Chapter 312 Xiaoyou, I am sincere (2)
"Not going!" She suddenly shook off his hand, as if she was angry.

Mu Changxuan obviously didn't expect that she would suddenly throw away his hand, and he was unprepared for a moment, allowing her to succeed. In an instant, his gentle face just now suddenly turned cold, and his deep eyes were tightly locked on her delicate face. on, trying to pierce all the thoughts in her heart.

Bai Xiaoyou knew that he was angry, so she ignored him and left in the opposite direction.

He watched her leaving back, held back the anger in his heart, strode after her, grabbed her arm and roared, "Bai Xiaoyou, what are you so awkward about?"

Bai Xiaoyou's body was dragged by him, facing him.There are not many people at the entrance of the restaurant, and occasionally a few passers-by will cast strange glances at them, handsome men and beautiful women will become the object of attention wherever they go.

Bai Xiaoyou was afraid that others would see her. She didn't want to expose her relationship with Mu Changxuan. He was a famous figure in city A. If people saw him with him, it might become the headline of tomorrow's news. Thinking of this, she lowered her head and stood there at a loss.

Mu Changxuan learned that his tone was a bit aggressive just now, and when he saw her standing there with her head bowed without saying a word, her heart suddenly softened, as if helpless, she tried her best to lower her tone, "Then, I'll take you to the car, wait for me, I'll help you buy, huh?"

"No, I don't really want to eat!" Once Bai Xiaoyou's stubborn temper came up, no one could persuade him.

She felt that she was too weak, so she followed him casually after being fooled by a few words from him. Now that she thought about it, she suddenly realized how she could go back with him after finally escaping from his clutches.

"Bai Xiaoyou, what exactly do you want?" Obviously, the certain man had exhausted all his patience.

This doesn't work, that doesn't work, what do you want to do, women are really strange animals!

Hearing his yell, Bai Xiaoyou thought of all the things he had done to her before, and immediately gained confidence, pulled him to a place where the crowd taunted him, and said coldly, "Mu Changxuan, tell me, what else do you want to do?" ?”

He had such a bad attitude towards her before, but now he made another 360-degree turn, which really made her unable to understand his thoughts.How long will they be entangled with each other? Since he is going to get married, why not just let it go.That day, if he hadn't stopped her, maybe she would have gone to another world and started a new life.

"??????" Mu Changxuan was full of question marks, and his deep eyes were full of doubts.

It can be said that he has never encountered any unsolvable problems in his hands, and his quick thinking is not an exaggeration for him, but the woman in front of him, he often can't figure out what is going on in her heart. what.

After meeting Bai Xiaoyou, he realized that there are many things that he can't control. For example, now, this little woman has lost her temper again, how should he coax her?
What does he want to do?Didn't he just want to be with her? Could it be that she couldn't even see such a simple question, so she had to ask him to say it a second time?
Bai Xiaoyou stared at him fiercely, and shouted unceremoniously, "I can't go with you, don't come to me again." After speaking, she threw the suit jacket on her body to him, turned around and was about to leave.

"Didn't you wait for me for three years?" He took her arm again and asked excitedly.

What kind of emotion is she getting into? Hasn't the misunderstanding between them been solved? Wasn't it fine in the car just now? Why did it change all of a sudden?
Bai Xiaoyou was dumbfounded by his words for a long time, thinking that his brain must be hot, three years?What kind of concept, they didn't even talk about a deal three years ago, how could she be so stupid as to wait for him for three years?At that time, she just had a good impression of him, and it had absolutely nothing to do with waiting.Only three years later, his sudden appearance interrupted her peaceful life again, which made her think about whether she had liked him before three years ago!
(End of this chapter)

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