The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 278 Bai Xiaoyou, You Are Dead

Chapter 278 Bai Xiaoyou, You Are Dead (4)
"Um... uncomfortable... um..."

Suddenly, a certain man's beautiful face was dyed with a touch of ruthlessness, and he warned the restless woman in the seat, "Stupid woman, sit down for me and don't spit in my car, or I will let you do two things." Moon White Worker!"


Bai Xiaoyou stood by and watched this scene, always feeling a little strange, but what is so strange about it?People say that a bystander can see clearly, why is she so confused?
In the luxurious studio, Ye Min was wearing a white slim tube top dress, which made her tall figure more sexy and charming. Her beautiful face was embellished with exquisite makeup, making her look radiant and radiant. Even the makeup artist couldn't help but marvel at her beauty, which undoubtedly made Ye Min more confident.

Looking at the other side, the man stood by the corner, his tall figure looked unusually lonely, with a cigarette butt between his fingers, curling up with green smoke, his expression was a little fuzzy, looking at the cigarette butt on the ground, he knew it without thinking. He has stayed here to smoke until now.

There was an engagement dress that had been prepared in the fitting room, but he couldn't arouse the slightest interest. An engagement made him feel as sad as if he was about to attend a funeral, which really left the subordinates at the side speechless.

Sixth Master, if you don't want to get engaged, just say so, why do you want to?

But they didn't understand Liu Ye's thoughts, he just wanted Ye Min to take the initiative to cancel the engagement, and attribute all the mistakes to her, and it had nothing to do with the Mu family.

It seems to be just a simple engagement, but it affects everything about Mu Shi, how can he take it lightly?Although he doesn't like to see Mr. Mu very much, he has entrusted all his family property to himself, so he can't just ignore everything!
When Ye Min appeared in front of Mu Changxuan in a luxurious dress, even the subordinates beside Mu Changxuan looked straight at him, but the man in front of him didn't have any fluctuations in his heart, and his face was still calm and cold. Seeing her coming out, He threw away the cigarette butt in his hand, sneered, and greeted him.

The arc of the corners of his lips made the woman opposite him puzzled. He was obviously smiling, but Ye Min felt that his smile was like a demon in hell, and she trembled when she saw it.Seeing him walking towards her, she gave up that unrealistic fantasy again. Maybe everything is her illusion. She is so beautiful today, how could he not be moved?Just because of his actions at this moment, he must have developed an incredible affection for himself, right?

Because he took the initiative to approach, Ye Min, who has always had a good quality of heart, now only feels that his heart is stirred by something, and there are earth-shaking fluctuations.

"Changxuan!" She crossed her hands and called out loudly standing on the spot, her eyes lowered, with the posture of a little woman.

The man stopped not far from her, the light in his eyes was dim, and the words from his thin lips were as soft as a feather lightly tapping, making people's whole body soft, "Are you really thinking about it?"

When he asked this sentence, he looked at her motionless, and a complex expression flashed in his dim eyes.Is it Xiaoyou?She often showed such an expression in front of him, and she was deeply infatuated with him by that delicate appearance.

Hearing his question, Ye Min got excited, raised her face, and saw that his dark eyes were full of tenderness, and her heart seemed to be wrapped in honey, which was very sweet.She knew that no matter how iron-blooded a man is, as long as he meets her, how can he escape her palm?
"We'll get engaged in a week. Why don't you think about it? It's my greatest wish to be with you in this life." Ye Min was emotional, stepped forward, and whispered softly in his ear. , the already beautiful face is embellished with a smile, making it even more dazzling.

(End of this chapter)

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