The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 304 Mu Changxuan, Are You a Gangster

Chapter 304 Mu Changxuan, Are You a Gangster (1)
Everyone in the Mu family who had met Ye Min couldn't help expressing their admiration, saying that Mr. Mu had a good eye, and found such a beautiful woman for his youngest son, with a dignified, gentle and gracious manner.In short, it is not an exaggeration to use all good words on Ye Min!

Ye Min grew up in such an environment. Facing the praise of her elder brother and sister-in-law, as well as the appreciation of Mr. Mu, coping with this kind of occasion was a piece of cake for her.

The only thing that made her unhappy was that she had been here for an hour, but she hadn't seen Mu Changxuan for a long time, so she couldn't help feeling a little absent-minded, and couldn't help but look towards the door, but the result still made her feel uncomfortable. Big disappointment.I heard from Mr. Mu that he had ordered someone to go down to look for it. How could it take so long? What did Mu Ziqing want from him?

"Ziqing, where's your sixth uncle?" Seeing Mu Ziqing returning in a daze, Ye Min pulled Mu Ziqing aside and asked eagerly, leaving everyone behind.

Although everything was properly arranged for this engagement, and Mu Changxuan agreed, but she always felt that things were not that simple, and something bad would happen. Was she too nervous?Or is it because she longs for Mu Changxuan too much and is afraid of losing, that's why she acts so out of her mind?
"Sixth Aunt, you are so outstanding, I believe you will be able to capture Sixth Uncle's heart, right?" Mu Ziqing said suddenly, her gentle face was full of sadness.

Even he thought Ye Min was excellent, but why couldn't Sixth Uncle let go and love the woman in front of him?Ye Min and Mu Changxuan are undoubtedly the most suitable couple no matter where they appear, but he hides other women behind his back, is he still human?If it wasn't for the fear that Bai Xiaoyou would be hurt, he might have revealed the truth to Ye Min.

Ye Min was stunned by his sudden change of attitude, especially the sentence he said, as if Mu Changxuan already had another woman outside.This, of course she knows, Mu Changxuan is the proud son of heaven, it is impossible to say that she is the only woman in this life, she will pretend that nothing happened, but secretly she will never let anyone dare Women close to him, including Du Yujin.

Just ask, who can make his man coveted by other women, and he doesn't care unless he doesn't love him!

"Ziqing, have you and your sixth uncle been having conflicts lately?" When Ye Min said this, he did not forget to observe the movement of the people in the room, and found that they did not say anything harsh because of her leaving. Ziqing was relieved when she moved to a more remote place.

Mu Ziqing was always depressed. It stands to reason that he is usually very attractive to girls. He feels like a warm sun in winter, making people comfortable and warm. How can such a man not be pleasing?But facing Ye Min today, he didn't even bother to maintain the basic courtesy, because he had something on his mind that made him lose his mind about anything.

"I still have something to do, so I'm leaving first. By the way, Aunt Six, I sincerely wish you and Uncle Six can live forever!" In the end he said such a sentence, regardless of Ye Min's expression, he was very ungentlemanly and left the future behind. Aunt Six left.

Ye Min stared at his receding back in astonishment. Although she didn't understand what Mu Ziqing meant, one thing is certain, Mu Changxuan had someone hidden in his heart, and that was the reason why he had always been indifferent to him. .But she couldn't think of anyone except Du Yujin, but Du Yujin didn't seem like the person in his heart. What was going on?
Logically speaking, if Mu Changxuan really had Du Yujin in his heart, he could marry her, and no one would object, but why did he agree to get engaged to him?
(End of this chapter)

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