The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 355 My Whole Body and My Heart Are Yours

Chapter 355 My Whole Body and My Heart Are Yours (1)
This time, Ye Min left from Mu's house alone again. He wanted to say hello to Mr. Mu before leaving, but he searched the entire hall, but found no sign of Mr. Mu.

This luxurious and deserted manor has a gorgeous appearance, but who knows the evil and struggle inside, if you want to live here, you must have firm consciousness and courage.

The old man once proposed to let her and Mu Changxuan move to the manor after they got engaged. In order to please his old man, she could only nod and agree. Of course, as a woman in the new era, she never thought of living with her parents after marriage. .

Although the Mu's Manor is staggeringly luxurious and has countless rooms, she still hopes to have an independent life with Mu Changxuan.

Lost came out of the manor, and it rained heavily outside, like her tears of grievance, even God felt sorry for her.In fact, at this moment, she asked herself, is this really the life she wants?

She paid too much for a man who didn't love her, but Mu Changxuan's handsome face and demeanor attracted him deeply. Such a man is her husband, and she would have more face if she said it out. How could such a good opportunity be missed?

But after all, he is the proud son of heaven, with a cold appearance, and it is even rumored that he is cold-blooded and ruthless!Can she really control such a man in the future?
Unbearable!She was originally the apple of the eye of the Ye family, everyone took good care of her, how could she have been so neglected?Okay, Mu Changxuan, if you don't want me, someone will naturally want me!
She still doesn't believe it, she is so good that she can't find a man who is better than him, tonight, she will be drunk to death!

Because she was afraid that others would recognize her identity, she wore a black butterfly mask tonight.In the club, accompanied by the deafening music and dazzling flashlights, she and a group of men and women twisted their sexy waist wantonly on the dance floor. Wearing a black slim lace skirt, she revealed a feminine look all over her body. The most mature charm, the devil-like figure and the mysterious face, undoubtedly became the most shining beauty point in the club.

Ah!She still prefers this kind of life, no man can resist her beauty, only in front of Mu Changxuan, she feels that she is completely defeated!
Coming out of the dance floor, Ye Min was a little dizzy after drinking a few glasses of wine. She was surrounded by many beautiful men, but none of them caught her eyes. Mu Changxuan's indifferent and handsome face appeared in front of her. , she didn't seem to have seen him have other expressions.Except for his tenderness to himself on the plane, after that, these expressions were never shown in front of her again.

Thinking of this, she almost crushed the wine glass in her hand, and said silently in her heart, Mu Changxuan, you forced me!
She originally wanted to get rid of the bad habit of getting drunk and looking for men every day, but facing Mu Changxuan's cold attitude, she really couldn't bear it!She has been suppressed for too long, if she is not released, she will probably be driven crazy!

She used to think that a woman who guards a man is stupid, but when she met Mu Changxuan, she really became such a stupid woman who just wanted to guard him every day. If he wasn't too ruthless, she wouldn't Will come to such a chaotic place to fool around again!

For him, she did not hesitate to undergo a breast surgery, just to get his love and affection on the wedding night. After so long of hard work, is she going to fail today?

No, no, she will be engaged in a week, she can't go on in this mess!She wants to leave her first time to him, and let him cherish herself forever!
Before being completely disturbed by the drink, she put down the glass in her hand and left the club with a somewhat unsteady body. As soon as she reached the door, she was surrounded by several handsome young men. Min felt dizzy.

(End of this chapter)

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