The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 353 I'm waiting to be bullied by you

Chapter 353 I'm waiting to be bullied by you (4)

Isn't it a kind of respect for him to give her the initiative?

After waiting for two days, Du Yujin still couldn't wait for Mu Changxuan's visit, so she couldn't help feeling anxious.At this moment, she couldn't hold back any longer, and asked Du Sichen to call Mu Changxuan to come over, and even asked him to lie that his condition was getting worse.

When Mu Changxuan received this call, he had just come out of the bathroom with Bai Xiaoyou in his arms. Just now in the bathroom, he had already bullied a certain woman severely, and the satisfaction and sweetness in his heart filled his whole body.

When a person is in a good mood, the illness will naturally heal quickly. Even though he has a fever and his body is limp and weak, he still can't help eating her for her beautiful body.

When Bai Xiaoyou heard his phone ring, she sighed helplessly, always feeling that he would leave her again.It was raining outside, with lightning and thunder, and would he tell her to leave her alone again?
She swore that if he dared to leave her here alone today, she would never believe a word he said again!

After Mu Changxuan hung up the phone, he thought about it, turned around and wanted to say something to Bai Xiaoyou, but saw her lying on the bed staring at the ceiling in a daze, feeling extremely distressed, and immediately changed his mind.

"What's the matter, are you sick?" He stepped forward, put his hand on her forehead, and asked softly.

Bai Xiaoyou still stared at the ceiling without saying a word, as if her body was already stiff, the sweetness just now was just a dream, when she woke up from the dream, there was nothing around her, she really couldn't accept this fact!

woman!She just hopes that her man can be by her side. In Bai Xiaoyou's mind, what she wants is a man's real company, not disappearing without a trace after eating her up. What's the difference in the relationship, when she wants to coax her tenderly, once it's over, she will go her own way, she really can't stand it!
Man, she is hard to understand after all, especially a man as good and deep as Mu Changxuan!
"What's the matter?" He couldn't help being a little anxious, and his face became darker when he saw her.

A certain woman still did not speak, staring blankly at the ceiling, tears streaming down her face, and the occasional thunder outside the window deeply shattered her heart.

Mu Changxuan didn't understand what went wrong. Weren't the two of them fine just now? Why did he change when he answered the phone?

He wanted to get angry, but when he saw her teary eyes, all he could do was feel distressed. He reached out and gently wiped the tears off her face, and said softly, "Why are you crying, what happened?"

His big warm hand touched her cheek, which gave her a numb feeling, awakened her demented consciousness, and calmed down her emotions. She made a gesture to get out of bed, "No, I just thought that my mother was a little sad, I Go ahead!"

Maybe she shouldn't worry so much, Mu Changxuan has always been busy, she naturally knows this, many nights, she didn't even know when he was lying beside her to rest, she really should understand him.

But she is a woman after all, all she wants is the care of her beloved man, especially in this weather, she needs his warmth even more.

Seeing that she was about to get out of bed, Mu Changxuan's patience was completely worn out. With his hands on her shoulders, he asked angrily, "Bai Xiaoyou, what's the matter, ah?"

With this roar, Bai Xiaoyou's heart became even more sour, all the grievances surged up, and tears burst into tears, "Woooo..."

When she cried, Mu Changxuan became even more irritable. He didn't know what was going on with this little woman. Every drop of her tears was like a thorn, deeply piercing into his heart, making him feel unbearable pain.

(End of this chapter)

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