The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 306 Mu Changxuan, Are You a Gangster

Chapter 306 Mu Changxuan, Are You a Gangster (3)
Seeing Liu Qin swallowing her anger, the sisters-in-law couldn't help fanning the flames. They usually taunted Liu Qin a lot. They always felt that a person like her was not worthy of marrying their Mu family. It would be embarrassing to say it. I don't know how to be careful, the more public the situation, the more I lose the chain, and the Mu family loses all face.

At this time, Mr. Mu, who was sitting on the sofa, broke the deadlock, "It's okay, let's not say a few words. Let's talk about Ziqing's marriage after Changxuan's engagement. You don't have to worry too much."

As soon as these words came out, the living room, which was lively just now, fell silent, and it was not until Ye Min walked in that the silence was broken.

"Min'er, how are you? Have you found Changxuan?" Mu Yichuan couldn't help asking seeing that she was a little depressed.

"Grandpa, there's no need to look for him, Uncle Six has already left!" Mu Ziqing interrupted.

As soon as these words came out, all the elders of the Mu family turned their attention to Ye Min, wanting to see how the future Mrs. Mu Liu would deal with her husband leaving without saying goodbye.

Facing everyone's curious eyes, Ye Min suppressed the emotions hidden in his heart, glanced at everyone lightly, and then said to Mu Yichuan, "Oh, that's right, Changxuan just called me , Said that there is something urgent to deal with, Uncle Mu, how about this, I will go back first, and come to see you another day!"

She answered so naturally, even under such circumstances, Mu Changxuan left her alone, and she was still able to handle many parents with ease.

"Alright, I'll send someone to send you off!"

"Well, thank you! Brothers and sisters-in-law, I'm leaving first, you guys have a good chat!" Before Ye Min left, he did not forget to greet all his brothers and sisters-in-law. The respect in his tone made people like her for no reason.

"Okay, we're all a family and you're still so polite, come and play when you have time!"

"Well, definitely!"

In fact, Mr. Mu knew that Mu Changxuan had already left. He really had no choice but to say goodbye to his youngest son. It was not the first time that he would say goodbye without saying goodbye, but leaving on such an occasion is really outrageous.The reason why he asked Ye Min in front of so many people was because he didn't want her to be too embarrassed, but Mu Ziqing revealed the matter. He was afraid that Ye Min would be embarrassed, but he didn't expect this daughter-in-law to resolve it. Undoubtedly, it made Mu Yichuan feel more fond of her.

If it were another woman, there might be troubles, such a general woman, only she is worthy of her own son!
After Cheng Peige came out of Bai Xiaoyou's place, she thought a lot, and decided to resign from Lin Yifei. After getting along these days, she found that she had slowly fallen in love with Lin Yifei, that monstrous man!But her status is low, and Mrs. Lin's favorite daughter-in-law has always been Mu Yunchu, the eldest granddaughter of the Mu family. Before she fell into the trap, she just wanted to escape as soon as possible.

"What's going on with you recently, what do you do with these things, huh?" Lin Yifei saw that she came into his office without being summoned, and immediately threw the documents on the table, but that beautiful face couldn't see Any signs of anger.

I can't even organize a file, I really don't know what she is thinking these days!
Cheng Peige stood aside with folded hands, silently enduring his scolding, as if it had been a long time, he didn't lose his temper with himself again, did he eat explosives again today?
With her head down, she didn't dare to look at his face, and said slowly, "That BOSS, I want to resign!"

After saying that, Lin Yifei's expression froze a little, and he asked, "What? don't want to do it anymore. Didn't you say you are short of money? Could it be that you have found a better way out?"

(End of this chapter)

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