235 Chapter 1 Inseparable ([-])
After Mu Changxuan left, Bai Xiaoyou stood there for a long time unable to recover.Thinking of his tenderness towards her these days, it's like a dream, just like just now, he was so gentle that she couldn't help kissing him.

When she returned to the ward, she found that Chen Hui was looking at her with a scrutinizing gaze, her face blushed, and Chen Hui could see the reason for it at a glance with the posture of a little woman.

"Xiaoyou, you must remember what Mom told you!" Lying on the hospital bed, Chen Hui asked Bai Xiaoyou worriedly with her pale face and worried expression.

After what Chen Hui said, Bai Xiaoyou's ruddy face gradually turned pale, and she turned her head away, and poured a glass of water for Chen Hui to drink to cover up her embarrassment.She understood what her mother was worried about. These days, Mu Changxuan came to the hospital to pick her up every day. Although it was after Chen Hui fell asleep, she also understood that Chen Hui was not a fool, and she must have guessed it long ago.

She didn't say it, but she didn't want to worry her too much. She already has a bad heart, so how can she suffer anymore!She and Mu Changxuan couldn't tell for a while, even she herself didn't know how to explain their relationship, how could she speak to Chen Hui?
"Mom, don't worry about it, I know how to measure it." Bai Xiaoyou put down the glass, grabbed the quilt for her again, and wanted her to feel at ease.

I'm afraid she doesn't need to say, once this deal is done, Mu Changxuan should get married, and she will separate from him at that time.

"Oh...you like him?" Chen Hui sighed, the love in Bai Xiaoyou's eyes, how could she, who has been here before, not understand!

She was afraid, afraid that Bai Xiaoyou would be wronged just like her, and if she loved the wrong person, she would pay for it for the rest of her life!

Bai Xiaoyou's expression froze, she swallowed, and lowered her head in denial, "No, it's just... I'm very grateful for his help."

"It's better like this. If I can't wake up, you must..."

"Mom, what are you talking about, everything is ready, just waiting for the operation the day after tomorrow, don't think about it." Bai Xiaoyou interrupted her irritably, with a faint uneasiness in her heart.

Even though Mu Changxuan assured her that everything would be done well, she was not at ease. She had to wait for Chen Hui to come out of the operating room safely before she could relax completely.

"Alright, before the operation, you can help me arrange it. I want to meet Bai Yuchen." Seeing that she didn't want to mention it, Chen Hui didn't bother to talk about it anymore. Some things can't be solved just by talking about them.

Hearing that Chen Hui wanted to meet Bai Yuchen, Bai Xiaoyou felt a little reluctant when she thought of the humiliation she had suffered at the Bai family that day, "What did you see him doing, you... Forget it, I'll try it, he I don't care if I come or not." When she finally saw the expectation in Chen Hui's eyes, she couldn't help but soften her heart.

Chen Hui never took the initiative to look for Bai Yuchen, presumably there was something important, or she was worried about Bai Zhengyu.It suddenly occurred to her that she hadn't seen Bai Zhengyu for a long time. At this moment, how much she wanted to have a relative by her side to comfort her.But she couldn't tell Bai Zhengyu, for fear that he would be worried, she shouldered all the responsibilities by herself, as long as Bai Zhengyu could return smoothly, everything she did would be worth it!

"He will come, just say I have something very important to tell him."

When Bai Xiaoyou told her that she was going to have an operation the day after tomorrow, she felt uneasy all the time, as if she had reached the end of her life.If Bai Lingxuan hadn't used those words to provoke her, she wouldn't have made it so serious.Just in case, she had to meet Bai Yuchen before the operation to ensure the future happiness of the couple.

"All right, all right!" Bai Xiaoyou made no secret of her dislike for Bai Yuchen in front of Chen Hui.

(End of this chapter)

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