241 Chapter 7 Inseparable ([-])
"This is the key to the closet in my room. There are things you gave me and a document in it. If I..." Chen Hui put a bunch of keys on the bedside table, speaking with some difficulty.

A look of confusion appeared on Bai Yuchen's face, but it was more of remorse, "Chen Hui, why is this?"

"Because I only want to protect my two children, I haven't thought about anything else." Her reason was impeccable, causing Bai Yuchen to fall into a deep silence.

On the day of Chen Hui's operation, Bai Xiaoyou did not expect that Bai Yuchen would also come. She thought she would face it alone, but the person standing outside the operation door made her feel grateful from the bottom of her heart.In addition to Bai Yuchen, there are Cheng Peige and Mu Ziqing. Although Mu Changxuan confessed that he can't meet Mu Ziqing, but now is an extraordinary period, and she really doesn't have the heart to care about it. It didn't show up, no doubt it made her feel very disappointed.

Why is he not there every time she needs him?The waiting process was long, especially at the moment of life and death. Bai Xiaoyou stood in the corner, her fearful heart was raised in her throat from the time Chen Hui entered the operating room until now, tense...

"Sister Xiaoyou, don't worry, it will be fine." Chen Peige held her hand tightly, giving her strength.

Bai Xiaoyou stared at the door of the operating room in a daze, and a word escaped from the corner of her lips, "En!"

"Xiaoyou, this operation is long, you can't keep doing this, there are still more than ten hours!" Mu Ziqing said this, he really couldn't bear to see Bai Xiaoyou like this, even if the operation really didn't work If she succeeds, she has to live a good life. How can she be so extreme?

Bai Yuchen who was at the side suddenly said, "Ziqing, accompany her around, I will stay here and watch, I will let you know if there is any news."

His words shocked Bai Xiaoyou and Mu Ziqing, didn't they object to their being together before?Since today, Bai Xiaoyou has noticed that something is wrong with him, no longer the seriousness and disgust of the past, but a kind of kindness in her eyes.Is she dreaming?
In fact, Bai Xiaoyou didn't welcome him at all, and he came here with a straight face, sneered at him, and could even be said to ignore him.Because of Chen Hui, she let him stay. Maybe her mother wanted him to stay, Bai Xiaoyou thought so.

She didn't know exactly what the entanglement between Chen Hui and Bai Yuchen was. In short, she could tell that her mother loved him once, the kind of love that went deep into her bones!

"Yeah, that's fine!" Mu Ziqing was very happy, since she was entangled in waiting here, she might as well go out to take a breath and relax.

"No, I want to stay here. Leave me alone and go get busy. I just want Xiaoge to be with me alone." Bai Xiaoyou refused aloud, and pulled Cheng Peige's hand even tighter.
For a while, the corridor was quiet. Although Bai Xiaoyou asked them to leave, none of them took a step forward, and they all stood quietly and waited patiently.

During this period, Bai Yuchen answered several calls. Bai Xiaoyou thought that he would leave because of the company's affairs, but he didn't, and severely reprimanded the person on the phone.Bai Xiaoyou couldn't understand his sudden change.

What did Chen Hui tell him that day, why did he change so much?
Downstairs in the hospital, inside a black Bentley, the man was wearing a dark blue casual suit, with the car windows lowered halfway. Holding a cigarette butt, the flickering flame was accompanied by the green smoke in front of him, blocking all his light, making him feel a little unreal.

The subordinate sitting in the driver's seat saw his grandfather smoking one cigarette after another from the rearview mirror, and couldn't help but wonder, since he was so worried, why didn't he go up and have a look, but why did he wait here?

How could he understand our sixth master's thoughts!He didn't dare to go, didn't dare to look at Bai Xiaoyou's sad eyes, for fear that if the operation was unsuccessful, she would blame him!I can only stay here and wait for the news, smoking one cigarette after another.

In order to be able to operate on Chen Hui in these few days, he stayed up for two whole nights before inviting foreign cardiologists. Although his medical skills are not as good as Mild's, he has tried his best, and everything depends on God's will!

(End of this chapter)

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