The president's ex-husband is not easy to mess with

Chapter 438 You Said You Would Compensate Me

Chapter 438 You Said You Would Compensate Me (4)
Mu Yichuan sighed, and continued to plead, "Is it easy for me after so many years, can't you think about me?"

"Mu Yichuan, don't forget, she is for other men, do you understand other men?" Mu Changxuan suddenly roared at him excitedly, his black eyes were so angry that they could spew out flames.

Is it worth it for a woman you don't love?Suddenly, Bai Xiaoyou's beautiful face flashed in his mind, and his heart softened, as long as he thought of her, his emotions would be inexplicably stable.

Is it worth it?If he was asked to answer this question, he would also say that it was worth it, because he loves Bai Xiaoyou, and whether she is willing or not, he will never let her escape in this life.

"I don't care, as long as she is by my side, everything is fine." Mu Yichuan answered without any hesitation, the love in his eyes was so clear, showing his deep love for Su Rong.

I thought Mu Changxuan would change his mind, but not long after, his cold voice came again, "You're dreaming! Once I make up my mind, I won't let go. Don't you know my character for so many years?"

He will never forget what Su Rong has done, and in this life, he will definitely make her regret it!

Silence, deathly silence, made the already oppressive atmosphere even more gloomy.

Mu Yichuan seemed to be helpless, and after a while, he said sharply, "What about Bai Xiaoyou, do you love her as much as I love your mother?"

This is his last trump card.The solution that Mu Yichuan thought of was Bai Xiaoyou, as long as he threatened Mu Changxuan with that woman, would he still be afraid that he would not submit obediently?

He knew about Mu Changxuan's power, but who was he? If he hadn't withdrawn from the competition at the last moment, Mu Changxuan would never have gotten the land so quickly.

To put it simply, he is not interested in that piece of land. All he wants is for Su Rong and Mu Changxuan to get along in harmony and stay by his side. All of this can only be done from Bai Xiaoyou.

It is easy for Mu Yichuan to kill a woman. It is impossible for Mu Changxuan to stay by her side 24 hours a day. He always has a chance to make a move.

If Mu Changxuan doesn't agree to give up that piece of land, he will let Bai Xiaoyou die without a place to bury him, and make him suffer for the rest of his life!

This is his threat to his son!

"What do you mean?" After hearing this, Mu Changxuan's gloomy eyes shot out a touch of ruthlessness.

Of course he understood what Mu Yichuan said, asking this question was just to give him a warning, and he would never give up.

"Do you want her to be at peace?"

Mu Changxuan's eyes were full of killing intent, his hands clenched into fists, and he warned coldly, "Mu Yichuan, if you dare to touch her, I will kill you with my own hands!"

"Besides your mother, what else do you think can threaten me?"

Life?At this age, does he still care? If he can't let their mother and son return to his side this time, he would rather die!
"what on earth do you want?"

"I said, give up the competition for that piece of land, forgive your mother in the future, and listen to her carefully, we are a family of three..."

Before he finished speaking, Mu Changxuan got up suddenly, gave him a cold look, and strode away.

He is very busy and has no time to listen to his rambunctious chatter here.Ah!How nice to say, a family of three, he has been alone since he was a child, how can he have parents?
In fact, Mu Changxuan didn't hate Mu Yichuan before, if it wasn't for Mu Yichuan bothering Bai Xiaoyou, he wouldn't be so aggressive today.

At this moment, he has nothing but Bai Xiaoyou. Without her in this life, everything is useless!

(End of this chapter)

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