The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 198 Why Can't You Bear Me

Chapter 198 Why Can't You Bear Me (6)
When Du Yujin occasionally had a fever and a cold, he never showed such nervousness. The Du family had many servants and several family doctors, so there was no need for him to worry, and he didn't do anything for her before her hospital bed. Some little things that girls like to coax her.

But he felt pain in his heart for Bai Xiaoyou. Seeing her sick, he didn't want to do anything to others. He just wanted to be by her side and take care of her himself. He was afraid that her condition would worsen if he closed his eyes. He was worried.

"I have a headache, I want to drink water." Bai Xiaoyou had never seen such a gentle and patient man, her big eyes were fixed on his handsome face, she pulled the corners of her lips, and said hoarsely.

Seeing her confused look, Mu Changxuan worriedly pressed his lips to her forehead, feeling that her temperature had gradually returned to normal, and a stone in his heart had dropped.Although it was just a fever and nothing serious would happen, he just couldn't help being nervous.

To his relief, this time the fever was not as severe as the last time, otherwise he wouldn't know what to do.

"Okay, I'll help you pour water, you lie down and don't move around." Before turning around, he reminded him uneasy.

Bai Xiaoyou got up with a heavy body, leaning against the head of the bed, staring at his back in a daze.Such a noble man, serving her now, did her eyes twitch?Seeing his busy figure, her heart was as sweet as honey. No matter what the future holds, she felt very happy at this moment.When Mu Changxuan sat on the bedside with water, she wanted to reach out to take it, but he stopped her.He put the water glass in his hand to his lips to test the temperature, and then patiently blew a few mouthfuls before handing it to her.

Bai Xiaoyou was stunned speechless by his series of actions. She took the glass dully and drank the water in it to feel better. She wanted to reach out and put the empty glass on the bedside table, but The man in front of him took it domineeringly, and asked softly, "Do you want to drink?"

Mu Changxuan saw that she was drinking in such a hurry, and was worried that she would choke, and was about to stop her, but found that the glass was empty, presumably she was extremely thirsty!

"I'm not dreaming, right? Why are you being so nice to me all of a sudden?" Bai Xiaoyou said this, her nose sore, and her tears dripped uncontrollably.

She would rather he treated her a little worse, so that the two of them would not be too sad when they returned to City A and separated.But now, what does he mean, why should he be so good?Doesn't this make her even more sad?
Big teardrops rolled down his cheeks and landed on the back of Mu Changxuan's hand. He wiped the tears off her face with distress, rubbed her petite body into his arms, and said softly, "What's wrong, Is it a headache, why are you crying, how old are you?"

"I ask why you are so nice to me!" Bai Xiaoyou asked with a choked voice, her soft body hit his thick chest, and she could still feel his strong heartbeat through the front of her clothes.

He rested his chin on top of her head, and gently stroked her black hair with his big hands. After a few seconds of silence, he replied, "Because, are sick!" Because I don't want to see you suffer. It has reached the chest, but in the end it changed.

Bai Xiaoyou clearly saw the pity in his eyes. Although his answer did not satisfy her, she was satisfied. In the past, he would never answer such questions. To reassure him, she continued, " I'm fine, I just have a little cold, don't make a fuss, just buy some medicine and take it."

"Be obedient, when your fever subsides, we have to rush back to city A." Mu Changxuan hugged her tightly, sighed softly, and didn't know how to tell her that his mother was being rescued.

(End of this chapter)

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