The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 248 He won't let go even if he dies

Chapter 248 He won't let go even if he dies (7)
"I was so naive. I thought you would help me. I found a random doctor for me. Since you didn't intend to help me, why did you lie to me?" Bai Xiaoyou walked forward slowly, staring at the doctor with a sullen face There was a cold light in his deep eyes, and the hatred on his face made the man in front of him startled.

Mu Changxuan had never seen Bai Xiaoyou like this before, the hatred in his eyes made his heart ache to the deepest, those eyes were killing him!
He really wanted it, and he had nothing to say.This was the first time he felt that he was wrong, and wanted to say something to apologize, so he pulled the corner of his lips, his throat seemed to be blocked by something, and he couldn't say anything.

"What are you still doing here..."

"Believe it or not, I didn't. Mr. Milder was unfortunately killed on the way the day before yesterday. There is no news yet." Hearing her piercing attack, Mu Changxuan finally couldn't bear it, and explained aloud.

He hadn't explained anything to anyone, and he didn't bother to explain, but now he felt the need to explain to her.He was afraid, if she kept misunderstanding, would she always treat him like this?
Bai Xiaoyou, who was burning with anger, couldn't listen, and smiled coldly, "Oh, my mother is gone, of course you can say whatever you want."

"I..." Mu Changxuan tried his best to hold back, he had never been so submissive in front of a person, he uttered a word from the corner of his lips, but he didn't know how to start it.

She was so emotional, would he believe what he said? He had already explained it just now, but what he got was still her incomprehension. What exactly did she want?
Woman, he really can't see through!
Bai Xiaoyou's small face was extremely cold, and her heart seemed to have stopped beating. When she saw him, she was extremely calm, but because she was too angry, her thin shoulders heaved violently, "Get out, I don't want to see you again , now that I am like this, you are all satisfied, are you satisfied?" Her voice was very soft, but in Mu Changxuan's ears, it was like a thunderbolt, making his heart beat uncontrollably.

How could she misunderstand him so much?Do you think he did it to see her jokes?This woman really doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth, it was in vain that he didn't sleep for several nights, and worked hard for her day and night, in exchange for her cold eyes.He is not a patient person, even if he likes her no matter how much he loves her at this moment, he still shows a touch of anger towards her sarcastic remarks.

"Bai Xiaoyou, let me say it for the last time. I... didn't mean it, and I didn't want to do it." He almost squeezed these words out between his teeth, and the suppressed emotions made him panic.

"Mu Changxuan, even if I beg you, don't come to me again, everything about me has nothing to do with you." In the end, Bai Xiaoyou almost used a pleading tone to completely distance the two of them.

Hearing this, Mu Changxuan's ice-cold face was as gloomy as rain, and his eyes were stained with a dark color. His heart was cut like a knife, and he gritted his teeth and replied, "You? Okay, it's unreasonable!"

Soon, his indifferent and lonely figure disappeared into the ward, Bai Xiaoyou sighed, it's over, everything should be over!This time, she will go far away, forgetting everything, there is no one worthy of her nostalgia here, and she and Bai Zhengyu will start a new life in the future.

Mu Changxuan came out of the ward, and told the subordinates behind him in a cold voice: "Keep an eye on her, and if there is any movement, report to me as soon as possible!"


It's not that easy to want to leave. He said that if he won't let go, he won't let go.Whether she likes it or not, in this life, he will definitely entangle her to the end!Will not let go until death!

(End of this chapter)

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