The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 187 Do you want to wash with me

Chapter 187 Do you want to wash with me (6)
Seeing her so cute, Mu Changxuan's heart fluttered. The calmness he was usually proud of collapsed at this moment. A crack appeared from the corner of his mouth, and the smile from the heart gradually spread to his whole face. , Let him let go of all defenses.

"If I said yes, what would you do?" His big hand covered her delicate face, and the soft touch made him unable to put it down.

Bai Xiaoyou didn't expect him to ask such a question, if one day he really has something to do, what will happen to her?She is also asking herself this question.

When she realized it, she said angrily, "You have great powers, how can there be things you can't solve, you are bluffing me!"

Will he still need help from others? In his next life!

"Since you know, why do you still ask?" He has never questioned his ability. He feels that no matter what, as long as he puts his heart into it, finds a breakthrough, and finds the right time to attack, he will not fail.

"..." Bai Xiaoyou was a little speechless at his arrogant attitude.

"I'd better find another room. We can't do this. Miss Ye will misunderstand when she comes later." She discussed with him in a soft voice, but she didn't want to bring the relationship between the two back to the original point again.

After we broke up, everything is clear, so we shouldn't be nostalgic, and continuing to entangle will only make more people suffer.That being the case, it is better to reluctantly give up.

Mu Changxuan pursed his thin lips. What she said just now made him very unhappy. It's not easy for them to be so beautiful together. Why did she insist on mentioning other women?
After a long time, he patiently explained, "No, she has asked me to send someone back to City A."

"Ahem, you can't be..." Bai Xiaoyou was stunned by his words, her eyes widened, and she looked at him puzzled.

"Can you stop talking about her?" His tone was a little bit bad, and his face became particularly smelly, but facing such a lovely her, he couldn't lose his temper.

In order to hide her embarrassment, she twisted her body slightly in his arms, and wanted to leave his arms, but was held tighter by him. She had no choice but to discuss with him, "Uh... I'm going to rest , there is still work to do tonight."

"Well, you rest for a while, I'll come out to accompany you after I take a shower." He gently kissed her forehead, then quietly picked up her body horizontally, put her gently on the bed, and instructed gently.

"I mean..." Seeing that he was about to leave, she panicked and grabbed his shirt cuff and explained indiscriminately.

Can she keep a distance from him?
Of course Mu Changxuan knew her concerns, but he couldn't let her succeed, so he deliberately teased, "Why, do you want to take a bath with me?"

"..." A certain woman was completely speechless, knowing that continuing would only make him a rascal.


Because last time Bai Xiaoyou coaxed Chen Hui for a business trip, this time, although Bai Xiaoyou was reasonable, she still didn't believe it. Early in the morning, Bai Xiaoyou dragged the suitcase and went out, and Chen Hui secretly Following her, Bai Xiaoyou, observing her daughter's condition, and seeing Bai Xiaoyou's petite figure appearing at the airport entrance, Chen Hui, who was in the distance, had a thought in her throat.

Is she really going on a business trip?With whom, that indifferent man in the hospital that day?If it was just the two of them, she would definitely go over and stop them, and never let them have a chance to be together alone. Her feeling told her that that dazzling and indifferent man was not suitable for Bai Xiaoyou. If they were together, only her daughter would suffer. .

She and Bai Yuchen suffered too many emotional injuries back then, and one of her hearts was torn apart. Therefore, she would never let Bai Xiaoyou give her everything for the relationship.But when she saw Mu Changxuan hugging a beautiful woman and Bai Xiaoyou muttering at the entrance of the airport, her tense heart gradually eased.

(End of this chapter)

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