, boss, you misunderstood, in fact we have nothing, we just slept together."

I have to say that Lin Yifei was very satisfied with this explanation, a gleam flashed on that already beautiful face, he swallowed, and asked with some uncertainty, "Ahem, really?" When asking, Cheng Peige clearly saw a trace of reassurance in his charming peach eyes.

"En!" She responded lightly, thinking of his attitude towards her last night, her face blushed.

Lin Yifei noticed her embarrassment, and his blushing face made him tease, "Since this is the case, why are you blushing?"

"That's... because I'm afraid you'll misunderstand me, so I'm nervous!" Cheng Peige, who was already thin-skinned, seemed even more at a loss when Cheng Peige was teased by him. She hurriedly explained without knowing what she was talking about.

(End of this chapter)

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