The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 380 Master Lu's Counterattack

Chapter 380 The Sixth Lord's Counterattack (6)
"Ziqing, this is actually the best ending, don't you think?" She said, because she also wanted Mu Ziqing to be happy.

Mu Ziqing only felt that her brain was "buzzing", and everything would go to waste because of Bai Lingxuan's words, and explained angrily, "Xiaoyou, that's not the case, listen to my explanation."

Bai Xiaoyou smiled lightly, her plain emotion, and what she said broke the heart of the man on the hospital bed, "It doesn't matter anymore, even without Bai Lingxuan, we couldn't be together, because I have never loved you in the past two years."

She said the last sentence very softly, but the words were clear, like a sharp knife, piercing into Mu Ziqing's heart, blood was dripping immediately, almost taking his breath away.

Mu Ziqing actually knew it all, but he still couldn't accept it when she said it like this!For two years, everything had been nothing more than him deceiving himself and others, making useless struggles in this fruitless relationship.

But he really can't let go, he just loves her, what should he do?

Afterwards, she shifted her gaze to Bai Lingxuan again, and spoke to her in a friendly manner for the first time, "Since you are pregnant, change your temper, and stop bluffing in the future."

"You, you?" Bai Lingxuan probably didn't expect her to be so calm, she was a little dumbfounded for a while.

Then, when the two of them were in a daze, she explained again, "I'm outside, call me if you need anything."

It's over, she and Bai Lingxuan don't want to fight anymore, isn't it because of Mu Ziqing, in fact, she never loved him, it was Bai Lingxuan who hated the wrong person!

However, things didn't go as smoothly as she thought. Before Bai Xiaoyou walked out of the ward, she heard Bai Lingxuan's dissatisfied voice from behind.

"Bai Xiaoyou, don't act like you don't care about anything, don't think I don't know what you're thinking."

When Bai Xiaoyou heard Bai Lingxuan's words, she felt dizzy, and didn't stop too much because of her words, and muttered to herself, "It's unreasonable!"

"Bai Lingxuan, have you had enough trouble, why don't you hurry up and stay in your own ward, I'm going to rest." Following Bai Xiaoyou's departure, Mu Ziqing's heart became more sour, and she couldn't help but feel confused towards Bai Lingxuan .

"Ziqing, I..." Bai Lingxuan felt a sense of frustration in her heart, and she hesitated to speak, which made Mu Ziqing even more irritable.

Why isn't Bai Xiaoyou angry? She just wants to provoke that bitch, but...

Mu Ziqing was lying on the hospital bed unable to move. She was really tired after going through so much. Enduring the pain in her body, she waved her hand impatiently to Bai Lingxuan, "Okay, let me think about it."

For Bai Xiaoyou, he became like this. Now he wants to chase her out and explain to her, but he can't do anything. He can only watch the woman he loves leave. At this moment, he can't help feeling a little regretful. turn back?


After Mu Changxuan argued with Bai Xiaoyou that day, the two had no contact these days.

Su Rong came to him more than once to ask him to cancel his engagement with Ye Min. Sometimes Mu Changxuan even wondered if all the people were so thick-skinned that they didn't treat him as their own son, but now they use their mother's His identity came to order him, which made him admire Su Rong's willpower.

Because of Su Rong's appearance, these days, childhood nightmares often haunt him, making him sleep restlessly every night, always waking up profusely in sweat, and then find that there is nothing beside him, which makes his heart once again... Hard as stone.

In the last few days, he simply didn't bother to sleep anymore, and worked all night and all night to investigate what happened to Su Rong back then.

(End of this chapter)

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