Chapter 208 Give me a step down (2)
Chen Hui is not dead yet, she is already like this, he really can't imagine what will happen to her if Chen Hui lets go one day!
"Really, then what are we waiting for, hurry up and contact Mr. Mild." Once Bai Xiaoyou got excited, he forgot who the doctor Mu Ziqing was talking about, and never thought about what kind of big man he was. How hard to please.

Mu Ziqing frowned slightly, with a helpless look on his face, "But this Mild is not everyone who can be moved, I'm afraid it will be very difficult for us..."

The reason why he sentenced Chen Hui to death was because very few people could please Mr. Mild.Anyway, he didn't have the ability to ask for it, so he might have to find another doctor.

"No matter what, I must find a way. By the way, do I have to wait in line for a suitable heart?" Bai Xiaoyou's face was determined, no matter how difficult it was, she would do whatever it took.

"You don't have to worry about this, just ask my grandpa to say hello to the hospital, and let my aunt take the lead as soon as she has a suitable heart!" This is the only thing he can do to help her.

Bai Xiaoyou responded lightly, "Well, thank you!"

He always helps her when she is most in danger and gives her spiritual support. It would be great if the person she loves is Mu Ziqing!
"Fool, don't talk about this, everything will be fine." Mu Ziqing fondled her black hair, his voice was so soft and gentle, revealing his love for her.

Mu Changxuan took the afternoon flight and arrived in City A at night. As soon as he came back, he went straight to the company.After two days of delay, he had to find out about the progress of the company.The huge office was empty, the dark night was as quiet as water, just like his cold heart.

He came to Bai Xiaoyou's office involuntarily, maybe it was because she hadn't come to work for a long time, and there was no familiar smell in it, which made him feel inexplicably flustered.

His tall figure stood in front of the window, looking at the computer and folders she had used, sitting on her office chair uncontrollably, slowly reaching out, touching the things she had used, as if at this moment she Still here in general, never left.

He still couldn't give up on her, and he didn't see her for a day, and he felt that his whole heart was empty.The lights in the office shone on his handsome outline, making him look more and more ruthless.

Thinking of the sweet time with her these two days, his heart ached even more.Her smile, her coquettish expression, and her sleeping face were like a curse, torturing him severely.Wanted to forget, even with such vicious curses he had uttered in the morning, he still couldn't stop thinking about her.

Why, he is still so nostalgic?What's so good about that woman, he asked himself in his heart more than once, but he never knew the answer.

Since he can't forget her, let's keep her!As long as it is what he wants, he will do whatever it takes to get it.He is not that great, letting his own woman love others.

Bai Xiaoyou, I will make you pay for what you did this morning, and let you always remember this lesson!
"Sixth Master, I have already contacted Mr. Mild, and said that I will not be able to spare time until a week later." The appearance of the subordinate brought Mu Changxuan's thoughts back.

There was a slight smile on the cold thin lips, that smile was too inscrutable to be guessed, "Well, okay, tell Li Boran that I've done it."


snort!Bai Xiaoyou, I'm waiting for you to beg me tomorrow, this time, I will never let you escape from my palm again!
(End of this chapter)

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