Chapter 286 The Crazy Sixth Master (6)
Feeling the stiffness of her body, he bowed his head and kissed away the tears on her face, without any comforting words, just kissed lightly, and then plundered her wantonly regardless of Bai Xiaoyou's feelings.It seemed that only by holding her and kissing her could he find a sustenance in his empty heart.

However, when he saw her lying there motionless, Mu Changxuan was no longer interested in her, and his indifferent attitude towards her lost his previous desire.

Getting off her body irritably, the messy shirt hung on his body, as if he had experienced a catastrophe.He walked to the window, regardless of whether the woman on the bed could bear it or not, he started smoking one cigarette after another.

Maybe it was because he was pumping too fast, he couldn't help coughing, and stood in front of the window with a handsome figure, looking extremely sad and lonely.And he didn't give up smoking because of coughing, he still stood there quietly, like a squatting sculpture.

Bai Xiaoyou stood up stupidly, the clothes on her body had been torn by him, she could only wrap her naked body with a white sheet, looking at the messy rags on the ground, her heart was like the rags on the ground, being caught She was torn into pieces, and her whole body was numb from the pain.

After a long time, Mu Changxuan put out the cigarette butt, turned around and saw her lying on the bed with dim eyes, her head was drooping, her hands were holding on to the sheet tightly, as if she was afraid of being violated by him, from her pale You can see how hard she uses it with her fingers.This move made his already restless heart even more disturbed.

He was thinking just now, what should she do so that she is willing to stay by his side?He thought he would torture her ruthlessly, but when he saw her wronged face and eyes full of tears, he couldn't bear to really hurt her!

"Go to sleep, I won't touch you!" He stepped forward, threw such a sentence at her and wanted to leave.

Before his tall figure stepped forward, the woman who had been silent on the bed suddenly said, "Actually, I have always wanted to ask you, I have nothing but this dilapidated body, why don't you let me go? What kind of woman do you want based on your abilities?"

Hearing her speak, his dull mood was relieved.Because of what happened to Yang Jintian last time, he has always had a shadow in his heart, so he didn't dare to be too hard on her, fearing that she would leave sequelae.Although she didn't mention it afterwards, he knew the pain in her heart.He didn't dare to bet on her health with all this, so he could only swallow his anger and leave.

Mu Changxuan stopped, walked slowly to the edge of the bed, stared at her thin body, and felt distressed in his heart, "Well, I also want to ask you why I have always been interested in you, can you answer I?"

He also kept asking himself why he dared to be interested in her!How should he answer a question that has no answer?In terms of beauty, she can only be regarded as youthful and beautiful at best, not as charming, charming and sexy as other women, but damn it, he just likes it!And he was still possessed and went crazy!
What can be done, can this disease be cured?To be honest, he doesn't want to either!

Bai Xiaoyou felt that she was in a position to draw. Originally, he was about to leave, but she made him stay because of this problem, but this is his territory, can she drive him away?

She leaned her whole body against the head of the bed, her eyes were empty, and she was unwilling to say another word to Mu Changxuan.

"You can't leave without my permission in the future!" He warned coldly, returning to his former cold and ruthless personality.

Afraid of making him unhappy, she faintly uttered a word from her throat, "En!"

In front of him, she didn't have the capital to resist. Now, she has a weakness in his hands, and she can only let him rub her down.

"Please me!" Suddenly, he said something that shocked Bai Xiaoyou.


Bai Xiaoyou's heart trembled, as if her brain had been struck by lightning, she turned her head slightly, and looked at him in horror, her gaze was like looking at a heinous devil.

Did he speak human language?This kind of humiliation is undoubtedly the biggest insult to the stubborn Bai Xiaoyou. She is not a prostitute, she will not do those shameless deeds, and she will not sell her body.

She swore that if he really dared to force her to do this, she would die in front of him without hesitation, so that he would have no reason to force her again.

Maybe he felt that his request just now was a little too much, so he suddenly changed his tone, and said in a joking tone, "Why, don't you want to? You were quite able to make trouble in the small town of City C that day?"

"Don't mention that day to me, you don't deserve it!" Bai Xiaoyou roared, tears of humiliation dripped down, her heart had already been shattered by him.

When the words fell, Mu Changxuan's face was full of gloom, and all his patience was worn away by her, and he warned coldly, "Bai Xiaoyou, you'd better prepare me mentally, in this life, as long as I don't say it's over, You can't escape."

Hate, he would rather she hate than let her go.In those empty days, life was worse than death, he didn't want to experience it, he didn't want to!
"Mu Changxuan, you'll regret it one day if you treat me like this!" Bai Xiaoyou met his dark eyes, not afraid of the warning in his tone.

After hearing this, the man glanced at her, the hatred on that face deeply stimulated his heart, he was surprised when he saw it, and then he curled his lips coldly, "Okay, I'll wait!"

He was never afraid of retribution, if he let her go now, he would regret it!

Bai Lingxuan was found in the abandoned old house at dawn the next day. At that time, she was in a coma, and her bloody face made people mistakenly think that she had been attacked by wild animals.

At this time, she was lying on the hospital bed, her entire face was wrapped in white gauze except for the exposed eyes and mouth. Due to excessive blood loss, she still had no signs of waking up.

Bai Yuchen watched his daughter become like this, and the regret in his heart made him feel so painful.All of this is his fault. If he hadn't mishandled his feelings back then, what happened today would not have happened.He has already sent someone down to investigate, but he wants to see who is so heartless, who dares to treat his daughter like this, it's completely unconscionable, he will never let it go!
He already knew the news of Bai Zhengyu's departure last night. When he learned that Bai Xiaoyou was still in City A, he had been sleepless all night and had been looking for her whereabouts. However, one night passed and there was still no news. I can't eat, and I can't sleep.Seeing that Bai Lingxuan was suffering so much, he continued to send more people to search for Bai Xiaoyou's whereabouts.

How dare he let Bai Xiaoyou live outside? Bai Lingxuan has already encountered an accident, if Bai Xiaoyou has something else, how can he live?
A woman's appearance is ruined, and her life is over. When Bai Lingxuan wakes up, how should he comfort her?Since Bai Yuchen hadn't had much rest these days, he suffered a series of blows at this moment, and his eyes went dark. If it wasn't for his strong concentration, he would have passed out!

(End of this chapter)

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