Chapter 349 Shall We Get Married (6)
But in his memory, she didn't seem to be afraid of such a thunderstorm, otherwise how could she have the courage to leave on that night of lightning and thunder three years ago?

Recalling three years ago, he still remembered that the rain was so heavy that night, it was windy and windy outside, and the road could hardly be seen clearly. Looking back now, he was indeed a bit cruel to her at that time, since he would force her to sign in such weather divorce agreement.

However, at that time, he didn't expect that she would leave immediately, and thought that he would beg him to let her stay overnight, but she was very courageous!
At this moment, he couldn't help feeling a little rejoicing, fortunately he sent someone to send her back safely, otherwise this would be his eternal regret!Recalling that year, he couldn't hold back anymore, got up from the sofa, walked to the balcony, opened the curtains, and suddenly, a white light flashed across, illuminating his face more and more clearly.

Should he go see her?Such a loud thunder, even if she is not afraid and does not want her to stay alone in an empty room, he does not want her to try the taste of loneliness.

Before he had time to take a step, heavy rain fell from the sky, accompanied by rolling thunder, which made him even more worried about leaving her alone on the opposite side.

Almost rushing to the opposite side, he knocked on the door without any hesitation, but after knocking for a long time, there was no movement at all inside, he couldn't help getting anxious, did he go out again?

"Sixth Master, Sixth Master, stop knocking!"

Hearing the dissuasion from his subordinates, Mu Changxuan turned his head and glared at him angrily, yelling regardless of his image, "Where's the person, huh?"

Did she go back to Mu Ziqing's place?As soon as he thought of this, there was a piercing pain in his heart, and the flame of jealousy spread from the bottom of his heart, making his eyes scarlet!

"Miss Bai heard that you were sick, so she probably went out to buy medicine for you!"

At first hearing, Mu Changxuan was stunned for a few seconds, stopped knocking on the door, seemed a little excited, wanted to say something to his subordinates, but a word stuck in his throat and he couldn't say anything.

Have you gone to buy medicine?She was so angry just now, he thought she was angry!Immediately, he turned around, his brain seemed to be dead at this moment, always staying on the matter of her going to buy medicine for him, forgetting that it was pouring rain outside.

When he thought about it, his complexion suddenly turned cold, and his eyes, which had been dull due to illness, were stained with a cold light, and he yelled at the subordinate beside him, "Why don't you stop her?"

After yelling, his whole body felt as if he had been pumped with chicken blood. He rushed into the elevator quickly, wanting to find her!
Not to mention it's so late, and it's still raining so much, what if you get wet or run into bad guys?
"Oh, Master Liu, it's raining outside, you forgot to bring your umbrella!" When the elevator door was about to close, the subordinates suddenly squeezed in and asked Mu Changxuan with concern.

Due to his illness, Mu Changxuan felt that he was about to collapse in the small space of the elevator. When he saw his subordinates following him in, he gave him a cold look, pursed his thin lips tightly and did not respond.

How do these people do things? Such a heavy rain even makes a woman go to buy medicine. It's almost midnight now, and the general pharmacies have already closed. What if Bai Xiaoyou gets wet and gets sick?
"Ahem..." Mu Changxuan stared at the number of the elevator descending and stamped anxiously on the spot, coughing a few times, always feeling that the speed of the elevator descending was too slow.

The moment the elevator door opened, he wanted to rush out, but a delicate figure was reflected in his dark eyes, which gradually eased his eager heart.

"Are you going out again?" Seeing him coming out of the elevator, Bai Xiaoyou looked very anxious and couldn't help asking.

(End of this chapter)

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