The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 373 The agreement between them

Chapter 373 The agreement between them (6)
Seeing him wanting to get up, Bai Xiaoyou reached out to stop him, and patiently persuaded him, "Don't move, the doctor said that your bones were damaged, and your neck was also injured due to the huge impact, so you should lie down obediently!"

The corner of Mu Ziqing's forehead was wrapped in white gauze. It was obvious that he had hit the steering wheel in a car accident. His former gentle face was no longer there. There were two scratches on his face. Although they were not serious, they affected the appearance very much.

"It's so good to see you when I wake up!" After Bai Xiaoyou's persuasion, he listened, and really stopped moving.

He had already learned the extent of his injury from Liu Qin's mouth just now. One leg had a bone replacement, and it might take several months to recover. But when he heard the news, he was not worried and nervous, but rather happy.At this moment, seeing Bai Xiaoyou busy beside him, he felt that his injury was really worth it!
"Are you hungry, why don't I go out and buy you something to eat?" Bai Xiaoyou snatched the quilt for him and asked softly.

As soon as she heard that she was leaving, Mu Ziqing would not let her go shopping even if she was really hungry, and immediately refused, "No, don't go!"

Hearing his promise, Bai Xiaoyou opened the seat next to her and sat down, and said softly, "That's fine, you have a good rest."

It seems that I can't talk to him tonight. Fortunately, he has woken up, at least his life is not in danger!Bai Xiaoyou decided to have a good talk with him after he got better.

"Xiaoyou, I was actually injured because... my car was tampered with!"


"Sixth Master, Mrs. Du said that there are distinguished guests at home, and Ms. Du has also been discharged from the hospital. I want you to come over for dinner." Mu Changxuan learned the news after he came out of the hospital.

He agreed indifferently, "Well, I got it!"

He couldn't hear any emotion, but everyone could feel his perfunctory, because it was still early, and he returned to the previous villa to deal with official business.

When he arrived at Du's house, it was already very late. Mu Changxuan deliberately delayed his arrival until the last, because he didn't want to listen to their gossip. His current focus is on Bai Xiaoyou, and he doesn't care about other things. Not interested.

But when his indifferent figure stepped into the dining room, glanced at the people present one by one, and then fixed his eyes on the woman opposite, he was stunned!
Seeing her, Mu Changxuan's dark face suddenly turned cold, his deep eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked dangerously at the woman sitting opposite him.

The atmosphere in the restaurant was originally very pleasant, it could be said to be full of laughter, but with the arrival of Mu Changxuan, the atmosphere suddenly became cold, and even the voice of talking stopped abruptly, only because of the radiance emitted by Mu Changxuan. The momentum was too frightening, making everyone's breathing stagnate, and they didn't dare to vent their breath while sitting in place.

In order to ease the atmosphere, Su Qing got up from the main seat, came to Mu Changxuan's side, patted his shoulder and said with a smile, "Changxuan, my sister came here specially to see you."

But behind the scenes, she was giving him winks, meaning not to make too much embarrassment.

Mu Changxuan was unmoved, and gently took away Su Qing's hand on his shoulder. The hatred in his heart became more and more obvious, but his face remained calm. He just sneered and asked the woman sitting opposite him. , "What are you doing back here, you want to see my jokes and make a big wedding?"

The woman sitting opposite was Mu Changxuan's biological mother, Su Rong. She came directly to Du's house after returning home at noon today.In fact, she also wanted to find an opportunity to have a good talk with Mu Changxuan, but she didn't expect Mu Changxuan to appear tonight, it was completely unexpected.

Although Su Rong is nearly fifty years old, the years have not left many marks on her charming face, her skin is still fair and delicate, especially those eyes, which are very charming, with a cold light in them, and the expression on her face. The glamor made everyone present feel inferior.

(End of this chapter)

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