The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 222 Everything Is Worth For Her

Chapter 222 Everything is worth it for her (2)
If he doesn't like women who are open, she might as well act jerky, she still doesn't believe it, she has subdued countless men, can't she arouse the burning of his long-suffering lust?

Before that, she had already found out that Mu Changxuan was a very strict person who never messed with sex. Apart from Du Yujin, I am afraid that he has never tasted other women!
As a man, as long as you let him taste a little bit of himself, he will turn into a wolf and never stop.She is very confident in herself!

After witnessing Bai Xiaoyou and Mu Changxuan leaving intimately, Mu Ziqing rushed all the way to the bar, filling his mouth with wine one after another.I don't know if it's because the wine is too bitter, but Fengshen's handsome face crumpled into a ball, the cold wine reached his heart and then slowly spread to the bone marrow, making him numb.

If knowing the truth would be so cruel, he would rather not know anything, pretend to be stupid, and stay by her side all the time, thinking that one day she would be influenced by his sincerity.But why is it so cruel? No one is easy to provoke, but that man is his sixth uncle. How can he accept it?

Does Uncle Six understand everything about her? Bai Xiaoyou was married before, would a man as indifferent and paranoid as Uncle Six accept her past?Suddenly, Bai Xiaoyou's last warning to him flashed in his mind, "I am your sixth uncle's woman", these words were like a knife pierced directly into his heart, without any deviation. At that moment, he I feel like my world has collapsed!

Oh, it's just Uncle Six's woman?She would rather be his woman than be with him openly?Are people crazy now, they don't like open media marriages, and like to play underground romances?

Last night he heard from his grandfather that Uncle Liu would be engaged to Ye Min at the end of this month, but now he is here to snatch his girlfriend, what's going on?How did he never know that his indifferent sixth uncle wanted to occupy several women at the same time?

Just wait, he will let Bai Xiaoyou see Mu Changxuan's true face clearly, and return to him.

He won't let go!Since sixth uncle can't rely on her, he will never give up!He believed that as long as she was tired from playing, she would definitely come back to him.How could it be possible that two years of love could not stop the entanglement with Mu Changxuan for several months?

Now he really wants to know, how long has she been with sixth uncle, and what is the state of their relationship?In his eyes, Mu Changxuan and Ye Min got along well, if only he could hold a few women in his heart, it wouldn't be so painful at this time.Thinking back to the beginning, why every time he and Bai Xiaoyou were together would be destroyed, it turned out that everything started because of the sixth uncle.He was too stupid to discover something was wrong between them in advance.

If he had found out earlier, he would definitely not have let them be together. No matter how difficult it was, he would have desperately kept Bai Xiaoyou by his side. He regretted it!Before Sixth Uncle came back, he should be ruthless and marry Bai Xiaoyou!It's all Liu Qin's fault, it's her, if she didn't stop her and Bai Xiaoyou in every possible way, maybe the two of them are married now.

"Oh, what's going on, why did you drink so much wine?" The woman who was pacing back and forth in the living room smelled a strong smell of alcohol, turned her head and saw Mu Ziqing who was changing shoes at the entrance, she hurriedly Go up to him and support his swaying body.

Due to drinking, Mu Ziqing's gentle and elegant face in the past was now flushed with red light, and he squinted his eyes slightly. When he saw the woman in front of him clearly, he yelled unceremoniously, "Get out, get out of here!"

It's all about her, everything is because of her!At Mu Changxuan's celebration banquet, he should have made the final decision to be with Bai Xiaoyou without hesitation.These years, he has also been in trouble, his parents have always been at odds, and he has spoken well of her in front of his father, but in the end, is this how she treats herself?

(End of this chapter)

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