Chapter 346 Shall We Get Married (3)
Now, Bai Lingxuan is a burden to him. If possible, he would rather send her abroad to live a quiet life. Perhaps he is too selfish, but he thinks there is nothing wrong with letting Bai Lingxuan go abroad to hone her skills.

After hearing Bai Yuchen's words, Bai Lingxuan raised her tears and looked at him dimly, sobbing, and replied with a choked voice, "Bai Yuchen, listen carefully, unless I die, I will definitely not give up on Mu Ziqing, Even if Bai Xiaoyou marries him, I won't make it easy for her!"

Her voice was not as domineering as before, it was extremely soft, but it was enough to shock people's hearts!She thought a lot just now, since Bai Yuchen doesn't help her, it doesn't matter, everyone won't let her have a better time, then she won't let anyone else have a better time, at worst, it will end badly for everyone!
Anyway, she is already like this now, and Mu Ziqing doesn't want to see her, even if he is going to hell, he still needs a companion, right?
Seeing her stubbornness, Bai Yuchen lost his patience, and warned in an extremely cold tone, "You'd better think about it yourself, or you will regret it later!"

After finishing speaking, he was too lazy to go crazy with her, turned around and walked away quickly.

If he could have known the truth back then, how could Bai Lingxuan have the chance to be born? He has given her the endless doting and pampering for more than [-] years, and he feels that he has done his best to Bai Lingxuan.

People say that if there are too many children, it is impossible to keep a bowl of water level. Bai Yuchen must be in such a situation right now!He put all his thoughts and energy on Bai Xiaoyou and Bai Zhengyu, and he was extremely indifferent to the child in Jiang Yiling's stomach. It was all because of Chen Hui's love, and he had failed in this life after all. Make it up from two kids!

Jiang Yiling had had her baby in the hospital for some time, during this period Bai Yuchen rarely came to visit, even if she came, she would give instructions and leave in a hurry.

She really couldn't figure out what went wrong. According to this form, she had to act immediately, otherwise she would get nothing by then.

"There's 1000 million inside, use it to get rid of the child, and we'll have nothing to do with each other from now on!" Bai Yuchen walked straight from Bai Lingxuan's room to Jiang Yiling's ward.

Before the woman opened her mouth, he stuffed a bank card into her hand, and said cold words without any emotion.

These days, he has figured out a lot of things. If this child is born, not only will it not bring him the slightest joy, but it may only increase the troubles for him and Bai Xiaoyou and his siblings.He has decided to hand over everything about the Bai family to Bai Xiaoyou and Bai Zhengyu. Once this child is born, he will have the opportunity to fight for the property of the Bai family.

He couldn't let anyone deprive the two of them of everything they had. For now, Jiang Yiling could only let the child be killed.

Jiang Yiling twitched the corners of her lips, her face was full of enthusiasm, and she was about to say something, but a basin of cold water was poured on her, which made her whole body completely cold. Immediately, the softness of her complexion faded, and her face turned cold.

She glanced at Bai Yuchen lightly with her beautiful eyes, her face was stiff for a moment, then she quickly regained her composure, turned her face slightly, her hands did not intend to accept the card, "In this case, if you don't want him, I will Don't force it, but the child is not yours alone, I will protect him with my life!"

This is true, how great is maternal love!If other people listened to it, it would appear that Bai Yuchen was too heartless.

"That's up to you, and I left you the money. Take it if you want it, and throw it away if you don't! I don't like women who are too scheming. You say, I'm old enough to believe that you are sincere." Love me?" At the end, Bai Yuchen put the bank card in his hand next to her, and there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, these words completely revealed their respective thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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