Chapter 460 Paranoid revenge (1)
In the middle of the night, the cold wind became more bitter, and the fine rain drifted down from the sky. Under the illumination of the street lamps, it looked like a layer of tulle, beautiful and romantic.

The man's tall body stood on the balcony with his hands behind his back, a pair of eyes that were deeper than the night with a cool chill, and his knife-like face was full of anxiety and worry.

The occasional cold wind, bitingly cold, hit his icy face, mercilessly penetrated into his neck, the cold touch, like a sharp knife, pierced his heart fiercely, heartache almost fainted.

But he still stood there like a statue, exuding a natural domineering aura all over his body.But in the end, the sadness in his eyes couldn't be concealed, and he looked straight ahead, as if he was expecting something.

Where will she be?The front is hazy, just like his state of mind, there is no clue, and he is confused!
It's raining and the weather is getting colder. Will she freeze?She must be terrified if she is timid, will those people use violence against her?
All the guesses made his expression tense, his face darker and colder, his big hands were behind his back, clenched tightly together, and his pair of dark eyes burst out with the most ruthless killing spirit, as if he wanted to kill everyone. Everything was destroyed, and the whole person was almost driven crazy!
After sending Lin Yifei and Cheng Peige away, they still couldn't find any clues.He really couldn't bear the fact that Bai Xiaoyou disappeared suddenly, so he rushed out like crazy, drove the car on the street, and after a few laps, not only did not relieve the pressure and pain in his heart, but made him even more exhausted and chilled.

At this moment, Mu Changxuan's face was so gloomy that he was about to bleed, and his heart was even more terrified. Why didn't he even give him a breakthrough? What should he do?
Always shrewd and wise, he has never been so helpless!The tall figure stood motionless on the balcony, the pain and loneliness in his eyes were so obvious, it was extremely inconsistent with the indifferent and ruthless him in the past.

Mu Changxuan can now be sure that the people who kidnapped Bai Xiaoyou were not Mu Yichuan and Su Rong. He has been investigating this matter since he came out of Du's house, and finally he ruled out their suspicion.

Who exactly?If it wasn't for them, would it be a coincidence that they met the real kidnappers purely for the purpose of robbing money?But after so long, he has never received a blackmail call...

The fine rain, falling to the ground against the backdrop of the street lamps, was reflected in a pair of cold eyes, like scattered gold scattered all over the ground, just like his broken heart.

If there is no news of her before dawn, he will go crazy!
If it weren't for Bai Yuchen's sudden visit, Mu Changxuan would have stood alone on the balcony all night.Thinking of Bai Xiaoyou suffering outside, his heart throbbed. Only by enduring the cold wind like her could his heart be a little more balanced.

Bai Yuchen hadn't heard from Bai Xiaoyou for quite a while, so he called this afternoon to ask her out, but he couldn't get through.He had no choice but to look for Mu Changxuan, but what he got was the news of Bai Xiaoyou's disappearance.

The urgency in his heart, without a moment's delay, immediately went straight to Mu Changxuan's apartment. At this moment, he was not in the mood to worry about whether Mu Changxuan would wait to see him, and he was so focused on Bai Xiaoyou.

After receiving this news, he had already sent people to inquire around, but there was no clear clue, but on the way here, he thought of someone suspicious.

At this time, anyone who has been in contact with Bai Xiaoyou will be suspicious. Besides, that woman had an unpleasant relationship with Bai Xiaoyou in the Mu family. Xuan asked for proof.Mu Changxuan is the person involved, so he should be very clear about what happened before.

(End of this chapter)

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