The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 405 But What I Want Is Not Your Apology

Chapter 405 But What I Want Is Not Your Apology (3)
In order to repay Su Rong, he bought the land where Pei Zifeng was buried at all costs. He told Su Rong that he would build a villa there, and let Su Rong live in it, enjoying the joy of his beloved man being trampled on every day. taste.

The woman bit her lips tightly, and the originally delicate red lips turned white instantly after being bitten by her like this.

She swore that this was the most embarrassing day in her life, and it was also the saddest day. When she learned that this was the surprise that Mu Changxuan gave her, she was really shocked.She always thought that Mu Changxuan would not know about what happened back then, so she didn't pay attention to it. Now that Mu Changxuan took advantage of this loophole, she really can only blame her for not taking precautions.

She hasn't seen her for so many years, she really didn't expect that her son would become so powerful one day, she thought he was purely the heir of the Mu family, and all the glory came from the Mu family, she never expected, so many years He has been expanding his power all the time, so much so that she has nowhere to retreat, so she can only lower her face and beg him!
"He's my friend, I can't just watch his bones disappear!" Su Rong wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and said this sentence in a high-sounding way, as if it was really a good reason for Mu Changxuan to stop buying the cemetery.

The man's stern face was tense. Seeing her return to her usual glamorous makeup, the iceberg's face became even colder, comparable to ice sculptures in winter, and then said with a mocking smile, "Miss Su , do you think we are familiar?"

Su Rong's complexion turned blue and purple because of Mu Changxuan's words, and an unspeakable sourness surged in her heart, which strongly hit her heart. Scenes of the past emerged before her eyes, so clearly, after so many years , She wants to forget, but she can't forget it.

It's no wonder that he hates himself so much. She almost killed him back then, but now that she thinks about it, she can't help but feel heartbroken!

But now, in order to avenge her, he is desperate to hurt her, is it because of what happened back then?

Thinking back to the past, Su Rong bit her red lips and admitted her relationship with Mu Changxuan for the first time, "Mu Changxuan, I am you... your mother!"

For so many years, she had never said it, but today, she wanted him to show him the last trace of affection for her own sake.

As soon as these words came out, Bai Xiaoyou, who was eavesdropping outside the door, widened her eyes and opened her small mouth into an "O" shape. In order not to let herself cry out in surprise, she covered her mouth with her hands and continued to listen. With this earth-shattering news.

It turns out that Mu Changxuan's mother is back!Earlier, she heard someone mention that Mu Changxuan's mother had been abroad, and she never asked about it.Looking at the situation now, it seems that the relationship between him and his mother is not very ideal.

Mu Changxuan narrowed his eyes slightly, seeing her still beautiful and indifferent face, suddenly smiled...

"Miss Su, no one with the slightest sense of shame would say that. Do you think you are qualified? Haha... I'll tell you today, I'm going to reserve that cemetery, and you just wait to see the bones of the man you love Wucun, there will be no peace until death!"

Ah!She actually has the face to admit it, to say such a thing, Mom?Does he have it?What a heavy word, does he have the heart to bear it? That word means responsibility and love, but what has she done?
Just wait, he will let her taste the heartache, that kind of helplessness, the helplessness of being framed by people around her, what kind of pain...

That kind of pain is like the flesh on the body being cut off piece by piece, and then a handful of salt is sprinkled on the wound until the flesh of the whole body is completely festered, and finally people trample under the feet.

(End of this chapter)

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