Chapter 466 Paranoid revenge (7)
Bai Xiaoyou was turned to one side by the big head, and there was a burning pain on her face. Her long black hair was messy, which just covered her slightly swollen face.

Her eyes were sore, but she couldn't cry, the more she cried, the more excited Ye Min would be, because at this time Ye Min was a lunatic!
"If you say I'm watery, are you pure? You don't even let your niece and daughter-in-law go. What if you say this news is exposed to the media?" Ye Min suddenly reached out and grabbed Bai Xiaoyou's hair, letting her She was forced to face herself.

"Isn't it amazing, Toutiao, the cliff will make you unforgettable forever, haha!" After she finished speaking, she raised her hand again, standing where she was and laughing wildly.

Bai Xiaoyou couldn't guard against it, Ye Min was too forceful, the moment she let go of Bai Xiaoyou, the back of Bai Xiaoyou's head collided violently with the wall.

At this moment, Bai Xiaoyou felt dizzy, her eyes stared like stars, and the pain in her body almost numb her whole body.

"You?" She murmured a word, leaning against the wall weakly, her eyes full of despair.

She can't hold on anymore, what should I do?
"Save some strength for me, or it won't be fun at night if you can't stand it!" Ye Min kicked Bai Xiaoyou's limp body with his feet, and looked at her viciously.

Bai Xiaoyou gritted her teeth, endured the discomfort in her body, held on to the last hope, and said softly, "How about we make a deal?"

"What?" Ye Min's eyes lit up, and he looked at her with a trace of complicated emotions.

"As long let me go, I'll help you solve the news that is not good for you."

After hearing her condition, Ye Min gave her a disdainful glance, and said mockingly, "Just you? Heh! So what if it's resolved, this matter has become a fact, even if it is clarified, how many people are willing to believe that I am Are you really innocent?"

"If you do this it will only make you more..."

Having said that, Ye Min didn't give her another chance, and told the men waiting outside, "There are too many words, let her save her energy, and find a few more people to serve her at night."

"Uh, uh..." Then, Bai Xiaoyou's mouth was held down again, his eyes darkened, and he passed out again.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Mu Changxuan's tall figure was still standing on the balcony, his eyes were staring blankly at the drizzle outside, and his heart became more and more restless. Behind him were the subordinates sent out in the morning. Seeing him coming back, Mu Changxuan A ray of hope welled up in Xuan's black eyes, he turned around and asked urgently.

"Sixth Master, Jiang Yiling doesn't have any big problems. The key point is that she has met Ye Min several times these days." The subordinate reported out of breath.

Hearing this, that stern face turned blue and purple, and his cold eyes were full of ruthlessness, and he said coldly, "Ye Min? Why did I forget her, bitch, if it's her, I must let her She would rather die than live."

"It's not surprising to say that we met once. The key is that Jiang Yiling and Ye Min only met recently and they have a close relationship."

"I just adjusted the traffic monitoring in city A. There are always different vehicles parked near the apartment these days. Before the lady disappeared, a very inconspicuous black car appeared near the coffee shop. When this car left It was about the same time as the time when Madam disappeared, but the strange thing is that there is no picture of Madam being kidnapped into the car on the surveillance. We estimate that the criminals may be afraid of being discovered, so they got Madam into the car and kidnapped Madam while avoiding the surveillance area."

"Then what are you waiting for, hurry up and investigate the whereabouts of this car!" Mu Changxuan yelled angrily, his heart clenched into a ball, and after shouting, he rushed out immediately, wanting to witness it himself.

"I have ordered people to do it, and there should be results soon." The subordinate followed his pace and reported to him behind him.

Suddenly, Mu Changxuan seemed to think of something, frowned, stopped, and instructed his subordinates again, "Also, immediately release the news to the media that Bai Xiaoyou was my ex-wife three years ago!"

"Okay, I'll do it right away!"

(End of this chapter)

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