Chapter 296 Let's Be Together (3)
She has always insisted on her beliefs. Even if Cheng Peige sent her food, she didn't take a bite. Her body was seriously exhausted. She just wanted to challenge Mu Changxuan!If she really died like this, she would be gone. In short, she would not give in to Mu Changxuan's threat even if she died.

Cheng Peige sighed, her pure face was full of worry, and suggested, "Why don't I get you something to eat, if you don't eat or drink like this, you will collapse."

"No... I..."

After the man outside the door heard the sentence that he would not eat or drink, he couldn't hold back his heart and broke in through the door.

Seeing the woman lying on the bed, he walked over with a calm face, twitched the corners of his lips, and then glanced coldly at Cheng Peige who was sitting on the edge of the bed, the meaning was already obvious.

"Sister Xiaoyou, I still have something to do, I'll come to see you another day!" Cheng Peige got up immediately after receiving his gaze, and bid farewell to Bai Xiaoyou in a hurry.

Bai Xiaoyou didn't want to keep her, and said, "Well, okay, you can go to work first!"

After Cheng Peige left, there were only the two of them left in the huge room, one lying weakly on the bed and the other standing on the edge of the bed.The wind outside the window occasionally swept over the window sill, lifted the curtains, and a ray of sunlight shone in, just falling on his tall figure. In an instant, his whole body was shrouded in a ball of golden light, so dazzling.

Originally, the distance was only a few meters, but he felt that it took him centuries to get to her bedside, because he didn't know how to explain it. In the face of feelings, he didn't know how to coax a woman. Down.

"I...Didn't I tell you that I won't be engaged to Ye Min?" After a long time, he suddenly said this sentence, and when he was always authoritarian, he said this sentence with a sad tone.

This was completely inconsistent with his personality. After hearing this, Bai Xiaoyou seemed to be unable to believe that such a tone came from his mouth, but he was even more surprised by his words.

He won't be engaged to Ye Min, yes, he said it, but what did he do after he said it?

While Bai Xiaoyou was surprised, she was quite speechless to his explanation, and simply turned her head away from looking at him.I thought he would get angry with his indifferent attitude, but he didn't expect his tone to be softer in the next second.

"I have my own difficulties, trust me, I will handle everything well." Mu Changxuan continued.

He looked at her profile, probably due to the troubles in the past two days, and because he didn't eat well, the outline of her face became clearer, with obvious lines, and the black hair fell like a waterfall, which made him stunned.

He couldn't help stretching out his hand, and grabbed her black hair behind her earlobe. Looking at her haggard face, he didn't have any temper, his heart was already broken by pain.He was about to say something comforting, but she preempted him.

"It doesn't matter to me who you're engaged to?" She turned her head and stared at him fiercely, utterly ungrateful.

This man is so cruel, he is a devil in her eyes at this moment, she will never believe his words again.The most unbearable thing for her was last night. In that situation, forced her, what is the difference from a beast?She said that if he regretted it, she would never forgive him.

The damage has already been done, and it cannot be erased with a sentence or two.Even if he has her in his heart, but he is so selfish, if she follows him from now on, she will have to shed her skin even if she does not die!Not only her, but everyone who knew about their relationship felt that they were not suitable. Indeed, she understood the truth yesterday that they were not suitable.

Chen Hui once said that if she followed him, she could only obey orders!Isn't that the time to prove that sentence?In the morning, she went to the living room to watch TV for a while, and Cheng Peige came over at noon and was lying on the bed chatting all the time, because her body was getting weaker and weaker, even walking seemed weak.

(End of this chapter)

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