The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 268 Mu Changxuan You Lied to Me Again

Chapter 268 Mu Changxuan You Lied to Me Again (1)
Bai Xiaoyou came out of the president's office, and when she passed by her former office, she found Xiaoru looking at her with a strange look. She lowered her head, a little embarrassed.It's all Mu Changxuan, now she goes out, maybe how many people look at her with such eyes!
In order to avoid embarrassment, she pretended not to see, and wanted to move on, but the gossip Xiaoru didn't intend to let her go. Her former colleagues, when they called her, couldn't pretend that they didn't hear anything, could they?

"Secretary Bai, long time no see, come in and have a seat!"

Bai Xiaoyou sighed in her heart, and stopped moving forward, it seemed that she couldn't escape if she wanted to hide.She adjusted her emotions and tried to look as natural as possible.

"That Xiaoru, what's the matter?" She smiled at Xiaoru naturally, and sat down opposite her.

The office is still the same. Although she hasn't worked here for a long time, she cleans it herself every morning. No matter how you say it, it is a bit emotional and makes her feel familiar.

On the other hand, on Xiaoru's side, since Bai Xiaoyou came in to now, she hasn't found anything wrong with her face.But many things had to make her think in that direction.That day, Bai Xiaoyou passed out in the tea room, and the president's performance was too excited. She was quite puzzled at that time, but seeing the president holding her hand today, everything has a reasonable explanation.Then, not long ago, General Manager Mu was suspended by the CEO, and the uncle and nephew seemed to have had some trouble, couldn't it be because of Bai Xiaoyou?

At this moment, she can conclude that Bai Xiaoyou has a very close relationship with the president, but this is too much, isn't it, even her niece and daughter-in-law?

Ahem, of course, these words can only be kept in the heart, it is absolutely impossible to say them out!
"Oh, no, I just wanted to ask when you can come back to work." When Xiao Ru asked this question, she kept staring at Bai Xiaoyou's face, as if she wanted to penetrate everything in her heart.

Just now the president asked her to get an ice pack. In fact, she really wanted to see what the president wanted the ice pack for, but she couldn't stay in the office any longer. Now she could only find the answer from Bai Xiaoyou.Looking at it, she saw that Bai Xiaoyou's left cheek was a little red. Although the lump was not obvious, it was certain that she was injured.

Could it be that the president prepared it for her?Oh, what a breaking news, after being quiet for so long, they finally have something to talk about to make them less bored at work.

"I probably won't come back, what's the matter, it's not good to upgrade, don't you want to do it?" Seeing her staring at him, Bai Xiaoyou turned her head uncomfortably to hide her emotions when she said this.

Xiao Ru sighed, "Alas... Since I replaced your position, I have been scolded bloody by the president every day. He is always dissatisfied with my work. I just want to ask you how to do my job well." Satisfied?"

She's not that stupid, she just asked about Bai Xiaoyou's relationship with the CEO, she definitely won't get anything out of it!
"Well, he's just like this. I used to be the same as you, and was often criticized by him." Bai Xiaoyou recalled how harsh he was to himself before, and couldn't help complaining.

In fact, our sixth master has already been very tolerant to her, otherwise, with Xiao Youyou's ability, how could she be qualified for the position of secretary to the president.

"He treats you? Well, that's right, do you know about the suspension of General Manager Mu?" Xiao Ru couldn't hold back in the end, she wanted to ask thoroughly, but in the end she felt that it was inappropriate, so she changed her way of observing Bai Xiaoyou's reflection.

Sure enough, after hearing the news, Bai Xiaoyou stood up excitedly from the seat, a pair of beautiful eyes flashed an unbelievable light, "What, he was suspended, why?"

(End of this chapter)

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